History of Britain - timeline and facts
Woodlands Junior School is in the south-east corner of EnglandTimeline of the Kings and Queens
History of London
History of the Union Flag
Thousands of years ago, Great Britain was joined to Europe and
was covered with ice. About 15,000 years ago, the weather became warmer. The ice melted and the sea level rose. Great Britain became an island about 8000 years ago.
Celtic people called Britons settles in Britain. They were
warriors and farmers who were skilled metal workers. They built villages and hill forts, and used iron weapons and tools. Celts called Gaels lived in Ireland. Prehistoric Britain BC Viking Britain
Roman Britain 43 AD
793Medieval Britain
Georgian Britain1714
1902 +
King and Queens of England
Romans Saxons Vikings Normans Tudors Victorians
WW ll
Anglo Saxon Britain 450Tudor Britain
Stuart Britain 1603
Modern Britain
Victorian Britain1837
43 450 793 1066 1485 1837 1939
Prehistoric Britain
The first men and women came to Britain over two and a half million years ago. They were hunters and gatherers of food who used simple stone tools and weapons. BC
500,000People migrate to Britain from Europe.
The land bridge joining Britain to Europe is flooded as the sea level rises. Britain becomes an Island.
New Stone Age begins: farming people arrive from Europe.
First stone circles erected. Bronze Age begins
People learn to make bronze weapons and tools Stonehenge completed
Trade routes begin to form Small Villages are first formed
Iron Agebegins: iron replaces bronze as most useful metal.
Population about 150,000.
The Celtic people arrive from Central Europe.
The Celts were farmers and lived in small
village groups in the centre of their arable fields. They were also warlike people. The Celts fought against the people of Britain and other Celtic tribes.
WW ll
Romans Saxons Vikings Normans Tudors Victorians
43 450 793 1066 1485 1837 1939
Roman Britain
The Romans were the first to invade us and came to Britain nearly 2000 years ago. They changed our country. The Roman Empire made its mark on Britain, and even today, the ruins of Roman buildings, forts, roads, and baths can be found all over Britain.
Britain was part of the Roman Empire for almost 400 years! By the time the Roman armies left around 410 AD, they had
established medical practice, a language of administration law and had created great public buildings and roads. Many English words are derived from the latin language of the Romans.
Click here to find out more about the Romans in Britain.
55 Julius Caesar heads first Roman BCInvasion but later withdraws 44 BC
Romans invade and Britain becomes
part of the Roman Empire50London Founded
Boadicea leads the Iceni in revolt 61
against the Romans 70Romans conquer
Wales and the North
The Emperor
Hadrian is born
The Colosseum 80
of Rome Jesus 30
Crucified Julius Caesar 44
is murdered in BC
2 - Emperor Hadrian builds a wall on the 12Scottish Border 8
Romans conquer 0
20St Alban becomes the 1st Christian 9martyr
30Constantine the Great declared 6Emperor at York
The Picts and Scots attack the border 0
40The Romans withdraw from Britain:
1 - Anglo Saxons migrants begin to Settle 410
Click here for Information on the Romans
Romans Saxons Vikings Normans Tudors Victorians
WW ll
43 450 793 1066 1485 1837 1939
Anglo-Saxon Britain
The Roman army left Britain about AD 410. When they had gone there was no strong army to defend Britain, and tribes called the Angle, Saxon, and Jute (the Anglo-Saxons) invaded. They left their homelands in northern Germany, Denmark and northern Holland and rowed across the North Sea in wooden boats.
The Anglo-Saxons ruled most of Britain but never conquered
Cornwall in the south-west, Wales in the west, or Scotland in the north. They divided the country into kingdoms.
Missionaries from Roman spread Christianity across southern Britain.
Read more about the Saxons on our Homework Help pages 450 - Invasion of the Jutes from Jutland, Angles from South 750of Denmark and Saxons from Germany.
Britain is divided up into the Seven Kingdoms of Northumbria, Mercia, Wessex, Essex, Sussex and Kent. 450460510597
Saxons Hengist and Horsa settle in Kent. St Patrick returns to convert Ireland
The Battle of Mount Badon: British victory over the Saxons
St Augustine brings Christianity to Britain from Rome and becomes Archbishop of Canterbury Northumbria becomes the Supreme Kingdom Mercia becomes the Supreme Kingdom and King Offa builds a Dyke along the Welsh Border