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Towards the end of high school, when it came time to start thinking about what colleges I was interested in applying to, there was only one thing on my mind: I wanted to get away from home. I was the elder of two 1 , and had begun to feel the urge to be on my own, that I was 2 to take charge of my own life.

Even at the time of being accepted to Virginia Tech, I was 3 at the prospect of starting over, with new faces, and new things to see and do. 1. A. friends 2. A. ready

B. kids B. sorry B. shocked

C. students

D. workers D. regretful

C. unwilling C. excited

3. A. amazed D. disappointed

But as the time arrived to 4 my bags and prepare to leave, the reality of what I was doing hit home hard. I 5 as I realized that I was going to be eight and a half hours away from everything and 6 that was familiar to me. I was leaving the town where I had 7 , and all the things about it that I loved. 4. A. pack

B. sell

C. pull

D. wash

D. cried D. anything D. dropped off

5. A. dreamed 6. A. something 7. A. passed by

B. beamed B. nobody

C. shouted

C. everybody C. come across

B. grown up

For the first few 8 after arriving at school, I thought that I was not going to make it through the year. 9 a tearful call back home, I grabbed one of the few books in my suitcase, Chicken Soup For the Teenage Soul, and I headed down to the library to read a few stories. They had always been able to 10 me up before, and I was hopeful that they 11 now. 8. A. seconds 9. A. When

B. years B. After B. bring B. can

C. minutes C. As

D. days D. Until D. call D. may

10. A. cheer 11. A. must

C. wake C. would

On the way out, I passed another girl in the hallway走廊;门厅;玄关. She 12 the book in my hand and smiled, saying that she had the same book in her dorm room, 13 . I took a chance, and invited her to come to read with me. Being as 14 as I was, she agreed, and we found our way onto the library.

Before we knew 15 , we were surrounded by girls, who, like us, had either read 16 owned the book, and who loved it as much as we 17 . As I watched the tears 18 everyone’s faces and the smiles grow as we all read, I realized that I was not alone. The days went on, and I still 19 home—but the campus was beautiful, the people were 20 , and it became better and better as the school year continued. 47. A. read 48. A. too

B. bought B. either B. kind B. one B. buy

C. wrote C. instead

D. saw D. thought D. flexible D.it D.so D. did D. go through D. had D. miserable

49. A. clever 50. A. this 51. A. or

C. homesick C. each C. and

52. A. noticed B. hoped C. hated C. run into C. missed C. poor

53. A. turn down 54. A. returned 55. A. cold

B. fall down B. went B. kind



