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Many kinds of ...(许多种...) all kinds of...(各种各样的...) What kind of... (什么种类的...)

Kind 做形容词讲时意为“善良的,友好的”,相关短语: be kind to sb. = be friendly to sb. (对某人友好) 2. Sleep (睡觉) sleepy (瞌睡的) asleep (睡着的) feel sleepy (感觉困倦的) fall asleep (入睡,睡着)

巧记:feel sleepy go to bed fall asleep/ go to sleep (感觉困倦的) (上床睡觉) (睡着,进入梦乡) wake up get up (醒来) (起床) 重点短语:

1. walk on .... (以...方式走路), I walk on two hands (我倒立行走) 2. be scared of sth. = be afraid of sth. (害怕某事) 3. a lot = very much, 非常。

联想:a lot of = lots of (许多), 后面可以接可数名词复数也可以接不可数名词。 (1). of 后接名词或代词(宾格)的复数,且名词 4. one of ...(...之一) 前必须有定冠词 the 或物主代词修饰。 (2). one of 作主语时,后面谓语动词用单数。 如:One of the students is my sister.

The symbol of ... (...的象征) the symbol of good luck. (好运的象征) 6. forget (忘记) forget to do sth. (忘记去做某事,表示事情还没做) forget doing sth. (忘记做过某事,表示事情已经做了)

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联想: remember to do sth. (记得去做某事, 即事情还没有做) remember doing sth. (记得做过某事, 即事情已经做了) get lost. (迷路)

be in great danger. (处于巨大的危险当中)

danger 为名词“危险”,形容词 dangerous “危险的” for a long time (很长一段时间) lose one’s home. (失去某人的家园)

be made of... (由...制成,制成后的东西能看出原材料) be made from... (由...制成,制成后的东西不能看出原材料) 如:The desks are made of wood (桌子由木头制成,制成后的桌子 能看出原材料)

The books are made of trees (书由树制成,制成后的书不能看 出原材料)

Unit 6 I’m watching TV. 重点句型


概念:表示现在正在进行或一段时间正在进行的动作。 构成方式:be动词 + 动词-ing, be动词包括 am, is, are What are you doing? I am + 动词-ing. What is she/ he doing? He/ She is + 动词-ing. What are they doing? They are + 动词-ing.

2. 现在进行时肯定句变否定句,只需在be动词后加“not”

现在进行时中必须要有be动词,还要有动词-ing,缺一不可。 * *

He is doing his homework. He isn’t doing his homework. 3. 现在进行时陈述句变一般疑问句,只需把be动词提到主语前。 They are using the computer. Are they using the computer? 二.重点短语:

电话用语,在英语电话用语中,我用 this, 你用that, 而不用I 和

You. 介绍“我是...”:This is .... (speaking). “你是谁”:Who’s that (speaking)? “你是...吗?”:Is that....(speaking)? 2. go to the movies. (去看电影。) 3. Not much. (没什么大事。)

4. Wash one’s clothes. (洗某人的衣服。) 5. join sb. For + 某餐:和某人一起吃...餐。

6. I’d love to. (我愿意,我想要) = I’d like to. I’d = I would. 此表答一般是用来回答 Would you like to...?/ Do you want to...? would like = want (想要).

如:Would you like to go to the movies?/ Do you want to go to the movies? 回答:Yes. I’d love./ I’d like to.

be at home. 在家。如:我在家:I am at home. go swimming (去游泳) go shopping (去购物) go to the supermarket (去超市) Study 与learn

都译为“学习”,study 指高级阶段的学习,带有研究之类的意思; learn 侧重于初级阶段的学习。

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live with sb. (和某人居住在一起); live in + 地点 (居住在某地) 11. other, the other, the others, others, another 的区别。 other 是泛指的,是形容词后要加名词;

the other 是形容词要后加名词,是特指两者中剩下的另一个的;

the others是一个名词,后面不需要加什么名词了,是the other的复数,特指两者中剩余的全部的 。the other +名词复数 = the others;

others 是名词,是other的复数,泛指除一部分外剩下的部分,并非全部。 other +名词复数 = others;

another意为“另一个”,表示除了一个事物剩下的任何一个。 12. Here is a picture of my family. (这是一张我家的全家福) 13. wish 与 hope 都有“希望”的意思。

短语:wish sb. to do sth. (希望某人做某事); wish sb. Sth. (希望某人某事); wish to do sth. (希望做某事);best wishes to sb. (最好的祝福给某人). hope to do sth. (希望做某事), 没有hope sb. to do sth. 重点语法区别-----一般现在时和现在进行的区别 概念不同:

一般现在时表示现在的状态、经常的或习惯性的动作、表示主语具备的性格和能力等。 现在进行时表示现在正在进行或一段时间正在进行的动。 构成方式不同:


主语+is/am/are+其它成分. He is an office worker.

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主语(除第三人称单数)+动词原形+其它成分. I get up at six every day . 主语(第三人称单数)+动词s/es +其它成分. My father usually goes to work by bus. 补充:主语是第三人称单数时,行为动词的变化规则如下: 一般动词在词尾加-s,如: helps, makes, gets, swims, plays等. 以s, x, ch, sh, 或o结尾的动词在词尾加-es,如dresses, washes, catches, does,goes等.

以辅音字母+y结尾的动词, 先变y为i,再加-es, 如fly---flies, study--- studies等.

现在进行时的构成:be +动词-ing, 动词-ing的变化看书上113页。 时间状语不同:

一般现在时的时间状语有: often,usually,always,sometimes,never,every day,on Sunday / Monday等; (句中有这些词用一般现在时。) 现在进行时的标志词有:now, at the moment, listen! Look! It is +具体的钟点。 (句中有这些词用现在进行时)



