Improved Isolation and Culture of Embryonic Stem Cells from Chinese Miniature Pig
Improved Isolation and Culture of Embryonic Stem
Cells from Chinese Miniature Pig
【期刊名称】《中国生物学文摘》 【年(卷),期】2005(019)003
【摘要】Pigs serve as a better research model for human beings than other species. The Chinese laboratory miniature pig is a new laboratory animal and is expected to be applicable in many medical research fields. This study was to establish effective technologies to isolate and culture ES cells in Chinese miniature pigs. For isolation of the inner cell mass from blastocysts, an enzyme-digestive method was compared with the traditional immunosurgery. Isolated ICM were cultured in three feeder cell layers: mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEF), porcine embryonic fibroblasts (PEF) and a continuous cell line of mouse embryonic fibroblasts (STO). Microtubule activity of the three feeder cells was further examined by immunofluorescence. ICM were successfully isolated from 85% of blastocysts by the enzyme-digestive method, compared to only 40% by immunosurgery. When ICM were cultured in three feeder layers for two to three days, 75%, 65% and 20% of ICMs formed primary cell colonies in MEF, PEF and STO, respectively. Colonies were also formed during subcultures after 9, 5 and 1 passage in MEF, PEF and STO, respectively. Microtubules in STO cells were significantly
Improved Isolation and Culture of Embryonic Stem Cells from Chinese Miniature Pig