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表示“感官意义”的系动词,说明主语给人的感觉器官所产生的意义。例如look, seem, appear(看起来), sound(听起来), smell(闻起来), taste(尝起来), feel(摸起来;感觉到)等,这类系动词的用法,跟be 相似,除了接形容词作表语外,还可以后跟like介词短语。例如:

It looks like rain. 天看起来像下雨的样子。

The cloth feels like silk. 这布匹摸起来像是丝绸。

This looks (tastes, smells, feels) like an orange. 这东西看起来(尝起来,闻起来,摸起来)像个桔子。

The stars are not afraid to appear like fireflies. 星星不怕显得象萤火那样。 此外,这类感官动词还可以跟as if/as though从句。例如:

It sounds as though someone is weeping nearby. 听起来好像有人在附近哭。

It looks (seems, appears) as if he has lost interest in his job. 看来他对自己的工作已失去了兴趣。

关于become的用法,词典上一般没有become like的例句,但在实际语言中确实存在着。例如: She's become like a real middle-aged woman. 她变得确实像个小老太太了。

We teach you to become like a little child through your joy and your happiness. 我们教导你们通过喜悦和欢乐成为一个小孩子。

Life will be brighter than noonday, and darkness will become like morning. 人生要比正午更明,黑暗也会变得像早晨。

That is why she became like this. 所以她就变成这样了。

His parents died early and his cousin became like his parents. 因为他父母亲早死,他表哥就变得像父母亲一样。

I became like a little child on Christmas morning as I ran around screaming and laughing. 我四处跑啊、叫啊、笑啊,变得就像一个圣诞节早上的小孩一样。

As time passed, the secrecy became like an unexploded bomb. 随着时间的推移,秘密就像没有爆炸的炸弹。

In a very short time I became like one of the family. 在很短的时间里,我就成为了他们家庭中的一员。

二、become of是什么意思?

become of是一个固定搭配,意为“结果怎样;遭遇如何;发生了什么;出了什么事”等,主语一般是what或whatever,不能是“人”。What becomes of sb./sth.? 所表达的意思,相当于What happens to sb./sth.?


What has become of my dictionary? 我的词典到哪里去了?

What has become of the wounded soldier? 那位受伤的战士情况怎么样了? What will become of your research subject ? 你们的研究课题前景怎样?

Do you know what becomes of the bags lost at the airport? 你知道在机场丢失的行李会被怎样处理吗?

I wonder what became of the people who lived next door? 不知道以前住在隔壁的人怎麽样了? What became of him is not recorded. 他后来怎么样没记载下来。

What has become of the book I put here yesterday? 昨天我放在这儿的书到哪去了?

What will become of us if the war breaks out? 如果战争爆发我们会怎样?

You know what will become of you if you leave them. 你知道如果离开他们你的后果会怎样。 If you cannot bear a man’s admiration, what is to become of you? 如果男人的欣赏你都受不了,你将怎么办呢?

What was to become of them all, he wondered. 他们这些人会怎么样呢? 他感到很纳闷。 I have no idea what is becoming of her.我不知道在她身上发生什么事情了。 What has ever become of my blue bag? 我的蓝色手袋到底去哪了? What will become of the children if their father dies? 如果他们的父亲死了,这些孩子的遭遇会怎么样?

She thought constantly about her family; she might never know what had become of them. 她一直挂念着家人;她也许再也听不到他们的消息了。

We were wondering what had become of the other farmers when they suddenly showed up. 正当我们奇怪那些农夫怎么还不来时,他们突然回来了。

All the talk is what will become of them, and their families, in the future. 谈论的都是他们,他们的家人,以及他们的未来将会变成什么样子。

Perhaps it is too early to predict what will become of this relationship. 也许现在预测中非关系将变成什么样子还为时太早。

在口语中,经常会出现不符合语法的说法:What was become of...,例如:

I asked him what was become of young Harney and Miss Sophia.我问他,那个年轻的哈尼和苏菲亚小姐的情况怎么样。



He has become an awful bore since she got married to him. 她自从和他结婚后,就变得令人厌烦透了。

He's become increasingly withdrawn since his wife's death. 他从妻子死后越来越孤僻了。 He's become very high and mighty since he got that new job. 他自从得到了那份新工作后就变得神气活现。

She has become very food-minded since her holiday in France. 她自法国度假回来,对食物就很讲究了。

He's become a lot more domesticated since his marriage. 他婚后变得非常恋家。

The export market have become very difficult since the rise in the dollar. 从美元的上涨以来,出口市场变得非常困难。

Since her death, she has become a cult figure. 她死后成了部分人狂热崇拜的偶像。

The trends since the 1950s have become even more marked. 20世纪50年代以来,这些趋势更加显而易见。

She has become very sophisticated since she went to live in London. 移居伦敦后她变得世故多了。

Since then, the contrast between his two careers has become even more pronounced. 从那时起,他的两种职业之间的差距变得愈加明显。



