基本信息 学 科 教 师 课题名称 英语 蔡琳琳 年 级 单 位 一 教学形式 课堂教学 揭西县河婆中学 必修4第二单元 A pioneer for all people 学情分析 本节课的教学对象是高一年级的学生,他们的智力发展趋于成熟,认知能力比刚入学时有进一步发展,逐渐能用英语来获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题。本班学生英语基础相对而言较好,他们对著名人物袁隆平这个话题比较感兴趣。但是口语表达能力相对薄弱。 本课以听、说、读为主的阅读课。阅读课旨在培养学生根据不同的阅读目的使用不同的阅读策略的能力,从文章中获取和处理主要信息的能力,理解文章主旨和作者意图的能力以及通过上下文进行整体理解语篇的能力。 教学目标 (一)、知识目标 1.学习本课重点的词汇(见教学重点第1点)。 2.充分理解课文大意并完成所设计出的任务。 (二)、能力目标 在阅读课文,运用语言的过程中培养学生的自学能力,分析能力、想象力和合作能力,帮助学生扩大词汇,提高思维能力和运用英语的综合能力,激发创造能力。让学生进一步学习使用恰当的阅读方式与技能。 (三)、情感态度与价值观 利用多媒体手段加强学习本课内容及相关英语表达的氛围,使学生不自觉地进入情景之中,充分调动学生的思维活动和情感体验,让学生不但学习袁隆平的科研精神,更要学习他不计名利、踏踏实实的生活态度。本部分旨在培养学生通过自主阅读,合作探索,来获取有关知识,扩大他们的词汇量,提高阅读能力。 教学过程 Step1 Lead-in T: “Good morning, boys and girls! Have you had your breakfast? S: yes/no T: If you did not have your breakfast, what’s your feeling now? Are you feeling hungry now? 【设计意图】 首先通过自由交流的方式,老师提问学生回答的方式,进行导入和热身活动,减轻学生上课伊始的紧张感,快速地融入课堂,成为课堂教学活动的主体。
Today I will show you some pictures, and please tell me what is happening to these people. They are facing the problem of hunger. What do they need most? Maybe a bowl of rice or noodles is their best choice. 【设计意图】 首先给学生展示一些有关非洲饱受饥饿折磨的儿童图片,让学生从直观上先受到触动,从心底里同情这些遭受饥饿的孩子,使学生在浏览图片事受到心灵上的震撼并激起他们对本课话题的兴趣。 Do you know how to get rice? Show them some pictures about the procedures of rice planting. Plowing the field Growing young plants Inserting young plants into the field
Fertilizing Growing Harvesting Finally we get rice. 【设计意图】 由于地处北方地区,大多数学生不了解水稻等生产,故而设置问题Do you know how to get rice? 同时该问题的提出,让学生的思维巧妙地过渡到课文中。 Step 2 Pre-reading. Answer the following questions: 1. What is the main food in East Asian and Southeast Asian countries? 2. If there were no rice one day, what would happen? 【设计意图】 首先提供两道读前的问题,让学生了解全球以水稻为主食的人口数量,随后通过问题If there were no rice one day, what would happen? 给学生更多的背景信息,使学生从侧面意识到“杂交水稻之父”袁隆平的巨大贡献。 Step 3. Reading Show the students a picture. Let the students learn some new words and know some information about Dr. Yuan Longping—the man who puts an end to hunger. He is Father of hybrid rice. First let the students make a prediction. What may be the style of this passage? A. a story B. a travel journal
C. a biography (an introduction to a person) 【设计意图】 通过此项活动,锻炼学生利用标题和图片等有效信息猜测文章大意的能力。 And then give students three tasks Deal with these three tasks one by one. Task 1 Listening and scanning 百度搜索视频:A pioneer for all people - by 肖尔琳http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjQ2NDY1NzU2.html Show the students a video about Dr. Yuan Longping——one of the characters in 2004 TOUCH THE HEART OF CHINA. And let the students listen to the tape. While listening, the students should pay more attention to pronunciation, stress and intonation and try to get the answers to these two questions. 1. Who became the first agricultural pioneer in the world to grow rice that has a high output? And when? 2. What did Yuan Longping invent? 【设计意图】 学生对于基本的语音听力技能包括:语音,语调,重音,语速等有基本的认识,而这些技能的提高主要通过多听,通过释放听力原文配以视频影像的方法,给学生营造一个活跃的,轻松的课堂气氛。同时设计了两道比较简单的寻读检测试题,让学生在这一过程中,通过对两道比较简单任务的寻找,很快解决问题,帮助他们树立英语学习的信心。 Task 2 Skimming Find out the topic sentence of each paragraph. Generally speaking, the topic sentence is the main sentence of a paragraph, which describes its content and direction. Divide the class into several groups, give students several minutes and hold a discussion ——Where can we find the topic sentences? And then let the students give their answers. Para 1. He became the first agricultural pioneer in the world to grow rice that has a high output. Para 2. He has devoted his life to finding ways to grow more and more rice. Para 3. He cares little about spending the money on himself and would rather keep time for his hobbies. Para 4. Dr Yuan’s dreams. Give them a quiz to check if they grasp the soul of the activity. Match the following headings with the right paragraphs.
