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牛津译林版高中英语必修五模块五 Unit 2 Reading课文内容填空

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模块五 Unit 2 Reading课文内容填空

1. 其他种类的废弃物流入水中,杀死了很多河里和海里的生物。 Other types of waste flow into our water, _______ river and sea life.

2. 很多海洋生物也正在被渔船破坏。这些船捕捉了大量的鱼而不给他们时间来产卵。

Much sea life _______ ________ _________ by fishing boats as well. These boats catch large numbers of fish without giving them time to ________ _________. 3. 这将导致更少的鱼被留下供我们将来食用。

This will _______ _________ a smaller number of fish _________ for us to eat in the future. 4. 世界人口增长到了1800年的6倍。

The world’s population has grown by six times ________ it was in 1800. 5. 缩减产量和减少我们制造和购买的东西是我们的责任。

It is our ________ to try to ________ _______ ________ production and reduce the number of things we make and buy.

6. 作为一个商业发展顾问,我经常被看作为是反对环境的。

As a business development consultant, I’m often ___________ ____________ ____________ _______________ the environment.

7. 很明显,你很关心我们当前的环境形势。

________ _________ ___________ that you _________ very __________ __________ the present situation of our environment.

8. 他们想起了躲避他们的责任和只关心钱的贪婪的商人。

They think of _________ businessmen ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ and only _________ __________ money.

9. 人们经常有这样的看法:发展对环境有坏处。

People often have this belief _________ development _________ __________ ___________ the environment, but this does not have to be true.

10. 我在这儿要说的是已经和很多环境顾问一起工作过以后,我知道一个健康的环境和发展同时兼得应该是可能的。

_________ I’m here to say is that __________ ___________ __________ many environmental consultants, I know that a healthy environment and development should be possible at the same time. 11. 经营那些工厂的人十分关注环境。

The people _______ ________ ___________ are deeply ________ _________ the environment. 12. 四处打听,我发现很多人愿意为环保的东西付出高昂一点的价格。

________ __________, I find many people ________ ________ pay a little higher price for things that are _________ __________ the environment.


1. killing 2. is being destroyed; lay eggs 3. result in; left 4. what 5. duty; cut back on 6. seen as being against 7. It is clear; are; concerned about 8. greedy; hiding from their responsibilities; worrying about 9. that; is bad for 10. What; having worked with 11. operating those factories; concerned about 12. Asking around; willing to; friendly to

牛津译林版高中英语必修五模块五 Unit 2 Reading课文内容填空


