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高中英语 Unit4 Earthquakes练习 新人教版必修1

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Unit 4 Earthquakes

My earthquake story

My name is Mahnaz Bibi and I'm from a village of Muzaffarabad,Azad Kashmir.We were living a happy and comfortable life.I had my husband Mukhtar Ali and a son Mushahid Ali.Mushahid was the whole world for me.

On October 8th,I came out of my house after feeding Mushahid to do some work out there.I was working when the earth started shaking from north to west.I had never felt this kind of earthquake before.When I came to my senses I ran back to my house to save my son,as he was sleeping in the room.There was nothing but the debris(残骸)of my house.I started crying loudly and asked the neighbours to help search for my child.I was praying(祈祷)to God to save my child from this disaster,but after three hours of my prayers,I lost my whole world.There was no one to bury Mushahid's body because everyone was burying their own children.We buried him on the 9th of October and suffered from rain the whole night.

A few days later we left our village,because there was nothing left for us.We


travelled a long distance over the mountains.In the end,we reached Muzaffarabad,Azad Kashmir and got shelter in the Ajaz Gillani Relief Tent Village. 【词海拾贝】

1.come to one's senses清醒过来,冷静下来 2.search for寻找,搜索 3.suffer from遭受,忍受 4.in the end最后,终于

5.get shelter得到住处,得以避难 【问题思考】

1.Why did the author leave her village?

_______________________________________________________ 答案:Because there was nothing left for her. 2.What would you do if you felt an earthquake?

_______________________________________________________ 答案:I would find a safety place or open field.



1.burst A.vi.爆裂;爆发 n.突然破裂;爆发

2.ruin B.vt.破坏;毁坏;消灭 3.injure C.vt.埋葬;掩埋;隐藏 4.destroy D.n.废墟;毁灭 vt.使破产;毁灭

5.shock E.vt.损害;伤害

6.rescue F.vt.&vi.(使)震惊;震动 n.休克;打击;震惊

7.trap G.vt.使陷入困境n.陷阱;困境 8.bury H.n.灾难;灾祸

9.disaster I.n.&vt.援救;营救 10.electricity J.n.电;电流;电学 答案:1.A 2.D 3.E 4.B 5.F 6.I 7.G 8.C 9.H 10.J

Ⅱ.根据所给汉语提示写出单词 1.________n.地震


2.________vi.爆裂;爆发 n.突然破裂;爆发 3.________n.废墟;毁灭 vt.毁灭;使破产 4.________n.苦难;痛苦 5.________adj.极度的 6.________vt.损害;伤害


8.________adj.无用的;无效的;无益的 ________adj.有用的

9.________n.休克;震惊;打击 vt.&vi.(使)震惊;震动 10.________vt.&n.救援;营救

11.________vt.使陷入困境;n.陷阱;困境 12.________n.灾难;灾祸

13.________vt.埋葬;掩埋;隐藏 14.________n.遮蔽处;避身处;掩蔽 15.________n.记者

答案:1.earthquake quake 2.burst 3.ruin

4.suffering 5.extreme 6.injure 7.destroy 8.useless useful10.rescue 11.trap 12.disaster 13.bury 14.shelter 15.reporter Ⅲ.根据英语释义写出单词

1.________:stick,sth is long 2.________:loss;destroy

3.________:make sb feel frightened 4.________:say sth good to celebrate

5.________:say sth about one's view;one kind of train which travels fast

6.________:the person who rides the bike

9.shock 3

答案:1.bar 2.damage 3.frighten 4.congratulate 5.express 6.cyclist


be pleased;be proud of;give away;be known as;express one's thanks;right away;at an end;in ruins;dig out;as usual;instead of

1.My holiday is________and I must go back to work tomorrow. 答案:at an end

2.____________being annoyed,he seemed quite pleased. 答案:Instead of

3.We are expecting to__________some important facts. 答案:dig out

4.Years of fighting have left that country_________. 答案:in ruins

5.______________,she had bread and an egg for breakfast yesterday. 答案:As usual

6.Listen!There sounds the thunder.Let's go home ______. 答案:right away 7.Do you want to let your family,your friends and yourself____________you and your work?

答案:be proud of

8.Lu Xun____________a great writer and thinker. 答案:is known as

9.I want to____________to you for your great help. 答案:express my thanks

10.I____________to do business with you. 答案:am pleased


1.It seemed as if the world was at an end!

_______________________________________________________ 答案:仿佛到了世界末日! 2.All hope was not lost.

_______________________________________________________ 答案:不是所有的希望都破灭了。

3.Never before in history has a city been so completely destroyed. _______________________________________________________ 答案:在历史上从来没有一座城市像这样完全被毁过。

4.Amazing as it may seem,Wednesday night was a quiet night. _______________________________________________________





1.Before July 28th,1976,strange things happened in the countryside of northwest Hebei. (F)

2.When the earthquake happened in Hebei,one-third of the nation could feel it. (T)

3.The number of people who were killed or injured reached more than 4,000,000. (F)

4.Another big quake shook Tangshan while rescue workers and doctors were saving the people trapped. (T)

5.Animals like cows,pigs and chickens as well as people suffered a lot in the earthquake. (T)

6.Soldiers were sent to Tangshan to offer their help to get water,food and electricity. (F)


1.How long did the earthquake last?

_______________________________________________________ 答案:About 15 seconds.

2.Fresh water was taken to the city by train,truck and plane,why? _______________________________________________________ 答案:Because dams and wells were useless. 3.What was the result of the earthquake?

_______________________________________________________ 答案:The whole city lay in ruins.

4.What does the last sentence“Slowly,the city began to breathe again.”mean? _______________________________________________________


高中英语 Unit4 Earthquakes练习 新人教版必修1


