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高级英语阅读(2) 试题

2015年1月 .

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Information for the Examinees

This examination consists of two sections. These are:

Section I: New Words (60 points, 40 minutes) Section II: Reading Comprehension (40 points, 50 minutes)

The total marks for this examination are100 points. Time allowed for completing this exan1ination is 90 minutes.


Section I New words

A Match Column A with Column B. (3 points each) Column A Column B

1. ______ universal 2. ______ poverty 3. ______ requirement 4. ______ livelihood 5. ______ distract 6. ______ survive 7. ______ reduce 8. ______ grin 9. ______ merchants 10. _____ memory

A. necessity

B. take attention away C. make less D. a smile

E. continue to live or exist F. people who sell things G. the ability to remember H. work, job, profession I. available to everyone J. being poor

B Fill in the blanks with words from the box below. (3 points each) competitive edge enthusiastic expensive influenced invest profits slang suddenly survive trend

The popularity of tattoos did not 11 into the 20th century; it slowed down and continued only

among soldiers and sailors. These men 12 each other to get tattooed to show how strong they were. As a result, the general public, began to think of people with tattoos as from the lower classes. However, in the late 20th century, a new 13 appeared as young people started to get tattooed. This body art 14 began to appear in unusual places, not only on arms, but also on legs and backs. Tattoo artists began to 15 in new equipment, ink, and designs. To keep their 16 , they opened shops in fashionable places where they could make greater 17 . Actors and musicians got “tats”, and many 18 words came into use. As people became more 19 about this form of body art, tattoos became more 20 because patterns, or “flash,” were more complex. Despite this enthusiasm, however, the trend has begun to slow down, and soon it may be a thing of the past.

Section II Reading Comprehension

A Read the passage. Then answer the questions that follow. (5 points each) Silk Production

A Silk was not the main product traded on the network of caravan trails connecting East Asia to the Mediterranean Sea. Despite this fact, the German explorer, Baron Ferdinand von Richthofen, gave the Silk Road this romantic name, perhaps because it was a mysterious product. Silk-making began in China in the


3rd century B.C.#., but the process was kept a secret for several hundred years. When the Chinse merchants began tranding this beautiful fabric, other countries were eager to learn how it was made.

B In the 3rd century C.E., methods of dyeing (coloring), and weaving (making cloth), were developed in a few countries along the trade routes using raw silk thread from China. In the 6th century C.E., the rule rof Constantinople asked two monks (holymen) to bring back silkworms from China. Although this was forbidden, they packed them in their bamboo canes and returned to Constantinople. There, sil, production flowered and spread to Europe.

C France and Italy became centers of the European silk industry in the 15th century until a plague killed most of the silkworms in the 19th century. In the meantime, Japan had developed modern methods of making silk and soon became the world’s largest producer. In the 20th century, South Korea and Thailand developed their silk industries as well.

D Sericulture, or silk production, involves cultivating thousands of tiny eggs that hatch into larvae (small worms) and feed on mulberry leaves. When the larvae grow into caterpillars (large worms), they make a cocoon (capsule) from a continuous thread that comes from the mouth and wraps around the body. Then the cocoons are steamed to kill the caterpillars and taken part by unwinding the silk threads and twisting them together to make them stronger. Centuries ago, this work was done by hand by girls and women in silk factories, but now, it is done by machines.

E Boiling raw silk produces a lighter fabrick, and the cloth can be treated with different substances so that it feels and looks different. A variety of dyeing and weaving methods produce exquisite cloth that can be made into articles of clothing. Common items include blouses, shirts, scarves, and ties of pure silk. Sweaters, jackets, coats, and hats can be made by combining silk with stronger materials for warmth. The cloth can also be used for curtains, cushions, or wall hangings in houses as decorations.

Complete the following statements by choosing the best from the answers A, B, C, or D.

21. People wanted to learn how to make silk silk because _________. A. it was a mystery B. China kept it a secret C. silkworms were forbidden D. the fabric was so beautiful 22. The secret was finally brought to the West by________.

A. the ruler of Constantinople B. two monks traveling from China C. Chinese merchants D. Baron Ferdinand von Richthofen 23.The Mediterranean centers of the silk industry were ________. A. South Korea and Thailand B. China and Japan C. Italy and France D. Constantinople 24. Silk is produced by ___________.

A. tiny eggs B. worms


C. girls and women D. machines 25. Most silk fabric is made into _________.

A. articles of clothing B. dyeing and weaving C. stronger materials D. decorations

B Read the passage. Then answer the questions that follow. (3 points each) E-learning: Distance Learning on the Internet

A It’s 10 A.M. Angela gets out of bed, brushes her teeth, and washes her face. She walks into the kitchen, makes a cup of coffee, and sits down at her computer. She logs on to her university’s Web site and checks an e-mail from her econimics professor about an assignment that is due on Tuesday. Then, she accesses the course meassage boards to read student comments about the week’s assignment. She reviews this week’s presentation onlien and then continues working on the economics problem set she has to finish for tomorrow evening.

B How is Angela’s experience different from a traditional university classroom experience? Well, for one thing, today is Sunday, and Angela is “at school.” But for Angela, it doesn’t matter because the doors to this “virtual university” are open 24 hours a day. She can submit homework assignments, review student discussions, and, although the university is in the United States, she can review her professor’s presentation from her home in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Another thing that distinguishes Angela from traditional students is that she is not a full-time student. She is taking classes part-time to compled her business degree while working full-time for a computer software company. She can interact with and read comments from students all around the world in her virtual international classroom. Does it sound futuristic? Well, it is already happening on personal computers around the world.

C In the information age, where knowledge is power, many full- and part-time professionals are going online to further their education and professional knowledge, obtaining multiple master’s degrees and other types of qualifications. Distance education has expanded significantly in the last few years because of the development of the Internet. The advantages distance learning offers to working professionals include convenience, flexibility, and the opportunity to accommodate multiple learning styles. In areas where unemployment is high or where tight work schedules can’t accommodate traditional learning, e-learning has become very popular..

D But skeptics wonder if distance education programs maintain a high quality of instruction and if they offer enough interaction with the instructor and other students in the class. It is still difficult to say if distance education is better than the classroom-bawd experience; it requires extra effort from the student and teacher. However, the virtual classroom seems to be here to stay, and many people are taking advantage of it.

Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write \\


26. Angela has no interaction with her instructor. 27. Distance education can happen almost anywhere.

28. Distance education offers more interaction in person than traditional classes. 29. According to the article, e-learning is superior to “traditional” learning. 30. The number of people studying online is increasing.




