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姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________


一、 单选题 (共12题;共24分)

1. (2分) Mum, I have a fever, do I need to _____? A . go shopping B . see a doctor C . go to a park D . go out

2. (2分) I'm my grandmother tomorrow. A . visited B . going to visit C . visit

3. (2分) I'm going ______ a tree tomorrow. A . plant B . to plant C . plants

4. (2分) We ______have a football match tomorrow. A . are going B . are go to C . are going to

5. (2分) (2015·深圳模拟) Daming and Simon ____ to America next year. A . goes B . are going C . went D . go

6. (2分) (2013·聊城模拟) There a birthday party tomorrow. A . has

B . is going to have C . will have

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D . will be

7. (2分) (2013·聊城模拟) Tomorrow Tim and Anne will ____to the zoo. A . going B . goes C . go

8. (2分) (2013·聊城模拟) — your father you to the park tomorrow? —Yes, tomorrow is Sunday. A . Do, take B . Did, take C . Will, take

9. (2分) (2018·北京模拟) My bike is not here. Will you _________ yours _________me? A . borrow; to B . borrow; from C . lend; from D . lend; to

10. (2分) (2007·广州模拟) If you _________ work hard, you _________ pass the exam. A . won't, won't B . won't, can't C . don't, don't D . don't, won't

11. (2分) (2016·高邮模拟) There __________ a sports meeting in the playground next Monday. A . is going to have B . will have C . is going to be

12. (2分) We are going to have a farewell party,I a song at the party. A . will sing B . sing C . sang

二、 填空题 (共12题;共14分)

13. (1分) — ________ (who) eraser is that? —It's ________ (Amy) eraser.

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14. (1分)

I often ________ with my mother on Sundays. 15. (1分) 例句: I'm eating hamburgers at dinner. 米饭________

16. (1分) A: What happened to you? B: I had a c________. 17. (1分) 看图,仿照例子用过去时态完成句子 例句: The birds sang songs.

(1) We ________ there ________ ________.

(2) The children ________ ________ ________ last Sunday.

(3) They ________ and ________.

(4) They ________ ________ yesterday.

18. (1分) (2016·广州模拟) They ________(plant) trees tomorrow.

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