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高中英语 作文考试指导 第三部分 启事、欢迎词、欢送词、告别词等写作指导

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( 八 ) 启事 写作指导


启事是一种公告性的应用文,日常生活中常用的有:遗失启事、招领启事、更正启事等。 精选范文 ① Found

I happened to find a wallet, inside of which there is money and other things. Loser

is expected to come to our classroom to claim(认领) it. Finder Zhang Yi Ping Class 3, Senior 3 ② Lost

Excuse me. I lost my bag two days ago. It has got a belt. Its colour is white. It

says: “It's made of leather(皮革), in Wenzhou.” Inside the case, I have some money, a

passport, some clothes and some books. Anyone who found it, please

do let me know. Many thanks. Yu Hua

English teaching group 练习

①你放学后在学校足球场踢球,将一件夹克衫忘在了足球场,衣服颜色是蓝色的,前面有两个口袋,其中一个口袋中有一个自行车钥匙和一些钱。请你就以上内容拟一个遗失启事,失主是高二(2)班的一个学生,时间、失主名自定。(字数:60左右) 参考单词 夹克衫jacket 足球场football court ……的钥匙a key to…


a.捡书包的时间:昨天3点左右 写启事的时间:1999.6.20

b.书包特征:红色,内装5本书,一个文具包 c.领物地点:高一(5)班教室 (字数:60左右) 参考词语

在去……的路上on the way to 认领apply

(九)欢迎词、欢送词、告别词等 写作指导


当客人逗留了一个时候以后要离别时,主人和客人又欢聚一堂,相继致词,互相问候,并致祝愿,表示不舍之情,以增进友谊。这时主人的话叫欢送词。 客人在欢送会上说的感谢的、表示惜别之情的话叫做告别词。 精选范文 ①

Hello, everyone,

It fires us gives pleasure to gather together

with the guest from London. First of all, I would like to introduce to you Alexander, our guest today. Mr Alexander is a famous professor in LOndon. He is

the writer of “FollowMe”and“New Concept English”which are still known to us all. He is now visiting China and today

he is going to have a talk with us and see how we Chinese students learn English in middle schools.

Now let's give our warmest welcome to Mr Alexander.

It's a good chance for us to talk with Mr

Alexander. If you have any questions on learning English, you're free to ask him for help.

Now let's welcome Mr Alexander to make a speech to us. ②

Hello, everyone. Welcome to our school.

My name is Wei Hua. I'm very glad to be your guide. First of all, I'd like to tell you something about our school. It was set up in 1950. The number of students is about 2000 and the

teachers over 200. Besides three teaching buildings, we have a library, labs of

different kinds of subjects and many computers. We have four classes in the morning and two

in the afternoon After class we go in various activities, such as ball games, painting, singing, and so on. Now let me show you around our school. This way, please. 练习

①Jone女士是美籍教师,应邀在某中学教英语两年,任教期间,工作勤恳,课教得生动有趣,学生都爱上她的课,别的班学生都羡慕这个班有个真正讲英语的教师,她现已工作期满,即将回国。班上学生决定举行欢送会,假定你是该班的班长,请你代表班级在会上用英语致欢送词,包括以上要点。(字数:100左右) 参考词语 羡慕to admire

勤奋hardworking 有办法做to

have various ways to 生动有趣lively and interesting 完成两年的教学

to complete two-year teaching 代表……on behalf of… 向……表达谢意to

express one's thanks to sb. 感谢……to thank sb. for…


a.向客人表示欢迎,并将客人介绍给大家。(另两位是来自加拿大的Wilson和Brown 小姐,都是有经验的语言教师。) b.请客人就如何学好英语提出宝贵建议。 (字数:100左右) 参考词语

向……介绍……to introduce…to… 语言学家linguist 有……经验to be experienced in 向……表不欢迎to

give our warmest welcome to 是……的好机会a

good chance for sb. to do 就……问题to ask questions on…


茶话会上,你代表小组讲几句话,用100~120个英语写一“致词”,内容如下: a.有幸代表实习生全体成员讲话,感谢召开茶话会和学校两个月来的帮助和生活上的照顾;


c.希望更多的毕业生进入你们学院,也希望该校领导与学生到你院参加活动。 (字数:100左右) 参考词语 有幸……an

honour for sb. to do 实习生fellow trainees 参加实习to

take practical courses

学习、工作的帮助to be paid regards in study and work 秩序好to keep in order 优秀毕业生

qualified graduates

高中英语 作文考试指导 第三部分 启事、欢迎词、欢送词、告别词等写作指导


