Documents management and control procedure
确保环境管理体系文件、适用的外来文件(有关的法律、法规、标准、相关方提供的文件或规范)使用的有效性。To assure the 2.适用范围 scope
适用于对环境管理体系相关文件及适用的外来文件的控制。It is apply to the environment management system relation documents and usable external documents’ control.
3.1 环工组:负责环境管理体系文件及适用的外来文件的归口管理;负责监控文件的执行。 The environment team: to manage and be in charge of environment management
documents and external documents.
3.2 各部门individual department:确保各相关场所均使用现行文件的有效版本。To ensure
The relative workplace is using the current effective documents. 4.工作程序Work procedure
4.1文件控制范围包括:documents control’s scope a) 环境管理手册;environment management manual;
b) 环境管理体系程序文件;environment management system procedure documents;
c) 环境管理体系作业指导文件;the work instruction documents for environment management system;
d) 环境记录表格;environment record form; e) 外来文件。External documents. 4.2 文件的编写writing the documents
4.2.1环境管理手册和环境管理体系程序文件由环境管理者代表组织各部门人员编写。 Environment management manual and the environment management system
procedure documents, which will be written by each department’s people that organized by the environment representative.
4.2.2环境管理作业指导文件由各部门主管或其授权人员编写。The environment management
instruction documents will be written by each department manager or the authorization people .
4.2.3环境记录表格由相应文件的编写人员进行编制。The environment record form will
be made by the person who made the relation documents.
4.2.4外来文件由环工组负责收集、整理和汇总。The environment team will be in charge
of collecting, sorting and filing.
4.3 文件的审批Document’s authorization
4.3.1 总经理负责批准环境管理手册。The president is in charge of authorizing the
environment management manual.
4.3.2 管理者代表负责审核环境管理手册,批准环境管理程序文件。The environment representative is in charge of checking the environment management manual, to authorize the environment management procedure documents.
4.3.3 环工组负责审核环境管理程序文件。The environment team is in charge of checking the environment management procedure documents.
4.3.4 环境作业指导文件由各部门经理或主管审核,管理者代表批准。The environment work instruction documents will be checked by each department’s manager , authorized by environment representative .
4.3.5所有文件在批准前,编制部门主管应组织与文件相关的部门主管一起对文件的适宜性进行评审。Before authorizing all of the documents, the written department manager should organize the persons who involved in writing the documents to assess the documents’ usable.
4.4 文件的标识the document’ mark
4.4.1 文件标识的内容包括:文件编号、受控文件的发放编号、受控与非受控、页码、版本及修改标识。文件和记录的编号按《文件编号规定》执行。The document mark including: document No, the issue No of the controlled documents, controlled or uncontrolled, pages and modified marks. The documents and records’ No should be followed <
4.4.2文件标识应在文件正式发布前由环工组负责进行。The documents mark will be in charged of the environment team before the documents issued formally.
4.4.3一份有效文件或记录只能有唯一的标识。the effective document or records should
have only one mark.
4.4.4对外来文件只进行受控和发放编号标识。For eternal documents just need control and issue the file No mark.
4.4.5文件和记录版本的标识 the mark of documents and records文件版本的标识:原版文件为A,第一次换版为B,第二次换版为C,……以此类推。The mark of documents version: the original document is A, the first time update is B, the second time update is C ….. calculate like so….记录版本的标识:原版记录不作标识,修改换版后在原记录编号后加版本号,第一次换版为A,第二次换版为B,以此类推。The mark of records version: the original version have no mark, after modification, to add the version number based on the original record No. the first time update is A, the second time update is B, …..to calculate like this…
4.4.6文件换版时,文件中提出的记录如未做换版,修改时则其记录编码和标识可不予变动。 When the documents need to change the form, if the records have no changes, then the update one no need to change the record number and mark.
