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一、 词汇与语法知识 练习(一)

1.Is the Changjiang River river in the world? A. the third longest

C. the three longest A. intend

A.can we learn

B. prevent

B. the third longer D. the three longer C. prepare B.can learn we D.we can learn

C.would know D.knows C.the one

D.which D. pretend

2.We must not to know when we do not know. 3.Only in this way the foreign language well.

C.should we learn A.had known B.knew A.that


4.He wished he more about the subject, so he could talk about it. 5.Is this book you borrowed from the library last week?

6. The professor last week will give us a report this Saturday afternoon. A. returning

B. returned D. having returned

works are young people.

B. three fives D. three fifth

C. who returned A. third fifths C. three fifths

7. About of the workers in that steel

8. After the new technique was introduced, the factory produced ________ in 2001 as the year before. A. as twice many machines B. twice many as machines C. twice as many machines D. as many machines twice 9. Because the man's gift was too expensive, the girl to accept it. A. rejected

B. denied

C. refused

D. unwilling

10. —Why are you looking pleased?

—Oh, I've just had a job _______

A. offered B. offering C. to offer D. being offered 11. wants the book may have it. A. Anyone A. chance

B. Someone B. turn

C. Those C. time

D. Whoever

D. part

12. You' ve just missed your ________, and you will have to wait for the next round.

13. Unfortunately, when I dropped in, Doctor Li ________ for Beijing to join in the fight against SARS, so

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we only had time for a few words.

A. just left B. has just left C. is just leaving D. was just leaving 14. It is not until you have lost your health ________ you know its value.

A. that A. of whom

B. when B. whom

C. what C. of whose

D. which D. whose D. little, many D. Whoever

15. His parents wouldn't let him marry anyone family was poor. 16. It is impossible for so _____ workers to do so _____ work in just one day.

A. few, much B. few, many C. little, much 17. it is done on purpose is beyond doubt.A. What

B. Who

C. That

18. He wanted to know how much the suit _____.

A. had costed B. is costed A. hoping

C. costs D. cost

19. He sent me an e-mail, _______ to get further information.

B. hoped

D. hope

C. from C. at

D. away D. off

D. cheered

C. to hope A. of

B. off B. on

20. The passengers on the bus were robbed ____ all their money. 21. Have you got time for a glance _____ the report?

A. round A. climbed A. as to A. gives off A. to meet A. that A. hurt

22. Finally the old man the hill with the help of his grandson. B. guided

C. walked

23. Whether you go or not is entirely _____ you.

B. about to C. due to B. gives up B. meet

D. up to D. gives in D. meeting D. who

D. had been hurt

24. Coal burning ______ a lot of smoke and pollutes our air.

C. gives away C. to meeting C. from whom

25. We are looking forward _______ each other soon.

26. There wasn’t a single person ______ she could turn for help in the dark street.

B. to whom

27. Two of the boys while playing football.

B. were hurting C. got hurt

28. _____ the TV tower at night, the city looks even more beautiful with all the lights on.

A. Seeing from A. Accordingly C. Slightly A. That A. which

B. To be seen

B. What B. what

C. Seen from D. To see

B. Suddenly D. Obviously C. Which

D. As D. that

29. Tom talked loudly when others were asleep. , it was impolite.

30. ______ she said is not true because she was not there when it happened. 31. All _____ glitters is not gold.

C. whether

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32. I will give the ticket to ______ needs it the most.

A. whoever A. so do plants A. standing A. going 练习(二)

1. We should fully the importance of this new policy. B. who C. whichever D. those

33. As we all know, animals cannot live without water, and ______.

B. nor can plants C. nor plants can D. plants either B. to stand B. to go

C. stand C. go

D. stood D. went

34. There were 2 soldiers ______ at the gate and no one could get in without permission.

35. Would you rather watch TV at home or______ for a walk?

A. understand B. know

C. learn D. research

2. himself an ideal job. A. Nowhere he could find C. He could nowhere find

B. Nowhere could he find D. He could find nowhere

3. “Jack is no more careful than Tom” means . A. Both Jack and Tom are careful B. Neither Jack nor Tom is careless C. Both Jack and Tom are careless D. Tom is careful, but Jack isn’t 4. is not very easy. A. Work out the problem C. Send it to America

