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基于单片机的红外线遥控器设计 - 图文

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院 系:机电与自动化学院 专 业 班:自动化1003班 姓 名: 李 斌 学 号: 20101184120 指导老师: 吴 蕾


基于单片机的红外线遥控器设计 Design of Infrared Remote Control Based on the Single Chip Microcomputer

摘 要


关键词:单片机 遥控器 红外发射 红外接收



Single-chip microcomputer is widely applied to promote the miniaturization of equipment and products, digital, automatic and intelligent. Deepening of computer in automatic control technology thanks to MCU application, so a change based on traditional control technology in the field of automatic control led, namely the traditional design method and thought is the essence of SCM gradually changed. Now we can approach to achieving the control function by the software, which is the past must be implemented through digital or analog circuit. Especially in household appliances brings us a convenient life, infrared remote control the computer technology is widely used. Many interrupt technology are used in the infrared remote control. In a computer system, a variety of hardware equipment can generate interrupts, it is used to request services or report fault alarm, etc. In addition, the processor itself can also generate interrupts. Level mode and pulse mode is two kinds of signals of different way of external interrupt request.To interrupt request level way in low level effectively, pulse method is effective only when falling edge in pulse. After the library access to relevant data, I designed a few solutions, finally settled on a best solution: namely using single-chip microcomputer technology to realize remote control and adopts the modular design. It consists of infrared emission and receiving two modules. Switch control infrared emission module of the single chip microcomputer, infrared transmitting tube to another MCU emission signal; And infrared receiving tube receiving signal control infrared receiving module of the single chip microcomputer. In addition, the design of the circuit diagram is also completed the infrared remote control tasks. Finally through the simulator input program, manual interruption, from the breakpoint continue after the interrupt program, realized the infrared remote control process and its working principle of the hardware and the software design.

Key words: MCU Remote-control unit Infrared emission Infrared receiver


目 录

摘要????????????????????????????????2 Abstract??????????????????????????????错误

绪论????????????????????????????????1 1 红外遥控?????????????????????????????2 1.1 红外通信原理?????????????????????????2 1.2 红外发射???????????????????????????3 1.3 红外接收???????????????????????????3 2 总体方案设计??????????????????????????4 2.1 简易红外遥控电路???????????????????????4 2.2 红外遥控开关电路???????????????????????4 3 单片机?????????????????????????????6 3.1 单片机系统??????????????????????????6 3.2 AT89S52单片机????????????????????????7 3.3 系统复位???????????????????????????10 3.4 晶振电路???????????????????????????11 3.5 按键电路???????????????????????????12 3.6 中断系统???????????????????????????13 3.6.1 中断的概念?????????????????????????13 3.6.2 中断控制??????????????????????????13 4 电路框图设计??????????????????????????15 4.1 遥控发射单元的电路图设计???????????????????15 4.2 遥控接收单元的电路图设计???????????????????15 5 系统设计????????????????????????????16 5.1 硬件设计???????????????????????????16 5.1.1 红外遥控发射单元原理图???????????????????16


基于单片机的红外线遥控器设计 - 图文


