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Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? 重点单词

1.can--清态动词can 没有单复数的变化,无论主语是什么,can都不变,

can 引导的句子变一般疑问句,只需把can放到主语的前面。但“I”要变成“you”。 重点句型

What can +主语 +do?(主语能够做什么?) 2. 某人想要加入什么俱乐部? What club do+主语 +want to join?

What club does+第三人称单数主语+want to join? 重点短语

Play+乐器要在乐器前 加“the”. Play+球类和棋3.play the guitar(弹吉他) play the violin(拉小提琴) 类前面不加“the”.play the drums(打鼓) play the piano(弹钢琴)

play chess(下国际象棋) play basketball(打篮球)speak English(讲英语) speak Chinese (讲汉语)

4.want to do sth.(想要做某事) (“do”代表动词原形,to+动词原形表示动词不定式。)如I

5.what about = how about (...怎么样),about为介词,后面可以接名词,代词(宾格), 动词+ing.

如:What about the pen?(the pen为名词);

What about him?(him为he的宾格);How about playing games.(playing为动词+ing) 6.be good at (擅长于...)

短语中,at, with, for都为介词,后面可以接名词,代词(宾格), 动词+ing。be 要换成相应的be good with (善于应付...) “am, is, are”. * *

be good for (对...有好处)

总结,介词后的代词用 “宾格”,动词+ing. 7.tell stories (讲故事)

tell tell sb. sth. (告诉某人某事) tell sb. to do sth. (告诉某人去做某talk talk to/with sb. (与某人交谈) talk about sth. (谈论某事) busy be busy with sth. (忙于某事) be busy doing sth. (忙于做某事) help help sb. with sth. (帮助某人某事) help sb. to do sth. (帮助某人做某事) make friends with sb. (和某人交朋友) 8.play sth. with sb. (和某人一起玩...) call/ phone sb. at +电话号码(拨打电话给某人)

9.. also, 位于句中,放在实意动词动词之前,be 动词和情态动词后; 也 2. too, 位于肯定句末,前面一般有“,”隔开; 3. either, 位于否定句末,前面一般有“,”隔开。 如: I can also sing and dance. I want to join the music club, too. I can’t play the guitar, either. Unit 2 What time do you go to school? 重点句型

1. What time do you go to school? 答:I go to school at +时间。 2. What time does+第三人称单数主语+ go to school? 答:He/ She goes to school at +时间。

When do you go to work? 答:I go to work +时间。

with 为介词,表示“和...一起”。 * *

区别 what time 和when. What time 用来询问具体的时间点,如“几点钟”;when 既可以用来询问时间点,也可以用来询问时间段,如询问“年月,日期”时,只能用when. 重点单词和短语1.频率副词 always(总是), usually(通常), sometimes(有时), never(绝不) 频率大小关系:always? usually? sometimes? never频率副词在句中的位置: 在实意动词前 I usually get up at six t.放在助动词后实意动词前I don’t always eat breakfast.

放在be 动词后,如: He is never late.

sometimes除可以放在句中外也可以放在句首和句末。 如:Sometimes I get up at six thirty. I get up at six thirty sometimes. 2. at night 与 in the evening 的区别:

night与 at连用,表示从晚上十点至午夜这段时间;

evening 与 in连用,中间需加“the”,表示从下午六点至晚上十 点这段时间。 work 与 job的区别

work为不可数名词,指人们日常生活中和工作中从事的各类工作; job 为可数名词,强调具体的职业。

3.go to school: 去上学;go to work: 去上班;go to bed: 上床睡觉 注意:回家为“go home”,到家为“get home”中间都不加“to”。 “...起来”

4.taste (尝起来), sound(听起来), look(看起来)




