础写作篇) 章节测试答案
第一章 单元测试 1、判断题:
Is this a complete sentence?Yesterday when I got off the school bus. 选项: A:对 B:错 答案: 【错】 2、判断题:
Is this a complete sentence?
My friend Sheila and I saw a brown toad hopping on the sidewalk. 选项: A:对 B:错 答案: 【对】 3、判断题:
Is this a complete sentence? Yelled and screamed when she saw it. 选项:
最新资料欢迎阅读 A:对 B:错 答案: 【错】 4、判断题:
Is this a complete sentence?
My friend Sheila, who is scared of all reptiles. 选项: A:对 B:错 答案: 【错】 5、判断题:
Is this a complete sentence?
I picked up the toad and looked closely at it. 选项: A:对 B:错 答案: 【对】 6、判断题:
Is this a complete sentence? Had dry, bumpy skin on its body. 选项: A:对
最新资料欢迎阅读 B:错 答案: 【错】 7、判断题:
Is this a complete sentence?
Shelia said,“I don't want to see that ugly toad!” 选项: A:对 B:错 答案: 【对】 8、判断题:
Is this a complete sentence?
Said,“Then close your eyes Sheila.” 选项: A:对 B:错 答案: 【错】 9、判断题:
Is this a complete sentence?Sheila was mad and she ran off. 选项: A:对 B:错 答案: 【对】