Para 1 A. Dr Yuan’s dreams. Para 2 B. Dr Yuan’s personality. Para 3 C. Dr Yuan’s biography. Para 4 D. Dr Yuan’s appearance and his achievements. 【设计意图】 为什么把skimming阅读设计成通过讨论形式,分组讨论寻找主题句的活动?因为在《2010年陕西省高考英语考试大纲》中明确规定了阅读增添新题型——“6选5”型阅读理解题。试题模式为:给出一篇缺少5个句子的400字左右的文章,对应有6项,要求考生根据文章结构、内容选出正确的句子,填入相应的空白处。由于给出了选项,个别选项间区分度不大,试题的难度较常规阅读试题有所增加,而且会出现由于一处误选导致多处问题的情况。那么在平时的课堂中瞄准高考,就能起到事半功倍的效果。 Task 3 Careful reading Para. 1 Dr Yuan’s appearance and his achievements. Q1: What does Dr Yuan look like? Q2: What is his achievement? Para 2 His biography Let the students fill the form. Time 1930 1953 As a young man In a recent harvest now 【设计意图】 通过直观的表格形式检测学生对第二段落细节内容的理解, 列举出袁隆平生活中的主要事件。让学生对袁隆平一生中的重要事件有所了解,以及袁隆平对农业的巨大贡献。 A quiz——Put Dr Yuan’s biography in the right order. 【设计意图】 通过小测验的形式,加强学生对传记形式的文章的写作手法有进一步的了解,认识到时间逻辑在写作中的重要性。 Para. 3 Dr Yuan’s personality Which of the following description about Dr Yuan’s personality is not true? information
A.He is satisfied with his life because he is now rich and famous. B. He cares little about money and fame. C. He would rather work than lead a comfortable life. D. He enjoys a simpler life than most rich and famous people. 【设计意图】 通过让学生用形容词概括袁隆平的性格特点,一方面锻炼学生概括人物性格的能力,另一方面让学生了解袁隆平是一个怎样的人,从而号召学生做一个像袁隆平一样有着远大理想和踏踏实实工作态度的人,现在努力学习,以后为社会多作贡献。 Para 4 His dreams ? His first dream To produce a kind of rice that could feed more people As tall as sorghum As big as a corn As huge as a peanut ? His second dream To export his rice so that it can be grown all over the globe 【设计意图】 提出问题让学生思考为什么袁隆平能够成功,人因有梦想伟大,如果自己想要成功,应该怎样做?从而从情感上得到升华。 Step 4. Consolidation Personal information (Resume) Achievements: Hobbies: True or False exercise. 1 Dr Yuan is more a farmer than a scientist. 2 Dr Yuan’s rice is one of the most suitable ways for China’s farmland. 3 Dr Yuan would rather work than relax. 4 Dr Yuan has dreams when he is asleep and also when he is awake. 5 Dr Yuan enjoys a simpler life than most rich and famous person. 【设计意图】 通过设置框架型简历,及判断正误等问题,总结本课主要信息点,使学生对袁隆平的优秀品质和为中国乃至世界人民的温饱问题所做出的巨大贡献有更进一步的认识,使所学内容重新回炉。
The rice field is his stage forever! Appreciate a poem. Farmers weeding at noon, Sweat down the field soon. Who knows food on a tray, Due to their toiling day. Then hold a free talk, let the students know we should cherish what we have and never waste a grain of food. 【设计意图】 通过学习英文版的唐诗《锄禾》使学生对英文诗歌有一定的认识,最重要的是让学生认识到劳动的艰辛,和我们作为消费者的学生,应该更应该珍惜现在的所有,不浪费每一粒粮食,节约社会资源,知道节约就是另一种形式的创造。 板书设计 The Pioneer For All People
Para1 Dr Yuan’s appearance and like a farmer Super hybrid rice achievement simple/honest determined intelligent well-educated hard-working Para2 Dr Yuan’s biography birth education research Para3 Dr personality Yuan’s noble care little about money selfless donate it to the research noble e export his rice ambitious, great Para4 Dr Yuan’s dream throughout the world 作业或预习 Homework: 1. If you had the chance to do something to help end hunger in the world, what would you do? 2. Preview what we will learn next period. 自我评价 本节课我通过多种不同形式的教学方法,设置形式多样的任务类型,充分体现了新课程背景下教师的主导地位,基本做到了把课堂让给学生,让学生在自主、合作、探究的气氛中愉快度过,既顺利完成教学任务,又促进其情感教育。 组长评议或同行评议(可选多人): 1、由于学生的语言基础不扎实,在表达自己的看法和用英语进行讨论时,时有学生在讨论过程夹杂着汉语,或有的学生不敢大胆说出自己的看法,欲言又止,导致气氛没有预想的热烈。 2、由于本堂课任务多,容量大,导致完成任务时间较紧,没有足够讨论时间,今后应注意教学步骤间的紧密衔接,充分体现教师主导、学生主体作用。
评议一单位:河婆中学英语教研组 姓名:杨益河 日期:2013.9.20