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sonnet 18 shall i compare thee to a summer’s day? thou art more lovely and more temperate: rough winds do shake the darling buds of may, and summer’s lease hath all too short a date: sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines and often is his gold complexion dimmed: and every fair from fair

sometimes declines, by chance or nature’s changing course untrimmed. but thy eternal summer shall not fade, nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’st; nor shall death brag thou wander’st in his shade, when in eternal lines to time thou grow’st: so long as men can breathe, or eyes can see, so long lives this, and this gives life to thee. 我能把你比作夏日吗? 尽管你更可爱、更温和; 夏日的狂风可能会摧残五 月的花儿,季节的限制又减少了可拥有的日光; 天空的巨眼有时过于灼热, 常 使自身的辉煌无故湮没; 每一种美都会消逝, 不管愿意或是无奈; 然而你这盛 夏将永存不朽, 连你所有的美都不会褪去; 死神不忍逼近, 生命只会长存; 只 要人类能呼吸,能看见; 我的诗就会存在,而你的生命也会延续。please tell what is said in the short story of john steinbeck’s “the chrysanthemums”. elisa allen and her husband henry live peacefully on their farm. when elisa is busy with her chrysanthemums in the garden, a tinker passes by and asks for work .she refused directly. later when the man enquires about her chrysanthemums and asks for some “seeds” to bring to“ a lady”, elisa gets emotional and finds him two pots to mend. the tinker drives away with fifty cents and the cuttings . when riding on the road with her husband, elisa sees the chrysanthemum shoots she sent to the lady thrown on the road. she is dismayed and cries sadly .


geoffreychaucer canterburytales talesdescribed? setting,could you predict generaltone tales?early spring. general tone: happy, easy, lively, humorous. knightdisplays many traits which make him seem almost too good truegentleman

rarelyexists knightholds four main admirable traits, making him mostliked traveler canterburytales, alsoamplying hisrealism. from charactersimpressive introduction,

mostvalued honorabletraveler among perfectgentleman holds people.first foremost,he believes alwaysstays true itsprinciples. he also feels oneshould honest,truthful faithful,which many people knightthinks one should only do what gainhim honor characteralso believes generositytowards all, idealrepeatedly throughout knightalso strongly feels anyproper person should display courtesy alltimes. another aspect characterslife which makes him seem too prestigious hisimpressive military career. he fought holywar, knightobviously held veryrespectable

reputation, muchhonor respect.he perfectgentleman, showing kindness everyonehe came extremelywell-mannered, always being hisbest behavior. his appearance finishingtouch, adding honor hiscourageous gentlespirit. maincharacter clothedstill hisarmor, wearing harshcloth hiscoat rust-stained,clearly showing remaining signs pastbattles. shakespeare hamlet p8

sleepso frightening, according hamlet,since can“end”

thousandnatural shocks”? nobody can predict what he afterhe falls asleep. death means life,you may go unknownworld youcan’t comeback,. hedies, hamlets cant realize his

though―sleep‖ can end thousandnatural shocks, mind.hamlet didn’t know all.he possiblesuffering long―dream‖. he can’t predict what sleep,may goodmay whywould people rather bear all worldinstead choosingdeath getrid them,according hamlet?death somysterious nobodyknows what death us.maybe bitter sufferings, great pains, heartbreaking

stories…because people hold sameidea sweatunder wearylife, somethingafter death-the undiscover’d country, form whose bourn travelerreturns-puzzle makeus rather bear those ills we have than fly weknow peoplealso anotherworld after death. what,after all, makes people lose takeaction? please explain so-calledhesitation hamlet.conscience over-considerations.he wants doesn’tknow how. he wants killhis uncle, toorisky. he lives commitsuicide. however, he knows hedies, nobody comforthis father’s ghost. he greatdilemma. don’tknow

resultafter hamlet,he doesn’t know what would happen hekills his uncle killshimself sohamlet hesitated.sonnet 18 p13

howdoes poetanswer questionhe puts forth firstline? (page 14) poetopens beloved,shall comparethee summersday?

comparing―thee‖ summertime timewhen blooming,trees generallyconsidered enjoyabletime during followingeleven

lines alsodedicated similarcomparisons between summerdays. speakerexplains what mainly separates youngwoman from summersday: she morelovely moretemperate. (line

summerdays sometimesshaken roughwinds (line3) which happens woman.however poetgives feelingagain

summermonths oftentoo short summerlease hath too short summerdays, heaven(line oftenshines too hot, toodim, his gold complexion dimmed (line everyfair from fair sometime declines. (line finalportion sonnettells how beloveddiffers from

variousaspects. her beauty lastsforever, thy eternal summer shall fade.(line neverend lasttwo lines, poetexplains how belovedsbeauty everlastinglife unlike summer days.

