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Unit 1 基础知识精炼 Section A (For Reading)


1. Berlin is a beautiful city, and it's the capital(首都)of _________.

2. I listen carefully, but can't hear any _________.

3. Mike likes climbing the_________. He thinks it's good for his health(健康)

4. This is a picture of Nick and his_________ sister Rita. Rita is two years older than Nick.

5. Carl wants to become an ________because he likes engineering(工程学).

Ⅱ.根据句意及首字母提示写单词,补全句子。 6. ---Can you tell me your name and a ________? --- Yes. My name is Wendy and I am twelve.

7. --- Which c ________do you want to visit(游览)? --- The USA.

8. --- Is e ________here today? --- Yes, we are all here.

9. Football is one of the most popular (最受欢迎的) sports in the w ________. 10. --- I want to become a good teacher in the future. --- Great! I hope your d ________can come true (实现). III.根据句意及汉语提示写单词,补全句子。 11. --- Can I help you, sir?

--- Yes. I want to buy a book on English ________(语法) for my son. 12. --- How much time do you need to ________ (完成) the work? --- About three months.

13. Leon's new car is ________(德国的), and it' s very nice. 14. --- Do you like listening to music?

--- No, not very much. My ________ (爱好) is taking photos. 15. --- How can I have more friends?

--- First, you should be ________ (友好的) to others. IV. 同义句转换。每空一词。 16. Wang Nan is from China.

Wang Nan ________ ________ China. 17. Green Park is near the post office.

Green Park ________ ________ ________ the post office. 18. Bruce usually goes to school on his bike. Bruce usually goes to school ________ ________. 19. The Great Wall is famous (著名的) around the world.

The Great Wall is famous ________ ________ ________ ________. 20. I have a lot of homework to do, so I can't go to your party today.

I can't go to your party today ________ I have a lot of homework to do. V.根据汉语意思补全句子,每空一词。 21. 关于杭州你知道些什么?

What do you ________ ________Hangzhou?

22. 我们班的学生经常互相帮助。

The students in our class often help ________ ________. 23.西蒙每天放学后都和朋友们打篮球。

Simon ________ ________with his friends after school every day. 24.欢迎来到我的学校! ________ ________ my school!

25. 我家有四口人,我的父母、我哥哥和我。

There are four people in my family, my Parents, my ________ ________and I. 26. 安,到上学的时间了!

Ann, it's time to ________ ________ ________! 27.我不喜欢美术,因为我不擅长它。

I don't like art because I ________ ________ ________ ________it. 28.吉尔人很好,和她交朋友挺容易的。

Jill is very nice and it's easy to ________ ________ ________ her. 29.刘佳在学校最喜欢的科目是语文和数学。

Liu Jia’s ________ ________at school ________ Chinese and math. 30.辛迪住得离办公室很远,所以她每天开车上班。

Cindy lives ________ ________ ________ her office, so she goes to work by car everyday.

Section B (For Grammar)


how, how old, where, who, what colour

1. --- ________is your elder brother? --- He is eleven.

2. ---________ is your new skirt? --- It's yellow.

3. --- ________ do you go at the weekend?

--- To the park.

4. --- ________are you feeling now? --- Much better, thank you.

5. --- ________is the baby in the picture? It is so lovely. --- Haha! It's me.



( ) 6. What are the girls doing on the playground? ( ) 7. How much are these apples?

( ) 8. Which dress do you like better, the red one or the green one? ( ) 9. How many apples can I eat? ( ) 10. When do you usually go to school?


A. I usually go to school at 7:30 am. B. They are playing basketball. C. Three. D. The green one. E. They are 10 yuan.


11. There is ________picture of ________elephant. 12. Washington is ________capital of ________USA. 13. ________apple a day keeps the doctor away. 14. Let's go out for ________walk.

15. I have ________book. That's ________English book.

Section C (For Listening and Speaking)


( )1. A. tea B. meat C. weather D. beach ( )2. A. back B. egg C. have D. map ( )3 .A. it B. big C. time D. give ( )4. A. get B. best C. help D. name ( )5. A. climb B. big C. bus D. baby II.从方框中选择适当的句子填空,补全对话。有两多余项。 A. Yes I am. B. What's your name, please? C. Where is the classroom of Class 3, Grade 7? D. Then what do your parents do? E. Where do you live? F. I am Peter Smith. G. No, I am not. A: Excuse me. (6) ______________________________________________________ B: It is on the second floor (第二层). Are you in Class 3, Grade 7?

A: (7) _______________________________________________________________ B: Me, too. We are classmates. (8)_________________________________________ A: My name is Zhang Xue. What about you?

B: (9) _______________________________________________________________ A: How many people are there in your family, Peter? B: Only three, my parents and me.

A: (10) ______________________________________________________________ B: My father is a teacher and my mother is a doctor. A: I see. What do you often do in your free time? B: I like playing tennis.

A: Me, too. We can play together.

Section D (For Writing)




