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1. 听对话,选择与对话内容相符的图片,将代表图片的字母填在相应的括号内两遍。

1. ()2. ()3. (


)4. ()5. ()

2. 听对话,根据对话内容判断下列句子正误。正确的写


)6. Ben’s birthday party is on September 27 . )7. They have a school trip on November 16 . )8. They have a New Year请听第二段对话,判断第

’s party.9、10小题。



)9. The man likes comedies and thrillers.

)10. The man and the woman like documentaries.


A. China

B. America

C. England

C. 8:30 C. science C. the piano

B. 7:30

)11. Jim is from ___________.


)12. Jim has breakfast at ___________.A. 7:00

)13. Jim’s favorite subject is ___________.A. historyB. math )14. After school Jim likes to play _________.A. volleyballB. basketball )15. Jim wants to go to a clothes store to buy ___________. A. a present for his friend

B. a sweater for himself


C. a sweater for his mom


二. 单项填空(共( ( (


从下列各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。)16.Bob can play_______ tennis but can't play_______ violin. A the;the A. Do

B the; a C /; the

B. Does

D a; the C. Is

D. Are

)17___________ Lili and Yaoyao have lunch at school?

)18.---Would you please go and ______ me some chalk (粉笔)? ---With pleasure. A.bring B. have C. take D. Put )19.---Your hat is very nice. ----____________.

A.You are right B.That's right C.You are welcome. D.Thank you )20.Maria likes documentaries____cartoon,____she doesn't like thrillers.

A.and;and B.and;but C.but;but D.but;and )21.He likes different ________movies.

A.kind of B.a kind of C.kinds of D.kinds )22.He_____his dog a whole day.But he can't _____it.

A.finds;looks for B.find;find C.looks for;find D.look for;find )23.________is the_________month of a year.

( ( ( ( (

A.January;second B.March;fourth

( (





C.May;fifth D.September;tenth

)24.Welcome to our store.We have everything ____a very low price here. )25.---You are late again,Jim.

---_________,there is something wrong with my bike. A.Excuse me B.Ok

C.That's all right



( (

)26.The food in the restaurant(餐馆)

A.is )27



—When do you have P.E. ?


—We have it ___________ Monday and Friday.


A. in B. on C. at D. For )2---Does your father often __________to you?

---Yes, but he always _____the same words, “study hard, my son!”A.talk; says B. speak; talks C. talk; tells D. say; says )29.How many people _________ from America? A. come B. comes )30.—__________?

—Pretty (相当)A.How is your mother

C. do come

D. does come

( (

good, thank you.

B.What’her name s

C.What’her phone number s D.Who is she

三完型填空: 通读短文,从所给的四个选项中选择最佳答案。

A dog (31) a large piece of meat in his mouth. As (当....的时候)he (32) on a small bridge , he looks (33) and (34) himself in the water. He thinks it is (35) dog. That dog has also a large (36) of meat in his mouth. He says (37) himself, \(38) his meat. Then I can have (39) pieces.\(40) mouth to bark (狗叫) , and his meat goes down into the water. ( ) 31. A. have B. has C. is D. are ( ) 32. A. walks B. is walking C. walking D. to walk ( ) 33. A. up B. at C. for D. down ( ) 34. A. sees B. seeing C. looks D. looking ( ) 35. A. a B. the other C. another D. like ( ) 36. A. pieces B. paper C. piece D. / ( ) 37. A. for B. to C. of D. at ( ) 38. A. to get B. get C. gets D. getting ( ) 39. A. two B. the second C. a D. three ( ) 40. A. him B. himself C. his D. the 四阅读理解(共20分,每小题2分)根据短文内容从每题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。


Dear Tom,

Thank you for your post card. I show (给.......看) it to some of my friends at school. Three other people in my class have friends in other countries, too. They also get postcards in England from their friends. One of the cards is from Australia, another is from America, and the other is from China.

Now I want to tell you something about my family. My father and mother are teachers. I have a brother and a sister. My sister works in a middle school and my brother is studying at a university (大学)。

Could you give me a few photos of yours? I want to know what you look like.

( ) 41. Tom is ____. A. Chinese B. an English boy C. a Japanese D. a Chinese ( ) 42. It may be (可能是)________, so they all get postcards from their friends.

A. Sunday B. Christmas C. Children's Day D. Women's Day

( ( (

) 43. There are _____ people in \

A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 ) 44. \

A. teacher B. student C. Young Pioneer D. Japanese ) 45. This letter tells you something about ________.

A. Tom's school B. Tom's family C. \D. Tom's appearance(相貌)



A.9873-8769 A.daughter A.three pencils A.student

, 选择最佳答案。(10分)

Grace’s dictionary, you can call ________.

C.233-4118 C.brother C.new CDs C.worker

B.bill999@sina.com D.TOM.C@YAHOO.CN


D.15968721830 ________’s.D.cousin D.two sharpeners D.singer

B.668-1896 B.son B.a red jacket B.teacher

)46.If you find(找到)

)47.From the family tree we can see John is Jim and Helen)48.Lily needs ________ of Celion Dion .

)49.Bill Smith is a ________ in No.9 Middle School.)50.What’s Tom Cooper’s address? ________. A.321 YONG FU ROAD

C.312 Lin He Road

五情景交际Nick : Mum!

Mum: (51)___________

Nick : Is my computer game on the table? Mum: No, it isn’t.It’s on the bookcase.


Nick : Oh.(52)___________ Are they on the bookcase, too? Mum: (53)____________ They are on the chair.Nick : Where is my pencil case? Mum: (54)___________


B.It’s under the chair.C.No, they aren’t. D.Where is my book? E.Where are my books? F.The keys? They’re on the table.

Nick : OK.And where are my keys? Mum: (55)___________Nick: Oh, yes.Thanks, Mum.

2.根据对话内容,在空白处填写适当的词,使对话完整。每空一词。A: Hi, what can I (56)________ A: Good.May I know your name ? B: Cindy.

A: What's your last name ? B: Jones

A: How old are you? B: Twelve A: Can you draw?

B: Yes,a little. I want to learn (58)______ art. A: Do you have (59)____ e-mail address? B: Yes,it's cindyj@pep.com.cn A:Great. Thanks a lot. B:(60)________



61It gets colder and colder.we need some warm c__________. 62Today is my b_________ and I get many gifts(礼物) 63There are twelve________(month) in a year. 64Everyday he_________(go) to school by bike 65Our friends want __________(游泳) in the river 七.句型转换按要求改写下列各句。(10分)66. birthday, June , his , mother



for you ?

B: I want to (57)_______ the art club.

(连词成句’s , is , 29)

____________________________________________. 67. movies , kind of , do , they , what , like(连词成句)

____________________________________________? 68.These oranges are 10 dollars.(划线部分提问)

________ ________are these oranges? 69.He wants to go to a movie(变成否定句)

He________ _______ to go to a movie. 70.That boy is my uncle’s son.(改为同义句)

That boy is ______________


八.根据表格内容,写一篇介绍Name: Salina

Goes to bed:10:30 Like : Comedies Birthday : 8 August Favorite subjects :


Eats dinner: 6:30Can: dance and singAge : 14Wants : to see a funny moviemusic, English, PE



