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1. 分析所考察语法点,填词(词法:单词/短语, 句法:句子成分/句型/长难句) 2. 翻译含空句子,看语义是否通顺 3. 如仍无法解题,联系上下文 三、常考词类 冠词:a/an the

介词:in like

for of by than up between/ among as with/without 连词:用来连接单词、短语或者句子。 并列句连词:and but

or :1.或者;2. 否则 主从复合句连词:

that: 1. 宾语从句(补充当成分); 2. 定语从句(充当成分,作宾语时可省略) if: 1. 宾语从句,表“是否” 2. 条件状语从句,表“如果,主将从现

what 1. 宾语从句I don’t know what to do next. How 1. 宾语从句I don’t know how to do better. When/ where: 1. 宾语从句; 2. 状语从句

Because/ so: 1. 原因/结果状语从句 2. 表语从句:that is because/ why…

代词:代词主格: I /he/she/ it/ they/ we; 代词宾格:me/him/ her/ it/ them/ us

反身代词: myself/ himself/ herself/itself/ themselves/ ourselves 形容词性物主代词:my/ his/ her/ its/ their/ our 名词性物主代词:mine/ his/ hers/ its/ theirs/ ours 指示代词: this/ that/ these/ those

不定代词:some,any(anything, anyone),no(nothing, none), every(everything, everyone,),

all,each,both,much, many, other(s),another,one,either, neither


Be动词: 观察如果句中缺少谓语动词,极有可能填写be动词。也有可能考其否定式,如:isn’t/ wasn’t

might ________

He ________ doing sth.

Sb./ sth. ___be_____ done(过去分词) ,表被动语态 That __________because/ why/ how There ________

_________made of/; ________used for/ to doing; ________supposed to do 情态动词:can/ could/ will/ would 助动词: do/does/ did/

Have/ has: +done动词过去分词,表完成时态 To: teach/ ask ab. To do sth.

it is+ adj. +for sb. +to do sth. to my surprise,

According to/ be supposed to do/ be used to doing/

冠词: a/an

A short time ago, ______test was given in the United States. Asking for help is not ______weakness.

Nothing is______ waste if you have a creative mind.

The mother thought that she had caught ______ bad cold. the

the forms of an interview are not ______same and the world. It is one of ______most interesting parts of this sport. He showed the notebook to ______other man. The couple thanked ______doctor and left. 介词: for

Some care ______ farm animals like horses and cows. Those students have to pay______ the part of their food. Paper is good ______keeping you warm. By

one day he walked into the water ______himself and began to explore(探索) the bottom of the sea. Into

If you’re at a job interview in Japan,don’t look directly ______the eyes of the interviewer. Up

a student sitting in the back of the room put ______her hand. Of

Do you think they only need to do many other kinds ______strange things?

They will gain weight instead ______losing it. Than

And it was much bigger ______ hers. Before

It may take years ________you become true friends with someone. After

“Yes.,” said the friend ______hearing the words.

______half an hour, he suddenly saw a man waving(摇动) his arms and leg. 连词:

并列句(and/ but/ or) And

Now you see that skin-diving is both useful ______interesting. But

After resting for a short time, the boy started once more,______failed again.

“Give me five” means a person’s not asking for your money, _______your fingers. Or

If a person eats a right breakfast, he ______she will work better.

You’d better write it down, ______you will forget that. 主从复合句 状语从句: When

She didn’t really like cooking, and ______,.I didn’t like her food. So…that

he was so tired and unhappy ______he cut his long beard right off! Until

The leaf presses the fly ______it is dead. 定语从句: That

Firefighters are often called to save people or animals ______are trapped(困住).

Everything ________goes up has to come down. 宾语从句 That

He knew______ he couldn’t lose his head and began to think

of the things he could do.

I just feel ______the time flies so fast when l’m working. What

Most plants get ______they need from the sun. I didn’t know ________ to do. How

I don’t know _______ to do it. 表语从句 Why

That is ______we may have a long sleep and still feel tired. 代词:

I think they should plan thing for _______. Be动词

The whole interview might not ______formal. He ______wearing only a bathing suit.

During the test, these people ______given all kinds of breakfasts,

That ______because people become so hungry at noon that they eat too much for lunch. But the problem ______ solved.

He ______always breaking my toys and sometimes beats me! Only half of the world’s paper______ used for books and newspapers. 情态动词 Can/ could Will/ would

If you stop caring whether you will be famous or do well, your happiness ______come to you.

He soon felt it______ be better if it were out. 助动词

Do/ does/ did Have/ has /had

He ______often stayed alone before, so he wasn’t afraid. To

I began to teach himself ______mend watches.

Interviewers aren’t supposed ______ask questions about family.

It is easy for you ______ climb big rocks.

firefighters also have ______save any person in danger-even when the person is breaking the law. his wife asked him ______write it down. I said ______ myself.

______my happiness, my parents allowed me to build a test kitchen. What/ how ______a surprise!

______much shall I pay? ______ clever he was! There

During the day,______is plenty of Iight.

The doctor told them that _______ was nothing serious: Maybe ______is something I can do. Like

It is ______a visit to the moon.

Its leaves are ______the pages of a book. As

the girls sell socks in packs(包) of three so you can mix and match______ you wish.

Now ______a teen chef(主厨),I have cooked in top-class restaurants.

He ran away ______fast as possible. Working ______ a vet is not easy either. With/ without

The husband returned ______a plate of fish.

All our dreams have something to do ______our feelings, fears, wishes and memories.

He greets every child and teacher______ a smile. _______sunlight and good soil, the tree soon died.








