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英 语 学 科 备 课 教 案

Unit 1 let’s go to school.

1、指导学生能在真实的情境中理解、会说以下句子:Let's go to school. OK. Let's go. I have a new storybook. Can I see it? Sure. Here you are. What's in my bag? A Chinese book并能在现实生活中灵活运用这些语言,能听懂祈使句。




教学内容 lesson 1 授课时间: 教学目标 德育目标 Teaching aims 1、Enable the students to understand and say the sentences:Let's go to school. OK. Let's go. And use them in the real content. 2、Get the Ss to grasp three –skilled words:classroom、school 3、Learn to sing the song:Let's go to school 引导学生使用礼貌用语 Main points 教学重、难点 The key sentences:Let's …. The words:classroom、school、storybook、water bottle。difficult points Get the Ss to use the key sentences in the real content. 教具、课件 cards ,pictures,CAI 教 学 过 程 Teaching procedures I、Warm-up 1).学生听录音表演以前所学的chant和英文歌曲,用实物复习以前所学和对话。 2).教师与学生进行日常口语会话练习。 Hello/ Hi. Glad to meet you. Nice to see you again. How are you? II、Presentation 1).全班学生看本课动画教学片。 2).通过观看两遍教学片,让学生试着跟读Just speak部分的内容。 3).学生跟读,教师纠正部分单词的发音。 4).学生分组分角色朗读,做到最快、最清晰、最大声。 5).请部分学生到前面表演对话。 6).用图片展示生词classroom、school,通过抢答游戏的方式让学生能听、说、读这两个单词,具体步骤如下:教师把图片快速从学生眼前闪过,然后学生举手抢答。 7).让学生通过classroom这个词对Just speak部分的对话进行改编。 8).欣赏英文歌曲Let's go to school.(句型学习的前提下,只作欣赏,不必全班学会)。 III、Consolidation and extension 1.使用挂图让学生结合Just speak 内容组织新的对话,例如:

A: Hello! …. Nice to see you again. B: Hello! …. Glad to see you again. A: Let's go to… . 板书设计:Blackboard Design A: Nice to see you again. B: Glad to see you again. Let's go to school. OK. Let's go. 作业: Homework 1.认真朗读单词及课文至少3遍。 2.尝试教会自己的父母本课重点句型。 3.书写练习 教学反思:

教学内容 lesson 2 授课时间: 教学目标 德育目标 Teaching aims 1、Enable the students to understand and say the sentences:“I have a new…. Can I see it? Sure. Here you are… . ” And use them in the real content. 2、Get the Ss to grasp three –skilled words:textbook storybook 3.Learn to chant:I have a storybook . Me too. 引导学生爱护公物 The key sentences:I have a new …. Can I see it? Sure. Here you are. The words:textbook storybook 教学重、难点 Get the Ss to use the key sentences “I have a new …. Can I see it? Sure. Here you are.”in the real content. 教具、课件 cards, pictures ,PPT 教 学 过 程 I、Warm-up 1、Oral practice Hello. Hi. Glad to meet you. Nice to see you again. How are you? Let's go to school. OK. Let's go. 2、复习上学期所学句型“I have a ….”教师拿出一个玩具汽车并说“I have a new car.”把它递给学生让他来说“I have a new car.”拿出多个玩具练习这个句型,力争让每一个学生都说一遍。 3、Pair work

A: I have a new …. B: Look, I have a new …. II、Presentation 1).教师拿出一本故事书说“I have a new textbook.”,学生也拿出一本故事书说“I have a new storybook.”教师紧接着说“Can I see it.”引导学生答“Sure. Here you are.”与多个学生进行这个对话练习。 2).Pair work A: Hi…I have a new …. B: Hi… I have a new …. A: Oh, cool. Can I see it? B: Sure. Here you are. A: Wow! It's super. 3).全班学生看本课VCD教学片。 4).学生观看几遍教学片后,试着跟读Just speak部分的内容。 5).跟教师读,教师纠正部分单词的发音。 6).学生分组分角色朗读,做到三,即最快、最清晰、最大声。 7).小组练习,请部分学生拿实物到前面表演对话。 8).用实物展示生词textbook、 storybook通过快速反应游戏的方式让学生能听、读这两个单词, III、Consolidation and extension 1.使用第一册所学过的单词如ruler , sharpener等结合Just speak 内容组织新的对话。 作 业:读单词,跟读课文,朗读歌谣。 板书设计: A: I have a new …. B: I have a new …. A: Oh, cool. Can I see it? B: Sure. Here you are. A: Wow! It's super. 教学反思:

教学内容 lesson 3&4 授课时间: 教学目标 Teaching aims 1、Enable the students to understand and say the sentences:“Hi, Gao Wei. Guess . What's in my bag? Books? Yes. Look, a Chinese book. And an English book. ” And use them in the real content. 2、Get the Ss to grasp three –skilled words:Chinese book、English book,exercise book,notebook 3、Play a game:“What's in my bag?” “An English book.”



