Fitted with the artificial leg, he walked unsteadily at first,but with practice his steps became steady.
2.医生说我得了重感冒,她给我开了四种药,三种是药片,饭后服,另一种药水,睡前服。 The doctor said I had caught a bad cold and she
medicine.Three of them are pills to be taken after meal, and the other is liquid to be taken before bedtime.
I would rather go out for a walk than just stay in the room doing nothing for two hours.
The car long being out of sight ,Jenny was still standing at the door ,gazing toward the
end of the road.
5.就我所知,他们相互感情上已有一些时间。 As far as I know, they have been emotionally detached from each other for quite some time.
Generally speaking, increasing supply or decreasing demand can bring down prices. Unit7
As usual, he tuned his radio for the 7 a.m news broadcast before he began to get washed.
The team members drew lots to decide who would play first.
In that city,crime born of drug abuse and gambling is on the rise and the local government seems unable to figure out a way to cope with it.
In those days , I would read everything I could get my hands on so long as it was written in English.
5.我敢肯定那座楼在空袭中一定被完全炸毁了。 I bet that building must have been completely destroyed in the air raid. 6.她被这突如其来的打击吓得好几分钟讲不出一句话来。
She was so scared by the unexpected blow that she could not speak a word for several minutes . Unit8
1.如果你每晚开夜车工作,身体必然会受影响。 If you stay up late working every night, your
health will surely be affected.
Even if you are one of the best students in the class, in order to maintain your grades you must review your lessons often. 3.人们常把美国看成是一个不同民族的大熔炉。 The United States is often viewed as a melting pot of different nationalities. 4.情况确实如此,有些人一生中很早就获得成功,而另一些人则要工作很长时间方能实现自己的目标。
It is true that some people achieve success very early in life, while others must work a long time before attaining their goals. 5.他坚持认?这次实验的失败主要是由於准备不足。
He maintained that the failure of the experiment was largely due to inadequate preparations.
Researchers now recommend that we take time off every day to project our desired goals onto the screen in our minds. Unit9
It has been three years and four months to the day since she began to practice medicine.
The children were running all over the place , and the teacher was having a hard time rounding them up and bringing them back to the classroom.
The discovery further strengthened my belief that the volcano would erupt in the near future.