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Revised by BETTY on December 25,2020

香港朗文英语 LWTE 2B Ch5 & 6单元练习

班级 学号 姓名 得分_________

Part I Listening 听力部分 (50%)

I. Listen and choose the words you hear. 听一听,选择你所听到的单词。(10%) 1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5.( ) 6.( ) 7.( ) 8.( ) 9.( )

A. flour A. rode A. clap

A. Ron A. Friday A. sandwich A. cage A. food A. cut

B. flower B. ride B. club B. wrong B. fries B. Saturday B. care B. friend B. cake B. chess

C. floor C. rod C. chips C. on

C. find

C. strawberry C. cake C. free C. cute C. cheese

10.( ) A. Cherry

II. Listen and tick. 听音,打√。 (5%)

1. 2.

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) 4. ( ) ( )

( ) ( )

III. Listen and circle the words you hear. 听音,圈出你所听到的单词。(5%)

1. Juice Cheese

2. take tack

3. tope top

4. ban bang 5. tun tune

IV. Listen and choose the correct answers. 听一听,选出正确的答句。(5%) ( ) 1. A. It's?hot.

B. Ilikesweet.

( ) 2. A. It’s time to have a B. It’s time to have C. It’s time to go to shower.

( ) 3. A. Yes, I?do. ( ) 4. A. Two pupils.


B. No, I don’t.


C. Yes, she does. C. It’s sour.

B. He waters the C. I set the table. plants.

( ) 5. A. She likes playing B. tennis.

She likes C. I like running.


V. Listen and circle the correct days. 听一听,圈一圈。(5%)

1. Monday Tuesday Friday 2. Tuesday Friday Sunday 3. Wednesday Monday Sunday 4. Wednesday Thursday Friday 5. Tuesday Saturday Wednesday VI. Listen and number. 听音,标号。(8%)

VII. Listen and write the numbers. 听音,在括号内填入相应的阿拉伯数字。(12%)1. sweep the floor ( ) 2. tidy the living room ( ) 3. make the bed ( )

4. water the plants ( ) 5. wash the dishes ( ) 6. set the table ( )

Part II Listening 笔试部分 (50%)

I. Look write the words.看图片,选择合适的字母序号填入括号内。(8%)

A. draw B. make a model C. play chess D. paint E. set the table F. tidy the living room G. wash the dishes H. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) sweep the floor ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

II. Reorder the sentences. 连词成句。(4%)

1. do doing you What like Mary ( , ) 2. Beeno do Sunday does on What ( )

III. Choose the best answers. 选择最佳答案。(13%) ( )1.What ____ the teachers do on Friday?

A. does B. go C.do ( )2.Wouldyou____________joinus A.like B.likesto C.liketo

( )3.________careful.Youmust________thatcat. A.Be…tostop B.Am…stopping C.Be…stop

( )4.Idon’t _____ anything on Saturday.

A.does B. like C. do

( )5.Iplay tennis _____aracket____atennis ball.

A.for…or B.with…or C.with…and

( )6.OnSundayhejust__________tosleep.

A.wants B.towant C.want

( )7. I have a ruler, it is_________.

A. round B. oval C. square

( )8.

What _____ she_____ doing

A.is; like B. do; likes C. does; like

( )9.LilyandEric____thedogintheafternoon.

A.feed B.feeds C.eats

( )10.

---____Katetidyherroom ---No, she doesn't. A.

What does B. Does? C.Howdo

( )11. I need _______ orange juice. I am very thirsty. A. a B. an C. some

( )12. -- What does Amy like doing? --- She likes _________ a plane.

A. makeing B. make C. making

( )13. Sally likes playing badminton _____ she doesn’t like dancing.

A. and B. but C. or IV. Fill the blanks. 用正确的词填空。(10%) do does don’t doesn’t like 1. A: _____ you ______ playing volleyball

B: No, I _______.

2. A: _______ Cherry _______ playing volleyball

B: No, she _____________. at on to in 3. It'stime_______getupandwashyourface. 4. My mother’s a nurse. She goes to work _______ half past nine. 5. Idon’thavebreakfast_______Sunday.

6. I do my homework _________ the evening.

V. Read and tick and cross. 读图判断对错。(5%) Tom Joe Kitty Ben Jenny × √ √ × √ × × √ × √ × Charlie √ ( ) 1. Joe doesn’t like playing chess. ( ) 2. Kitty likes playing tennis. ( ) 3. Ben doesn’t like playing chess. ( ) 4. Jenny likes swimming. ( ) 5. Charlie doesn’t like playing badminton. VI. Read and choose. 阅读理解,选择合适答案。(10%)

Hello, boys and girls. My name is Jerry. I like doing sports very much. Now I want to tell you my favourite game. I always playing it with some friends on Sundays, and there are ten people in my team. We play with a oval ball, and it is very big. In the game, I can carry the ball, and I can throw or kick it too. I’m not very tall, but I’m strong, so I’m good at playing it. Do you know what game is it?

( ) 1. There are __________ people in Jerry’s team.

A. five B. twelve C. ten D. two

( ) 2. Jerry plays with a ________ ball.

A. small, round B. small, white C. big, oval D. big, round.

( ) 3. Jerry can ________ the ball. (此题多选)

A. carry B. kick C. bounce D. throw

( ) 4. Who is Jerry?

A B C D ( ) 5. The game is __________.

A. rugby B. basketball C. volleyball D. tennis



