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2020届高三英语一轮综合能力训练卷7 (湖北专版)

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第一部分 词汇知识运用(共两节,满分30分)

第一节 多项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

1.Nowadays, a growing group of dieters are trying extreme calorie ________ for a long life by eating less food.

A.reservation B.restriction C.distinction D.discrimination

2.After working all the day, he was so tired that he was in no ________ to go to the party with us.

A.awareness B.mood C.sense D.emotion

3.Government should adopt laws that would ban advertising and other types of ________ of tobacco products.

A.delivery B.spread C.promotion D.discount

4.In this country, the quality of food products is ________ according to the highest international standards.

A.graded B.confirmed C.marked D.ranged

5.The reason why George is looking for another job is that he's ________ his manager's complaints.

A.put up with B.come up with C.kept up with D.fed up with

6.When John was arrested for drunk driving, he expected to lose his

driving license, but he was ________ with a fine.

A.let through B.let down C.let off D.let out

7.The design of this architecture has to ________ all ages and social groups, which should be made clear to whoever is to design it.

A.fit in with B.stand for C.go for D.appeal to

8.I have been convinced that the print media are usually more ________ and more reliable than television.

A.accurate B.ridiculous C.urgent D.shallow

9.As is often pointed out, knowledge is a two-edged weapon which can be used ________ for good or evil.

A.similarly B.widely C.equally D.properly

10.His remark was considered to be quite ________, because it deepened the gap between two parties and caused more conflicts.

A.out of place B.out of mind C.out of question D.out of order

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A serious car crash leads one woman to rediscover her faith in human kindness.

In March last year, the car I was driving was__11__in a serious crash with another car on a country road. I soon__12__myself at the centre of a frenzy of activity, surrounded by paramedics, police, rescuers and members of the local community. An enormous can opener was used to__13__me out of my wrecked car and__14__an ambulance.

Over the next eight hours, I was transported to hospital, dragged up, X-rayed and diagnosed (诊断) with a broken neck. Knowing that I'd__15__death by a fraction of a second sustained me throughout the long wait in the emergency ward and__16__me to deal with the visible distress of my hospital visitors.

Only after I'd convinced the last friend to__17__could I direct my energies inwards. Flitting in and out of my line of vision during my hospital__18__was the Red Cross lady, a gentle__19__in white who, from time to time, popped her head in to__20__cups of tea. After the visitors had gone, she ventured further into my cubicle to__21__if I was all right.

I found myself__22__her everything: about the shock of the__23__, my feats for my family as a result of my injuries—about my whole life. While I__24__for an ambulance to transport me to another hospital, she stood by my trolley and__25__my hand as I off-loaded all the emotion I'd stoically withheld (强忍着的) from my family. She__26__, quiet and non-judgmental.

Even now, the__27__that I have her contact details provides me with great__28__. I look forward to a day in the not-too-distant future when my guardian angel and I can meet again, in__29__circumstances.

In times of crisis, faith can sustain us: for me, my faith in human nature, reawakened by the__30__of a stranger, has helped ease my journey back to recovery.

11.A.caught B.trapped C.lost D.involved 12.A.imagined B.found C.devoted D.dreamed

13.A.push B.force C.get D.turn 14.A.into B.onto C.off D.on

15.A.survived B.met C.beat D.feared

2020届高三英语一轮综合能力训练卷7 (湖北专版)