4.4.7 文件和记录修改状态的标识the documents and records’ mark at the status of modifying
a) 文件修改后,应在被修改的文件中版本/修改的“修改”部位作出标识,第一次修改从0改为1,第二次修改从1改为2,以此类推;after modified the document, should clear mark at the blank of “modification” , the first time correction change 0 to 1, the second time correction, change 1 to 2….to mark like this… b) 由于增加或减少总页数,导致原文件中页码的变化,应对文件的所有页码进行修改。Due to increase or reduce the total pages, which caused the original document pages’ change, then should correct the whole pages in the documents. 4. 4.9 受控文件与非受控文件的标识the mark for controlled documents and uncontrolled documents
文件分为“受控文件”和“非受控文件”,公司内部使用的均为“受控文件”。幷在封页和内文中加盖红色“受控文件”印章。发往外部的文件除认证机构外,一般均为“非受控文件”,仅在封页加盖蓝色“非受控文件”印章。The documents divided into “ controlled documents” and “uncontrolled documents”, the internal use documents in the tannery all belongs to “controlled documents”, and will have the red “controlled
document” chop on the cover and the documents. The documents that give to external, normally is “uncontrolled document” except the certification beau , we will have the blue” uncontrolled documents” stamp on the cover only. 4.5 文件的发布issue the document
4.5.1 文件发布前需经相关人员审核批准,审批手续不齐全的文件不得发布使用。Before issuing the documents, should have relation people to check and authorize , if the check procedures is inadequate, then can not issue the documents.
4.5.2 环工组在文件发布前应填写《文件发放清单》,报管理者代表代表审批,确保只有经过批准的文件才能发布。Before issuing the documents, the environment team should fill in the <
4.6.1 文件的发放由环工组实施。The environment team will be in charge of issuing the documents.
4.6.2 发放的文件为副本,正本连同《文件发布清单》一幷归档,归档的文件不编号,不加盖受控状态的印章。Will issue the document’s copies to each department, the original one and << document issue list>>will be keep in file. This documents don’t need numbers, also no need stamp “ controlled documents”.
4.6.3 受控文件发时应予编号,编号用阿拉伯数字表达,如01,02,……。非受控文件发放时不予编号,但应做好发放记录。When issue the controlled documents, should give them numbers, like 01,02,….. the uncontrolled documents no need to give them numbers when issue, but need keep records.
4.6.4 环工组建立幷保留《文件发放回收记录表》。The environment team make and keep the << Document issue return record form>>. 4.6.5文件的补发 Documents’ replenishment
由于工作的需要而又没有文件或原文件丢失、破损时,应按下列规定办理:as work needs but doesn’t have the documents or the documents missing or destruction, should request it as below process:
a)申请方填写《文件补发申请表》经所在部门负责人审核,管理者代表批准后,贯标办方可予以补发。 The request department to fill in<< documents replenishment application>>, after checked by departmental manager and the environment
representative’s authorization, can give another one.
b)文件补发需执行文件发放的相关规定. Replenish the documents need abide by the rules of documents issue. 4.7 文件的使用 documents use
4.7.1 环工组应确保公司工作需要的部门或人员均能及时得到适用的有效版本的文件。The environment team should ensure the relation department or staff can get the usable and effective documents in time.
4.7.2 各部门及所有工作人员应确保不持有、不使用作废/失效的文件。 Each department and all staff should ensure not using or holding the invalid documents. 4.7.3 文件的持有部门和持有人员不得将持有的文件转借、复制或作非授权的涂改。 The holding department or person can’t borrow, cope or change the documents. 4.7.4环工组每年组织对公司的环境管理体系文件进行一次全面的评审,根据体系的运行情况确定文件是否需要修改或更新,如需要修改或更新按4.9条执行。The environment will organize the assessment for all of the environment management system documents once per a year, according to the system’ operation situation , to decide whether the documents need modify or update, if need modify or update, should follow 4.9 item. 4.8文件的保管 documents’ keeping
a) 文件的保管环境应适宜于防止文件的丢失、损坏和污染; the environment where keep the documents should be prevent miss, destroy and contaminate;
b) 保管时应保持文件的完整、齐全;when keep the documents should keep it entire and full;
4.9 文件修改的控制 the control of modifying the documents
4.9.1 文件的修改由相关部门提出申请,幷填写《文件修改申请和审批单》,说明申请原因和理由,填写需修改的内容,报环工组。If need modify the documents, the department can bring up the application and fill in<< document modification and check form>>, to state the reason , and the content that need modified, then report to environment team.