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A. Because both of them need exercise.

B. Because both of them are part of the human body. C. Because both of them make people smart.

9. Why does the author of the passage suggest “taking a few minutes to slow down”?

A. Because people run too fast today. B. Because people have a lot of stress today. C. Because people relax themselves too much. 10. In what way is reading better than TV or movies?

A. Developing imagination. B. Developing confidence.

C. Developing good habits.Passage 3

In your first year of studying English, you have been learning new words one at a time. But now, because of the nature of the English language, you can actually make your vocabulary grow even faster.

Unlike most of the languages widely studied in the world, English has a vocabulary that is in several layers. The bottom layer is composed of the basic native English words that have always been part of the language. Then there is a mixed layer of words mostly from Greek and Latin. Some of these words came into English through French or Italian or Spanish but their origin was Greek or Latin. Then there is a more recent layer, mostly scientific or technical words

intentionally made up from Greek and Latin elements. And mixed in the second and third layers are words from other languages spoken in countries throughout the world --- German, Chinese, Japanese, American Indian, Arabic, Persian, and many others.

In all languages, words exist in set, in what can be thought of as word families. Sometimes, if you know the root form common to the words in a family, you can make a good guess about the general meaning of many words in that family. So knowing just one root form of one word in a family may help you make your vocabulary bigger by leading you to the other members of the family.

But this process won’t work very well with most native English words, that is, those that go back one thousand years or more in the language. Knowing the origin of a word will not help you the figure out its meaning today, for it says nothing of the meaning of the words that historically are in the same family. The ancestor of “deer”, for example, is “deor” in Old English, but the old meaning was any small animal, even a mouse or a rabbit. “Speed” once meant success or power, and “uncouth” meant simply unknown. You need to learn such words one by one.

11. According to the passage, which of following is considered to be a good way to enlarge your vocabulary?

A. Remembering native English words. B. Studying words from Latin and Greek.

C. Knowing the nature of English. D. Paying attention to Old English words.

12. How many layers of English word are mentioned in the passage?

A. Two B. Three

C. Four


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D. None of the above

13. Most native English words ____________.

A. have a history of about one thousand years or more

B. can be learnt according to the root form common to words in a family C. can be understood according to the origin of words D. have similar meaning as their ancestors

14. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Some words in French have Greek or Latin origin.

B. Knowing the origin of a word won’t always help to guess its real meaning. C. Most native English words need to be learnt one at a time. D. The word “deer” can be used refer to a mouse and rabbit. 15. What is this passage mainly about?

A. The origin of native English words.

B. How to make a good guess about the meaning of words. C. On learning more English words. D. The layers of English words.

Passage 4

Nancy’s hobby is collecting sharpeners. She spends a lot of time on it after school. She has collected more than one hundred sharpeners from different countries. They are all different in color and size.

Nancy likes sharpeners with animals and birds on them. in this way, she learns the names of many animals and birds. She also borrows books on animals and birds. She also borrows books on animals and birds from her school library. She learns a lot about them from those books.

Sometimes Nancy has many sharpeners of the same kind. She gives them to her friends. Then they give her other different sharpeners in return.

Nancy has many pen pals in many countries. She sends them sharpeners of her country. In return, they send her sharpeners of their countries. Nancy’s father also gives her sharpeners. He brings them home from his friends for her.

Many of Nancy’s friends collect other things. Some collect coins and others collect

matchboxes(火柴盒)or stamps. But, all of them say that Nancy’s collection is the most interesting of all.

16. How many sharpeners has Nancy collected from different countries?

A. One hundred. B. Less than on hundred. C. Over one hundred. D. About one hundred.

17. ____________ Nancy’s sharpeners are different in color and size.

A. All of B. Most of C. Some of D. A few of

18. Sometimes Nancy has many sharpeners of the same kind. She then ____________.


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A. keeps them for a period of time B. throws them away

C. sells them and buy new ones

D. exchanges different sharpeners with her friends

19. Which of the following is NOT the way in which Nancy gets sharpeners?

A. Her friends give her some. B. Her pen pals send her some. C. Her father buys her some. D. her father’s friends give her some.

20. Nancy’s friends collect the following items EXCEPT ____________.

A. Coins. B. Matchboxes. C. Stamps D. Books.

IV. Complete the sentences with the words from the bracket and you should put them in proper order.(每小题 3 分,共 30 分)

1. Ask him __________________ (明天她能不能来). (can, if, come. Tomorrow, he) 2. I would be very grateful if __________________ (你能安排一次面试). (can, you, arrange, interview, an)

3. __________________(你最好快点), otherwise you’ll be late. (better, you’d hurry)

4. The team’s success was __________________(主要是由于她的努力). (largely, efforts, to, due, her)

5. __________________(结果这工作显得比较难)than we thought. (the, turned, job, out, harder)

6. Given __________________(任务的难度), they were able to do a good job.. (of, difficulty, the , task, the)

7. I was still wondering __________________(是去动物园还是回家). (go home, to, whether, go to the zoo, or, to)

8. Compared to __________________(我们的小公寓), Bill's house seemed like a palace. (flat, small, our)

9. __________________(这由你决定). (up, is, to, you, this)

10. One of the members has come up with __________________(一个很有意思的建议). (very, suggestion, a interesting)




