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外研版高中英语必修四 Module2 Period 2教案-新版

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Module2 Period 2教案 Reading and Vocabulary

Teaching Objectives: 1. To develop Ss’ reading skills;

2. To learn some words about the traffic jam. Teaching procedures: Step1. Word Study

Ask Ss to complete the following sentences with the words given,using proper forms when necessary. There are extra words.

cab, fare, lane, trolleybus, traffic, coach, permit, helicopter, underground, return, route, single, receipt, destination, passenger (1) Yesterday he took a ____ to work. But on the way, the driver had an accident. (2) In every city of China, there are bicycle _____- for bicycle riders. (3) ___ use electricity as power.

(4) You break the law if you drive without a driving______. (5) The roads are too crowed. Why not use the ________?

(6) Trolleybuses follow certain _____ every day to pick up passengers.

(7) After you buy something from a shop, you will be given a_____ for your payment. (8) In traveling, the place you want to go to is your_____ . (9) A long distance bus is called a _____.

(10) He was so angry that he could not say a ____ word. Suggested Answers:

(1) cab (2) lanes (3) Trolleybuses (4) permit (5) underground (6) routes (7) receipt (8) destination (9 )coach (10) single Step 2. Reading 1. Leading-in

Ask Ss to talk about the traffic of the city they live in. 2. Fast reading

Ask Ss to read the text silently and quickly and answer the question.

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What means of transport can you use when you get round in Beijing? Suggested Answers:

taxis / buses and trolleybuses / minibuses / underground / pedicabs 2. Intensive reading

(1) Ask Ss to read the text again and answer the questions in Activity 2 on page 13. (2) Ask Ss to find the words of Activity 3 in the passage. Make sure they understand their meanings well. Then get them to match the words with the meanings given.

Step4. Language Points

1. Ask Ss to discuss the important and difficult language points in groups. Then give them some explanation.

⑴ Simply raise your hand ,and a taxi appears in no time .只要你招招手,马上就会有出租车开过来。

◆ 该句用了“祈使句 + and / or+ 陈述句”结构.在这个结构中祈使句起条件状语从句的作用。如:

① Think before you leap , or you’ll get into trouble. ② Follow your doctor’s advice ,or your cough will get worse. ③ Work hard ,and you’ll succeed.

◆ in no time (= very soon , very quickly) 一会儿,马上。如:

① I’m sure that I can learn how to use the computer in no time. ② They cleaned the classroom in no time.

⑵ You should check the cab has a business permit, and make sure you ask for a receipt.你要确保出租车有营业执照,并且一定要索取发票。

If you get on a double-decker bus, make sure you sit upstairs. 如果你坐双层车,一定要坐在上面的一层

You should talk to the driver, and make sure you know the price before you begin the journey…你要先交涉好,走之前先弄清楚价格。 这三个句子中均涉及到了make sure 的用法:

make sure 确保,保证 ,务必,弄确实,查明。后面可加of 构成“make sure of sth”

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词组,也可接 that从句。如:

① I remember that the plane takes off at 7 am, but you had better make sure. ② When you leave the classroom, make sure that the door is locked. ③ Have you made sure of the time of the train?

⑶ There are four underground lines in Beijing, and several lines are under construction.在北京有四条地铁线,还有几条正在建设中 under construction 在建设中。如:

① The new railway is still under construction. ② There are two auditoriums under construction.

⑷ Tricycles are worth using if you want to explore the narrow alleys of old Beijing.如果你想逛逛老北京的胡同,坐三轮车是再合适不过了。 be worth doing 值得做某事。如: ① His suggestion is worth considering. ② New York is a city worth visiting.

※【拓展】be worthy of being done也是“值得做某事”的意思,如: His suggestion is worthy of being considered. 2. Ask Ss to listen to the tape and fill the missing words.

Public transport provides a ___(1)____way to ___(2)___ in Beijing. There are 20,000 buses and trolleybuses in Beijing, but they can get very ___(3)___. It’s a good idea to avoid public transport during the ____(4)___. Fares are cheap, ___(5)___at 1 Yuan. Air-conditioned buses cost more.

Bused ____(6)___1 to 100 are ___(7)____ to travel within the city center. Higher numbers have destinations in the suburbs. Tourists shouldn’t miss the 103 bus which ___(8)____ one of the impressive routes, past Forbidden City and the White Pagoda in Beihai Park . If you get on a double –Decker bus, make sure you sit ___(9)___. You will have a good ____(10)___of the rapidly changing city.

Most buses run from about 5:00 am to midnight. ___(11)____, there is also a night service, provided by buses with a number in the 200s.

There are four underground ____(12)___ in Beijing, and several lines are under ___(13)___. Trains are fast and ___(14)___, but rush hours can be terrible. A _(15)__

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trip costs 3 Yuan. Station names are marked by pinyin. The underground is open from 5:00 am to 11:00 pm. Suggested Answers:

(1) cheap (2) get around (3) crowded (4) rush hour (5) starting (6) numbered (7) limited (8) offers (9)upstairs (10)view (11) However (12) lines (13) construction (14) convenient (15 )one –way Step 5. Homework

1. Ask Ss to finish Reading exercises in the Workbook on pages 75~76. 2. Ask Ss to prepare for the Listening class.

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外研版高中英语必修四 Module2 Period 2教案-新版


