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Peppa Pig S03E36 Grampy Rabbits Lighthouse 兔子祖父的灯塔

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I'm Peppa Pig. This is my little brother, George. This is Mummy Pig. And this is Daddy Pig. 我是佩琪。这是我的弟弟,乔治。这是猪妈妈。这是猪爸爸。 Peppa Pig 小猪佩琪

Grampy Rabbit's Lighthouse


Peppa, George and Danny are having a day out on Granddad Dog's boat. 佩琪,乔治和丹尼准备坐狗爷爷的船外出玩一天。 Can we go to pirate island today?


Yes, Danny. But first, We got to deliver supplies to my friend Grampy Rabbit. 可以,丹尼。但首先,我们得把一些物资送到我的朋友兔子祖父那里。 Where does Grampy Rabbit live? 兔子祖父住在哪里? On a rock!

住在岩石上面! On a rock?


Yes. In fact, light house! 对。事实上,是灯塔! Ahoy there, maty! 你们好。

I've brought your supplies. 我把你要的物资带来了。 Thank you, Granddad Dog.


I got my crew with me today. Danny, Peppa and George.


Visitors. I have not had visitors in many a moment. I get a bit lonely. But just sea and sky for company.

有访客。我有好长时间没有访客了。我有点孤独。我只有海和天空作伴。 How long have you been here?


Since Tuesday. I've got tales to tell. If you like to hear? 从星期二开始。我有故事要讲。如果你们想听的话? No, thanks. 不,谢谢。 Yes, please. 好的,请吧。

Well. There's the sea under sky, and, I'm learning the banjo. Would you like to hear a song? 好。天空下有大海,还有,我最近在学班卓琴。你们想听首歌吗? No thanks. 不,谢谢。 Yes, please.


I got up this morning. The sea was still there. So was the sky. 我今天早上起床了。大海还在那里。天空也是。 The sea, the sky, the sea, the sky. 大海,天空,大海,天空。 Here's your cheese. 这是你的奶酪。 Hi Mr. Cheese.


And a new book! How to Run a Light House. Oh, that will come handy. 还有一本新书!《如何运作灯塔》。哦,那会派上用场的。 Why is your house called a lighthouse? 为什么你的房子叫灯塔? I'll show you, Peppa.


The staircase goes around and around to the very top of the lighthouse.

楼梯绕来绕去,一直通到灯塔的顶端。 Round, and round, and round! 一圈一圈又一圈!

It's called a lighthouse, because it has this big light at the top. It shines through the dark helping sailors to find their way. And when there is foggy, I use this fog horn. FOG.

它之所以被称为灯塔,是因为它的顶部有座巨大的灯。它在黑暗中闪耀光芒,帮助水手们找到回家的路。当有雾的时候,我会吹响这个雾角。有雾。 That's loud!


No fog today. Just sea and sky. The stories I could tell you. 今天没有雾。只有大海和天空。我能讲给你们的故事是。 No, thank you. We've got to go. 不,谢谢。我们得走了。 We are sailing to Pirate Island. 我们要去海盗岛。

Goodbye Grampy Rabbit.


Enjoy the sea and the sky! 享受大海和天空! We will. 我们会的。

Granddad Dog's boat has arrived at pirate island. 狗爷爷的船到了岛上。

Look! Our sand castle is still there. 看!我们的沙堡还在那儿。 Let's play hide and seek. 我们玩捉迷藏吧。 OK. One, two,


There're not many places to hide on pirate island. 海盗岛上藏身的地方不多。

three, four, five. Ready or not? Here I come. Found you. Now, where is George? 三,四,五。准备好了吗?我来了。找到你们了。现在,乔治在哪里呢? Granddad Dog can't find George anywhere. 狗爷爷哪儿也找不到乔治。 I give up. Where's he?


George was hiding behind Granddad Dog. 乔治躲在狗爷爷的后面。 Clever George!


Let's set off home before it gets dark. 在天黑前我们回家吧。 It is getting dark!


Don't worry! The light from Grampy Rabbit's lighthouse will show us the way home. 别担心!来自兔子祖父灯塔的光会告诉我们回家的路的。 Grampy Rabbit is ready for bed.


My new book How to Run a Lighthouse, Chapter One. I'll read the rest tomorrow. Better turn the light out.

我的新书《如何运作灯塔》,第一章。剩下的我明天再看。最好把灯关了。 Oh! Where did the light go?


Do you know what time it is? I've just turned the light out. 你知道现在都几点吗?我刚把灯关了。

Yes, we know. Could you turn the big light on again? 是的,我们知道。你能把大灯再打开吗? Oh, sorry. 哦,抱歉。 Hurray! 好诶!

It's getting foggy.


I can't see the light anymore. 我再也看不见光了。

It's us again. Could you sound the fog horn? 又是我们。你能吹响一下雾角吗? Of course. FOG. 当然。有雾了。 I can hear something. 我能听到一些声音。

Grampy Rabbit is guiding them home. 兔子祖父正在指引我们回家。 This way. 这边。

His voice is a fog horn!

他的声音就是雾角的方向! This way home. 这边是回家的路。

The parents are here to pick up the children. 父母们来接孩子们了。 Have you had a lovely time? 你们玩得开心吗?

We went to pirate island.

我们去了海盗岛。 And to a lighthouse! 还去了灯塔!

Grampy Rabbit's lighthouse guided us home safely. 兔子祖父的灯塔指引我们安全回家。 That's nice. 那太好了。

Grampy Rabbit sang a song. Would you like to hear it? 兔子祖父唱了首歌。你们想听吗? No, thanks. 不,谢谢。 Yes, please.


I got up this morning. The sea was still there. So was the sky. The sea, the sky, the sea, the sky. The sea, the sky, the sea, the sky.


Peppa Pig S03E36 Grampy Rabbits Lighthouse 兔子祖父的灯塔


