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1.To keep safe, we shouldn't tell our personal________to strangers.

2.Bob has two brothers, but________of them lives in the same city as Bob does. 3.Don't eat too many desserts, ________you will have a toothache.

4.I made some notes to________myself of what I wanted to say in the meeting. 5.The guide dogs make a big difference________the disabled in daily life.


6.Whose bag is heavier, yours or________ (I)?

7.Tom is the________ (nine) student passing the finishing line.

8.Light________ (pollute) in big cities makes it difficult to see the stars at night. 9.Make a call to your parents as soon as possible, they are looking forward to________ (receive) your good news.

10.I can't tell you the exact time. My watch goes a few minutes________ (fast).


11.On________Children's Day, Jack received a fine present from his parents. A.a




12.A bird flew into the kitchen________the window. A.through




13.It's best to stay indoors________at the time of the outbreak of the coronavirus(新冠). A.exactly




14.Huawei is one of the________companies around the world. A.more successful C.more successfully

B.most successful D.most successfully

15.(2021年山东泰安)I didn’t believe I could do it ____ I got to the top of Mount Tai. A.unless B.until C.after D.as 16.— Must I hand in my book report today, Mr Brown? — No, you .The book report is due in two weeks. A.can't




17.In the past few years, many schools________the ways of doing morning exercises. A.changed


C.will change

D.have changed

18.I like watching the news. I hope to________what's going on around the world. A.look for

B.take care

C.find out

D.make sure

19.(2017﹒山东青岛)As a volunteer, the girl wants to visit sick kids in the hospital them up. A.to cheer




20.——Alice, could you tell me London? ——Sure. Last Sunday A.when Mr.Smith left C.when did Mr.Smith leave

B.when Mr.Smith wi11 leave D.when will Mr.Smith leave

21.________ wonderful the sitcom is! We all like it. A.What

B.What a


D.How a

22.Books are everywhere, but I can't find the one________Mary has mentioned to me. A.who




23.In his________, Mr. Hand went to the city to find a job as a bus driver. A.thirty




24.—Only you had the________to say no to the leader. —Well, now I regret doing that. A.energy




25.—Would you mind me asking my brother to join us? —________. The more people, the better. A.Sure C.Of course not

四、补全对话6选5 A: Alex, do you like to drive? B: Sure. But I don't like to sit in traffic! A: When I'm tired, I avoid driving.

B: I know. 26. I don't drive when the weather is bad. A: So a self-driving car, would be really great. B: A what?

A: A self-driving car. You can go to places at the push of a button (按钮).

B.I don't think so D.My pleasure


A: Sure. Choose a place you want to go to and program the car. Then you push a button. And the car takes you there.

B: You don't have to do anything? A: No.28.

B: What a great invention! Just think. Blind people could use self-driving cars. 29.

A: Right. Now many old people give up their cars because they're no longer safe drivers. B:30. A: Yes. A.It's not safe. B.Would you like one? C.You just enjoy the ride!

D.And old people could use them, too. E.Could you please tell me how it works? F.So self-driving cars are very convenient for them.


My wife, Megan, and I went out to dinner with an old friend who we had not seen in a while. There had been some talk of COVID-19 in the 31 , but it was early in the outbreak( 爆发) 32 people were still going about their daily routines(活动). Even though everyone in our group felt perfectly 33 ,we took precautions (预防措施). We washed our hands with hand soap, did not 34 food, and had no close contact. A few days later, our friend called and told us that she had 35 positive (阳性) for the coronavirus. She had felt some symptoms (症状) for a day or so 36 the dinner and was able to be tested because she is a doctor. 37 we took precautions that night, the virus was also passed to me and 38 friend who had joined us.

Megan and I quarantined (隔离) 39 at once when we heard that our friend had tested positive.

We also 40 everyone we had been in contact with to let them know that I had tested positive. It was the 41 thing to do. It is hard to tell people we 42 have given them a virus(病毒), but not telling anyone anything would have made us feel ashamed and

upset, It's nothing but a duty for anyone in our situation.

While we have not been out of our house in over six days and will be here for another eight or nine 43 , we have felt such love and concern from those around us. Our kids watch movies online with their friends, and my office has daily video calls to keep everyone 44 , We've made an 45 to spend time together as a family, too. Although Megan and the kids and I can't be in the same room, the four of us still play online games together. 31.A.news 32.A.or 33.A.surprised 34.A.eat 35.A.tested 36.A.during 37.A.Since 38.A.other 39.A.themselves 40.A.met 41.A.right 42.A.might 43.A.in total 44.A.separated 45.A.area


Civil engineer Master's degree or 10-15 years' work experience in Tronica city, Ghaziabad Age: 24-55 Wanted years old Call us: 99-25801107 Three-bedroom house For rent One kitchen, two bathrooms and a small garden No parking No pets allowed B.movies B.and B.brave B.share B.tried B.before B.Although B.others B.himself B.visited B.bad B.must B.in short B.safe B.accident

C.stories C.because C.weak C.buy C.described C.until C.Because C.another C.ourselves C.found C.good C.should C.at most C.connected C.effort

D.games D.what D.fine D.cook D.developed D.after D.As D.the other D.myself D.called D.wrong D.can D.at least D.dangerous D.argument

Location: 304b, High street, Skye, IV51 9UE Call us: 44-7890 023344 Second-hand bicycle 2016 Lynskey MT650 titanium 15” mountain bike Selling Going for less than 50 percent of original purchase price Bought on Oct 21, 2017 Serious inquiries only Call us: 012-2830171 For more classified ad information, please visit: www.gumtree.uk


46.The civil engineering position is suitable for________. A.high school students C.60-year-old people

B.people with five years of work experience D.master's degree holders

47.Which of the following groups might want to rent the house? A.Pet lovers.

C.People who want two bathrooms.

B.A family with a car.

D.People who want a large garden.

48.What may be the Chinese meaning of “original purchase price”? A.原始购买价




49.The second-hand bicycle seller doesn't give information about the bike's________. A.size method

50.If Andrew wants to sell some second-hand clothing, he might want to________. A.call at 99-25801107 C.call at 012-2830171

Is it possible for animals to raise a human child? There are many stories that suggest it is possible. Not just wolves and dogs, but also sheep, bears and even monkeys are able to look after human children, Daily Mail reported.

There is the case of Ivan Mishukov, a 6-year-old boy from Moscow. Police found him living with dogs in the city's streets in 1998. There, he had been begging for two years. Ivan found food to feed the dogs. And in return, the dogs kept him warm and protected him while he slept. When he was saved, he could hardly speak. Luckily, he later joined the army and lived

B.call at 44-7890 023344 D.visit www.gumtree.uk


C.purchase date




