考试科目:《大学英语(三)》第 章至第 章(总分100分) __________学习中心(教学点) 批次: 层次: 专业: 学号: 身份证号: 姓名: 得分:
一 完形填空 (共1题 ,总分值20分 )
1. We got up early this morning and __1 __ a long walk after breakfast. We walked __2
__ the business section of the city. I told you yesterday that the city __3 __ larger than I thought it would be. Well, the business section is smaller than I thought it would be. I suppose that's __4 __ Washington is a special kind of city. __5__ of the people in Washington work for the government. About 9:30 we went to the White House. It's __6 __ the public from 10 __7 __ 12, and there was a long line of people __8 __ to get in. We didn't have to wait very long, because the line moved pretty quickly. The White House is really white. It __9 __ every year. And it seems very white, because it's got beautiful lawns __10 __ around it, with many trees and shrubs. The grounds __11 __ about four square blocks. I mean, they're about two blocks long __12__ each side. Of course, we didn't see the whole building. The part __13 __ the President lives and works is not open to the public. But the part we saw was beautiful. We went through five of the main rooms. One of __14 __ was the library, on the ground floor. On the next floor, there are three rooms named __15 __ the colors that are used in them: the Red Room, the Blue Room, and the Green Room. The walls are covered with silk __16 __. There are __17 __ old furniture, from the time __18 __ the White House was __19 __ built. And everywhere there are paintings and statues of former presidents and __20 __ famous people from history. (20 分)
第1 页 /共 14页
(1). (1 分) A. made (2). (1 分) A. among (3). (1 分) A. was (4). (1 分) A. reason (5). (1 分) A. Amounts (6). (1 分) A. open to (7). (1 分) A. near (8). (1 分) A. waited (9). (1 分) A. was painted(10). (1 分) A. all (11). (1 分) A. cover (12). (1 分) A. about (13). (1 分) A. that (14). (1 分) A. that (15). (1 分)
B. took C. did B. through C. between B. is C. has been B. for C. because B. Much C. A great dealB. opened to C. open fo B. since C. towards B. wait C. waiting B. has painted C. is painted B. whole C. every B. make C. cost B. on C. in B. which C. where B. their C. it 第2 页 /共 14页
D. set
D. upon
D. should be
D. since
D. Most
D. opened for D. till
D. to wait
D. paints
D. each
D. spend
D. for
D. what
D. them
A. for (16). (1 分) A. cloth (17). (1 分) A. many pieces of (18). (1 分) A. which (19). (1 分) A. firstly (20). (1 分) A. the other
B. by C. with D. after
B. clothes C. clothing D. dressing
B. many bits of C. a great many D. many a
B. that C. when D. where
B. first C. at first D. early
B. other C. others D. another
二 阅读理解 (共3题 ,总分值30分 )
2. Nonverbal (非语言的) communication has to do with gestures, movements and closeness
of two people when they are talking. The scientists say that those gestures, movements and so on have meaning which words do not carry.
For example, the body distance between two speakers can be important. North Americans often complain that South Americans are unfriendly because they tend to stand close to the North American when speaking, while the South American often considers the North American to be “cold” or “distant” because he keeps a greater distance between himself and the person he is speaking to . The “eye contact” provides another example of what we are calling nonverbal communication. Scientists have observed that there is more eye contact between people who like each other than there is between people who don’t like each other. The length of time that the person whom you are speaking to looks at your eyes indicates the amount of interest he has in the things you are talking about.
On the other hand, too long a gaze can make people uncomfortable. The eyes apparently play a great part in nonverbal communication. Genuine warmth or interest, shyness or confidence can often be seen in the eyes. We do not always consider a smile to be a sign of friendliness. Someone who is always smiling, and with little apparent reasons, often makes us uneasy. (10 分)
第3 页 /共 14页