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Part B Directions:

In the following article, some sentences have been removed. For Questions 41 45, choose the most suitable one from the list A桮 to fit into each of the numbered blank. There are two extra choices, which do not fit in any of the gaps. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) American jazz great Duke Ellington once stated that there were only two kinds of music goodand bad. Music is pleasing to its loyal audiences who have learned to distinguish nuances of style and may be able to identify their favorite performers by sound. It may be less than pleasing to others, who may comprehend so little of the music that they think it all sounds alike. (41). It is obvious how important the composer and the performer are in musical communication, but the importance of the audience’s knowledge and active participation in music is often underestimated or ignored.

Most musical cultures divide into so-called art music and music of the people, though these two categories are not

always distinct. (42). Popular and folk styles of music can become equally sophisticated, but they tend to start out being easier to perform and more easily understood by a wider audience. Almost every musical culture has subcultures, and these subcultures often have their own subcultures. Western music is one of the clearest examples of a multi-layered musical culture.

Baroque, classical, romantic, modern, and postmodern are all recognized styles of Western art music that together span the last, three centuries. But more specific musical genres, such as religious music, folk music, military music, popular music, film music, and show music, have coexisted with art music during this time period. And within any one of these broader musical styles, we can find other musical subcultures. (43) .

Two pieces of music within the same musical culture, and even within the same musical subculture (for example, rock music), can sound very differently and can appeal to different groups. Compare, for example, two examples of music that some people would group together as rock music, David Bowie’s \

\Creedence Clearwater Revival.

(44) . Creedence Clearwater Revival was one of several back-to-basics American rock groups that revisited the traditional blues and country-western musical heritage of rock. This was at least in part a reaction to the influence of British rock singers like Bowie and other groups that had gained a huge international following during the 1960s and 1970s.

Similarly, jazz styles vary not only between early forms (Dixieland, ragtime) and newer styles, but also between different schools of jazz that exist at essentially the same time. For example, the understated, classical style of the Modern Jazz Quartet differs from the spontaneous, free improvisational style of saxophonist Anthony Braxton. These examples of subcultures within musical cultures also begin to suggest how a group can adopt music as a symbol of its identity. In and of themselves, the colors green and orange are not really about anything. But in Europe these colorshave been invested with strong religious and

political meanings over the past several centuries. In many

parts of western Europe and especially in Ireland the colors are associated with religious division: green for the Catholics, orange for the Protestants. 45) (本题分值:2分) 【正确答案】 E

[A] Art music demands a high level of training on the part of the-performer and a relatively high level of sophistication on the part of the audience. [B] Although these pieces come out of the same musical culture, there is a more profound difference between the two pieces than just these characteristics.

[C] Although these two songs were recorded and released within a few years of one another, they have distinctly different styles, and they tended to attract different audiences.

[D] Once again, however, we find music with clearly different sounds. The most obvious difference is in performance medium: orchestra and voiee in the Mahler work; piano in the Debussy composition.

[E] Music can also be performed well or poorly. These

judgments are made within a musical culture, according to whatthat culture believes about music.

[F] In a sirnilar way, music can become part of the glue of a subculture: an intangible but extremely strong identifying and binding element.

[G] For example, within the broad musical range of styles called popular music, we find blues;within the subculture of blues, we find field blues and urban blues, among others. 42、

(本题分值:2分) 【正确答案】 A

[A] Art music demands a high level of training on the part of the-performer and a relatively high level of sophistication on the part of the audience. [B] Although these pieces come out of the same musical culture, there is a more profound difference between the two pieces than just these characteristics.

[C] Although these two songs were recorded and released within a few years of one another, they have distinctly



