【期刊名称】《实用口腔医学杂志》 【年(卷),期】2009(025)006
【摘要】传统ART(atraumatic restorative treatment)法治疗乳牙龋病后容易出现较高的继发病变,而这类病变的产生多是因为充填前忽视了龋洞的消毒和残留脱矿牙本质的再矿化.近年来,臭氧联合再矿化治疗已逐渐成为ART充填治疗前窝洞处理的必要步骤之一,但对其疗效的评估一直缺乏量化的评价标准.以往的研究显示,激光荧光检测笔(DIAGNOdent)可量化龋损程度,在龋病疗效的监测方面具有优势.因此,作者对DIAGNOdent在ART法配合臭氧联合再矿化治疗充填前的过程进行了跟踪,结果显示,DIANGOdent不具备监测优势.%Traditional atraumatic restorative treatment(ART) induces more successive diseases in the treatment of deciduous caries. Ignoring the disinfection and caries-affected dentin's remineralisation are the main reasons of such problem. Nowadays, Ozone-Remineralisation therapy has become one of the steps before restorative treatment. However, there is no quantitative standard to evaluate this therapy. Some researches had shown that the laser-fluorescent device (DIAGNOdent, Dd) has the advantages in monitoring caries treatment. We use DIAG-NOdent to monitor the effect of OZone-Remineralisation therapy before filling the restoration in the caves in this study, however, the results is delievered that DIAGNOdent has little advatages in monitoring the effect of this
new therapy, because the data of DIAGNOdent had a large fluctuation. 【总页数】3页(898-900)
【关键词】ART法去龋法;DIAGNOdent激光荧光龋齿检测笔;臭氧联合再矿化技术;乳牙;脱矿牙本质 【作者】王璇;钟良军;赵双云
【作者单位】新疆医科大学第一附属医院口腔科,830054;新疆医科大学第一附属医院口腔科,830054;北京大学口腔医学院儿童口腔科 【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】R78 【文献来源】
https://www.zhangqiaokeyan.com/academic-journal-cn_journal-practical-stomatology_thesis/0201238649693.html 【相关文献】
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