becauseher beauty keptalive poem,which lastforever. mencan breathe eyescan see. (line 13) simplestatement praiseabout belovedwoman perhapssummer sometimestoo unpleasant

goalong alwaysmild hernature alllike poetstarts sogreat

liveforever sogreat evengo solong menbreathe, eyescan see, so long lives giveslife thee.‖(line13、14) whatmakes poetthink “thou”can morebeautiful than summer verybeginning,

poetputs forth question:―shall comparethee summer’sday?‖ hegives answer:―thou art more lovely moretemperate.‖

onehand, ―rough winds do shake darlingbuds summer’slease hath all too short otherhand, ―sometime too hot heavenshines, hisgold complexion dimmed.‖ so from abovetwo aspects poetthinks ―thou‖can morebeautiful than summer. everyfair from fair sometime declines, nature’schanging course

untrimmed.‖ compared thyeternal summer shall fade,nor lose possession fairthou ow’st, nor shall death brag thou wand’rest hisshade, when eternallines timesthou grow’st.‖ therefore, poetdraws conclusion:―so long mencan breathe eyescan see, so long lives giveslife poetmakes ―thou‖ more beautiful than summer immortalbecause hisbeautiful lines. so case,―thou‖ poemcan femalebecause love can beauty eternal. ―thou‖can friendshipcan make beauty everlasting. even ―thou‖ abstract―love‖ ―beauty‖which becomeeternal

wonderfulpoem. francis bacon singlelife p17 one’scareer

development? singlelife, bacon prefers marriage singlelife. he thinks ―unmarried men bestfriends; best masters; best servants; alwaysbest subjects; runaway; almostall fugitives condition‖,―wives youngmen’s mistresses; companions

middleage; oldmen’s nurses‖. sayhis words can still truetoday; hisback, though many young people now choose remainsingle matermale since―3s ladies‖ ―overleftladies‖ become

catchword, femaleseems more terrible. maybe because women getold men30 goldages careerdevelopment. mainreasons 3sladies, some highstandard husband;some furtherstudying. men,maybe business;maybe toobad wecan see all presentmarriage. even though some say ―marriage yetsupport marriage. marriage familymake people more responsible loving,make deeper love between spouses

makelife more colorful. mostprecious giftsgiven man,which should highlytreasured. family let manlearn wholeunit. he has takegood care hiswife son,love them, them,all women.all anyone’scareer. when you work back home, wife you,son warmheart you.spouses help each other supporteach other;

family soul.thus one’scareer development. 2.certainly, wife humanity”。妻子儿女显然是人性的一种纪律约束 bachelor’s单身 life focus himself,so he feasthis eyes without hesitation.

what’s more, he anyrisks makehim feel exciting beingfree from any burden. however, marriedman always tends thinktwice before making importantdecision preventbringing any harm hisfamily. he should have workhard fulfillwife

children’sexpectation.as result,family let manlearn wholeunit. he has takegood care hiswife son,love them, the.aloving husband qualifiedfather can contribute greatestmerit

largeextent. 人的感情会移位,结婚的人对人生的态度肯定与单身之时不一样。有孩子的人更因 为对孩子的爱迁移到芸芸众生身上。结婚意味着两个人的结合,不论肉体还是精神。

在无形中把不相干的两个人熔铸成合体的一个人,对对方的关心和照顾如同自己, 对对方的牵挂那是牵肠挂肚。婚姻也让两个人变得更有责任感,感情更加丰富,对 社会将会产生奇异的变化,对人生的探索产生深远的影响。单身是自由的,没有婚 姻的束缚,没有孩子的牵绊,享受生命的存在,享受一个人的独处.当孤独来临时单 身的人会去找人生的知己,会碰到与之共度人生的另一半,于是便有了婚姻。

baconprefers marriage singlelife. do you find his arguments convincing? yes. thinkbacon’s arguments demonstrationprocess, bacon uses methodcomparison singlelife tellus marriage betterthan single life. taking sentence―wives youngmen’s mistresses, companions middleage, oldmen’s nurses‖

quiteconvincing reasonable.marriage can bring happiness ecstasywhen people pursue marriage

youngman, onehand, wifeneeds his care goodgraces. manshould pay much attention giveher special love. otherhand, women alwaysolder than men according mentalages. so, wives moremature than her husband shecould make many decisions whywives youngmen’s mistresses. when hismiddle age, he needs his wife helphim familylife. middle-agedman suffers great pressure hewants his wife

familytogether. also, he could confide his troubles hiswife. so, middleage. when mangrows older, his body sostrong like before. so, he needs his wife takecare oldman alwayslike heneeds special

attention from his wife. so, according reasonsmentioned above, alwaysnecessary wifealways plays important irreplaceablerole man’slife. conclusionaccording bacon’slong—time observation

considerationtowards life. from my perspective, his arguments thinkhis arguments convincing.bacon’s basic idea bothindividual society.his analysis takenstep singleman thinks just singlelife can he make some great contributions singleperson only cares about himself, he doesn’t pay attention veryunwise. single life could also make hisfreedom. contrary,marriage makes responsible,tender, enthusiastic authorsaying: “wives youngmen’s mistresses, companions middleage, oldmen’s nurses”. young,wife talks about love him,when he comes middleage, wife always stay companion,when he becomes old, wife takecare himtill time.even though wifemarries badhusband, marriage offers goodchance

correctthemselves. wholeessay’s main point veryobvious, author tells from two aspects. firstly, he says how bad singleman. secondly, he tells beingmarried. each aspect has enough proof. bacon’speriod, his arguments may moreconvincing than nowadays. studiesp18 nowliving “informationexplosion”. what lessons can we learn from bacon’s