B. To ask him to come D. To be become a teacher

5. Mr. Robinson, together with his students, to the Science Museum. A. has gone B. are going C. have gone D. have been 6. Let's talk all this over again we make a final decision. A. after

B. before

C. while

D. when

7. —Where on earth do we get light and heat? —It is from the sun we get them. A. which

B. on which C. where D. that

B. who learns, to forget D. using, but

C. were D. had been

8. A person a foreign language must be able to use the foreign language all his own. A. learning, forgetting C. to learn, to forget A. was A. whatever

C. but

B. is

9. In the geography lesson, the teacher told the children that the earth round like a ball. 10. He asked me to do the work. I am afraid, , that I am not able to do it. B. nevertheless D. wherever

11. He often goes to school by bike it rains.

A. besides B. except for C. except D. except when 12. After that we never saw her again, nor from her. A. did we hear

B. we heard

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C. had we heard D. we have heard

13. There isn’t much milk in the bottle, ? A. isn’t there B. isn’t it C. is there D. is it 14. There are many in this hospital.

A. woman doctors C. women doctor A. what

B. women doctors D. doctor woman

15. It is quite clear he won’t see us.

B. that C. why D. how

B. as fewer mistakes as D. as few mistakes as C. in which

D. which

16. We should try our best to make possible. A. mistakes as few as C. as less mistakes as A. where A. hand in

17. In fact the man did not understand the three questions were asked in French. B. who

18. Before ____ your paper, you should check it over carefully.

B. being handed in

C. handing in A. has lied

D. handed in

C. has lain

D. has laid

19. This old hen ____ many eggs for the family.

B. laid

20. More than one person that kind of experience. A. has had

B. have had C. are having D. were having

B. any thing strange D. strange anything

C. to be leaving D. leaves

D. at

21. Bob's wife found in the house, did she? A. something strange C. nothing strange A. left A. about

22. It was an established rule that the last man ______ the sinking ship would be the captain.

B. to leave B. on

23. If you see Jane, please give my apologies _______ not contacting her.

C. for

24. Neither of your proposals _______.

A. make sense B. are practical C. makes sense D. make senses 25. The two strangers talked as if they friends for years. A. should be A. at

B. would be B. from

C. have been C. in

D. had been

26. If a child is absent _______ school for long periods, he should be given extra work.

D. out of

D. make out

27. He is working very hard to ______ the lost time in the past 10 years. A. make up for B. make for A. to swim…swimming C. to swim…to swim

C. make up

28. Mary likes _______ very much, but she didn't go _______ last Sunday.

B. swimming…to swim

D. swimming…swimming

29. Indian people consider _______ to use the left hand for passing food. A.. this impolite B. it impolitely C. it impolite D. that impolite

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30. These students don't go out very often as their study _______ all their time. A. takes away B. takes in A. what he spoke English

C. takes over

D. takes up

31. What surprised me was so well.

B. that he spoke English D. what did he spoke English

C. which did he speak English A. a few; alone C. little; alone A. are to A. go A. replace


1. Despite the wonderful acting and well-developed plot, the _________ movie could not hold our

attention. A) three-hour C) three-hour’s

B) three-hours D) three-hours’

32. He is new in this class. He has friends and feels very . B. few; lonely D. a little; lonely

C. am to C. to go C. displace

D. were to

33. Either you or I _____ meet him at the airport.

B. is to

34. I'd like you ______ there at once.

B. going B. place

D. have gone

D. instead

35. Oh! The wall should not be painted red. Please red with white. 2. _________ number of people were injured in the storm.

A) The

B) Big

C) A

D) Some

3. My father is used to _________ for half an hour after supper.

A) walk

B) walking D) have walked

C) the walking

4. _________ we hurry up, we won’t be able to catch the last bus.

A) Except

B) Without

C) Even

D) Unless

5. _________ the blanket kicked away by the girl, her mother tucked it tightly under her.

A) On the time B) On seeing C) At seeing D) At time 6. The company _________ heavy losses during the financial crisis (金融危机).

A) suffered

B) received

C) accepted

D) met

7. Her English is very good. She can speak better than _________ in her class.

A) any one

B) the one

C) anyone else

D)other student

8. She felt a little nervous because she had never given a speech in _________ before.

A) the public

B) public

C) audience

D) in the audience

9. _________ his phone number and address, I would have told you.

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