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New Smart Phonics 教学计划表Level 1 - 图文

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Teaching Schedule


12周/册书(3个月),共计40课时,4课时/单元;40分钟/课时 60周/全系列(约1年零3个月),共计200课时


Level 1

单元 课时 进度 主要教学内容 学生用书 Unit 1 1 Listen and repeat; Learn Letter shape: Aa, Bb, Cc. Page 8,9 Letter sound: /?/, /b/, /k/. Words: apple, book, cat. Apple begins with the /?/sound. Book begins with the /b/sound. Cat begins with the /k/sound. Trace and write the letters Aa, Bb,Cc. Words:A---apple, alligator, ant. Page B---book, bed, bat. 10,11 C---cat, cap, cup. Which word begins with letter A,B,C, and begins with the letter sound: /?/, /b/, /k/ Read and act out the story. Page 12 Key words: ant, cat, alligator, bed. Sight words: is, on, see, the, under. Sentences: See the …, the … is on / under the bed. 教材配置 练习册 闪卡 教具 √ √ CD √ 2 Listen and repeat; practice √ √ √ 3 Story √ √ √

4 Write Write: Aa, Bb, Cc. Page 13 Play: Hybrid CD—Phonics land--. Play Intro, Match and puzzle. √ √ CD √ 单元 课时 进度 主要教学内容 学生用书 教材配置 练习册 闪卡 教具 √ √ Unit 2 1 Listen and repeat; Learn Letter shape: Dd, Ee, Ff. Page Letter sound: /d/, /e/, /f/. 14,15 Words: dog, elephant, fish. Dog begins with the /d/sound. Elephant begins with the /e/sound. Fish begins with the /f/sound. Trace and write the letter Dd, Ee, Ff. Words:D---dog, desk, duck. Page E---elephant, egg, leg. 16,17 F---fish, fan, fork. Which word begins with letter D,E,F, and begins with the letter sound: /d/, /e/, /f/ Read and act out the story. Page 18 Key words: fish, fork, desk, duck, egg, elephant, fan. Sight words: a, an, are, I, in, on, see, the, they, under. Sentences: I see a … I see a … They are on / in / under the desk. Write: Dd, Ee, Ff. Page 19 Play: Hybrid CD—Phonics land--. Play Intro, Match and puzzle. 主要教学内容 学生用书 2 Listen and repeat; practice √ √ √ 3 Story √ √ √ 4 Write √ √ 单元 课时 进度 教材配置 练习册 闪卡 教具 √ √ CD √ 1 Listen Letter shape: Gg, Hh, Ii. Page Unit 3 and repeat; Learn Letter sound: /g/, /h/, /i/. 20,21 Words: gorilla, hat, igloo. Gorilla begins with the /g/sound. Hat begins with the /h/sound. Igloo begins with the /i/sound. Trace and write the letters Gg, Hh, Ii. Words:G---gorilla, game, girl. Page H---hat, hippo, hand. 22,23 I---igloo, iguana, ink. Which word begins with letter G, H, I, and begins with the letter sound: /g/, /h/, /i/ Read and act out the story. Page 24 Key words: girl, mat, hippo, hat, iguana, igloo. Sight words: a, am, an, I, is, my, this. Sentences: I am a … This is my… Write: Gg, Hh, Ii. Page 25 Play: Hybrid CD—Phonics land--. Play Intro, Match and puzzle. 主要教学内容 学生用书 √ √ √ 2 Listen and repeat; practice 3 Story √ √ √ 4 Write √ √ 单元 课时 进度 教材配置 练习册 闪卡 教具 √ √ CD √ Unit 4 1 Listen and repeat; Learn Letter shape: Jj, Kk, Ll. Page Letter sound: /d?/, /k/, /l/. 26,27 Words: jet, king, lion. Jet begins with the /d?/sound. King begins with the /k/sound. Lion begins with the /l/sound. Trace and write the letter Jj, Kk, Ll. Page 28,29 2 Listen Words:J---jet, jacket, jar. and K---king, key, kangaroo. repeat; L---lion, lamp, lemon. √ √ √

practice Which word begins with letter J, K, L, and begins with the letter sound: /d?/, /k/, /l/ Read and act out the story. Page 30 Key words: king, jet, kangaroo, jar, lion, lemon. Sight words: a, doesn’t, has, he, like, likes, she, the. Sentences: The … has (a) … He / She likes the … He / She doesn’t like the … Write: Jj, Kk, Ll. Page 31 Play: Hybrid CD—Phonics land--. Play Intro, Match and puzzle. 主要教学内容 学生用书 √ √ √ 3 Story 4 Write √ √ 单元 课时 进度 教材配置 练习册 闪卡 教具 √ √ CD √ Review 1 1 Listen & Do Read & Do Review A—L letter shapes, letter sounds, and words. Listen, write and circle. Listen, write, and match. Review A—L letter shapes, letter sounds, and words. Let’s chant! Match and write. Review A—L letter shapes, letter sounds, and words. Find and circle. Play the game: Flick the coin. Review A—L letter shapes, letter sounds, and words. Review the sight words in Unit1—4. Review the stories in Unit 1—4. Do a test for the phonics we learnt in the 4 units. 主要教学内容 Page 32,33 Page 34,35 2 Play & Do Review and Test Page 36,37 Page 8--37 √ √ √ 单元

课时 进度 教材配置 学生用书 Unit 5 1 Listen and repeat; Learn Letter shape: Mm, Nn, Oo. Letter sound: /m/, /n/, /?/. Words: mouse, nut, octopus. Mouse begins with the /m/sound. Nut begins with the /n/sound. Octopus begins with the /?/sound. Trace and write the letters Mm, Nn, Oo. 2 Listen and repeat; practice Words:M---mouse, melon, map. Page N---nut, nest, net. 40,41 O---octopus, ox, ostrich. Which word begins with letter M, N, O and begins with the letter sound: /m/, /n/, /?/ 3 Story Read and act out the story. Page 42 Key words: map, mouse, net, ostrich, melon, octopus. Sight words: has, the, who. Sentences: Who has the …? The … has the … Write: Mm, Nn, Oo. Page 43 Play: Hybrid CD—Phonics land--. Play Intro, Match and puzzle. 主要教学内容 学生用书 Unit 6 1 Listen and repeat; Learn Letter shape: Pp, Qq, Rr. Page Letter sound: /p/, /kw/, /r/. 44,45 Words: panda, queen, ring. Panda begins with the /p/sound. Queen begins with the /kw/sound. Ring begins with the /r/sound. Page 38,39 练习册 闪卡 教具 √ √ CD √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 4 Write √ √ 单元 课时 进度 教材配置 练习册 闪卡 教具 √ √ CD √

New Smart Phonics 教学计划表Level 1 - 图文


