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1.选出下列单词中不同类的单词( )

A. swimming B. boating C. nothing 2.选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。

A. candy B. quail 3.选出不同类的单词( )

A. come B. green 4.选出下列单词中不同类的单词( ) A.mouth B.pencil 5.选出下列单词中不同类的单词( )

A. park B. email 二、根据汉语意思补全单词


A. shirt B. sweater 7.th ____ nk (谢谢)

A. b B. a 8.b___ utiful (美丽的)

A. ea B. ee 9.pla ____ e(地方)

A. t B. c C. r


10.选出每组单词中画线部分读音不同的单词( ) A. help B. forest C. tell 11.选出画线部分单词发音与众不同的单词( ) A. swim B. gift 12.选出发音不同的单词( )

C. rooster C. yellow C.Face C. playground

C. u C. ae C. hi

A. team B. tea C. bread 13.选出画线部分读音不同的一项。

A. China B. Canada C. cat D. ant 14.选出画线部分单词发音与众不同的单词( ) A. ride B. sing C. skip



A. cap B. bag C. bed D. box E. kite (1)________






16.— Who's your English teacher? —________, He is very ________ (滑稽的).

17.When it's winter in Beijing, it's s________ in Sydney. 18.—Who's your Chinese teacher? —________, He's very ________ (年轻的).

19.I like to water the flowers in the g ________.

20.________(我)am an actress.


21.This timetable is your day.

A. on B. at C. about 22.A living room isn't a place _____ meals.

A. cook B. cooks C. to cook 23.What the sign ?

A. is, mean B. do, mean C. does, mean 24.There a cake on the table.

A. be B. are C. is 25.We're the same .

A. ages B. age C. the age 26.— _______ snowy and cold in winter in Heilongjiang? —Yes, it is.

D. cooking A. Is it B. It is C. Is 27.We played an interesting _______ game class. A. on B. at C. in

28.荷叶上有一只青蛙。小猫看着青蛙问小狗:“这是一条鱼吗?”小狗应回答: A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn't. It's a frog. 29.I like and .

A. swimming; paint B. singing; reading C. dance; skate 30.Those are books.

A. Ben B. Bill C. Ben's


31.Read and choose(读一读,选择合适的句子,完成对话,用A、B、C、D、E、F表示) A. What's her favourite food? B. She eats cat food too. C. What animals do you like?

D. What food doesn't she like eating?D E. How about you? F. She's very naughty. Danny: ________ Peter: I like cats. Danny: Do you have a pet?

Peter: No, but I want to have one. ________

Danny: I have a cat. Her name's Ginger. ________ She likes jumping and climbing. Peter: Oh, I think Ginger likes sports. She' so cute.________ Danny: She likes fish best. ________ Peter:Maybe I want to buy a cat like Ginger.



This is a picture 1 a street.In the street we can see a food shop. There is much food 2 the shop.Look! That's Uncle Wang.He is 3 a bike.There is a boy 4

the bike.There are some old men 5 the table.They are drinking tea, and they are talking happily. 1. A. of 2. A. for 3. A. in 4. A. up 5. A. at

B. in B. under B. on B. with B. on

C. at C. with C. for C. between C. in

D. on D. in D. with D. behind D. with



The Spring Festival is my favourite festival. It's also called the Chinese New Year. Before the Spring Festival, I always send presents and cards to my friends. At the Spring Festival I play games with them. And we often go shopping together. I like the Spring Festival because it's very interesting. (1)My favourite festival is the Chinese New Year.

(2)Before the Spring Festival, I send presents and cards to my friends. (3)I don't play games with my friends at the Spring Festival. (4)I think the Spring Festival is very interesting.


34.今天是星期六,学校组织了一次野餐。 根据下表的安排,写一篇不少于40词的作文。

集合时间 集合地点 人物 目的地 食物和饮料 8:00 at the gate of the school teacher and students at the foot of the mountains bread, milk, tea … A Picnic


一、选出每组中不同类的一项 1. C 2. A 3. A 4. B 5.B 二、根据汉语意思补全单词 6. A 7. B 8. A 9. B

三、选出每组单词划线部分发音不同的一项 10. B 11. C 12. C 13. A 14. A 四、匹配(5分)

15. (1)B(2)A(3)D(4)E(5)C

五、根据句意及所给信息提示,在横线上写一个恰当的单词或短语。匹配 16. Mr Zhang;funny 17. summer 18. Mr Gao;young 19. garden 20. I 六、单项选择

21. C 22. C 23. C 24.C 25.B 26. A 27. C 28. B 29. B 30. C 七、选择正确的选项补全对话(填序号) 31. C;E;F;A;B 八、完形填空

32.(1)A;(2)D;(3)B;(4)D;(5)A; 九、阅读短文,完成任务 33. (1)1(2)1(3)0(4)1 十、书面表达 34. A Picnic

It's Saturday morning. The children would like to go on a picnic at the foot of the mountains with their teacher. They meet at the gate of the school at eight o'clock. They take a lot of food there. There is milk, tea, bread and so on. They are very excited.



