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1.It is in the little farm my mother used to work I spent my whole childhood. A. what; that B. which; that C. where; that D. where; where 【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】句意:就是在我母亲工作的那个小农场里,我度过了我的整个童年。 第一个空是定语从句中的先行词,the little farm 被一个定语从句修饰, the litte farm是先行词,在从句中作状语,如放在从句中应该是 my mother used to work in the farm。因此,要用in which或where。第二个空是一个强调句型,强调句型It is +被强调部分+that+剩余。去掉it is that句子完整,因此第二个空填that。在本句中强调我就是在我母亲工作的那个小农场度过我的整个童年。故选C。


2.— It was ___________ who helped us out of danger. — What brave and helpful children! We should learn from them.

A. they B. them C. their D. theirs 【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】根据题干,这是一个强调句,强调主语! 英语中为了表达的正式,这时应用主格的代词。本句的意思是“就是他帮我们脱离的危险。”所以本题选A。


3.It's a long time ago ______ I saw you last time.

A. when B. since C. for D. that 【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】句意:我上次见你是很久以前了。强调结构It is…that…,本句中it没有实际含义,和is,that构成框架,强调谓语以外的部分,去掉它们句子仍然成立。故选D。 【点评】本题考查的是强调句型结构。强调句型是对句子的主语,宾语,状语等进行强调,(谓语除外),其基本结构是It is +被强调的部分+that/who+句子的其他成分(强调主语若是人引导词可以用who/that,若是其他一律用that )。去掉这个框架结构句子仍然成立。

4.It's his brother ________ never been to Australia. You'd better take him with you.

A. that is B. who is C. that have D. who has

【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】句意:是他的弟弟从没去过澳大利亚,你最好带他跟你去。have been to 去过……。强调句型是:It is+被强调部分+that(指人时用who)+句子的其他成分。此处强调句子的主语his brother,故谓语用has。因此选D。


5.I _____ you can finish the exam in two hours.

A. does believe B. do believe C. did believed D. do believed 【答案】 B


【点评】本题考查强调句型。以及does believe;do believe;did believed;do believed四种强调句子的区别和用法。

6.She found her lost car._______ she had!

A. What a good luck B. What good luck C. How good luck D. How good the luck 【答案】A

【解析】【分析】句意“她发现了她丢失的小汽车,她多么幸运啊。”此处为强调句典型句型,这种句型中what+名词,how+形容词\\副词,luck此处表示名词单数“一次好运”,what a good luck=how lucky。故填A。 【点评】考察强调句型。

7.Was it last summer __________ you and your friends went to Moscow? A. when B. how C. which D. that 【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】句意:你和你的朋友去莫斯科是去年夏天吗?A. when什么时候; B. how怎样 ;C. which哪一个;D. that那个。此处是强调时间状语,强调句的一般疑问句的基本形式是was it+被强调部分+that+其他部分,故选D。

【点评】 考查强调句,注意调句的一般疑问句的基本形式是was it+被强调部分+that+其他部分的用法。

8.I never doubt .

A. whether this song is worth listening to B. if this song is worth listening C. that this song is worth listening D. that this song is worth listening to 【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】句意:我从来没有怀疑这首歌值得去听。根据句子结构分析,本句是宾语从句,根据主句I never doubt,可知从句是陈述句,故排除A 和B,又因为listen to为



9.--- made her ashamed of herself? --- the lowest mark in her class.

A. What; Because she got B. Was it what; Getting C. What was it that; That she got D. What was it that; Get 【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】句意:——是什么让她对她自己感到羞愧?——是她获得了她班上的最低分让她惭愧。A中的what是句子的主语,但是because引导的从句不作主语,是原因状语从句,故排除;B的第一空是错误形式,故排除;C、D两项的第一个选项是一样的,说明第一个题干是一个强调句型,特殊疑问句下的强调句型,有what引导;第二个空是对what的回答,因为what是上一句的主语,That she got the lowest mark in her class是从句,可以作主语;而D项的get是动词原形,不能作主语,故答案为C。


10.It was in the Bird's Nest______many wonderful events were held in the year of 2008. A. Where B. Which C. that D. in which 【答案】C

【解析】【分析】考查强调句。强调句型的基本结构式it is/was +被强调部分+that/who+句子的其他部分。此处强调的是Bird's Nest。句意为正是在鸟巢里,2008年举办了许多精彩的活动。故选C。

【点评】陈述句的强调句型:It is/was+被强调部分(通常是主语、宾语或状语)+that/who(当强调主语且主语指人)+ 其它部分。一般疑问句的强调句型:同上,只是把is/ was提到it前面。特殊疑问句的强调句型:被强调部分(通常是疑问代词或疑问副词)+ is/ was + it +that/who+其它部分?构成强调句的it本身没有词义;强调句中的连接词一般只用that, who,即使在强调时间状语和地点状语时也如此,that, who不可省略;强调句中的时态只用两种,一般现在时和一般过去时。原句谓语动词是一般过去时、过去完成时和过去进行时,用It was…,其余的时态用It is…。

11.It was _________he came back from Africa that year_________he met the girl he would like to marry.

A. when; then B. not; until C. not until; that D. only; when 【答案】 C


强调结构的特殊形式:It is/was + not until … that从句。故C正确。

【点评】考查not until在强调句型中的使用,牢记强调句型的基本结构和not until句型。

12.It was with his iron-fist approach crimes in the southern state _______the 70-year-old man built a political name.

A. to fighting, where B. of fighting, that C. of fighting, where D. to fighting, that 【答案】D

【解析】【分析】考查非谓语动词和强调句式。approach to doing sth.做某事的方法。句意:这位70岁的老人在南方打击犯罪的铁拳方法使其确立了自己的政治名声。此句是强调句式,所以第二空填that,故选D。

【点评】强调句型。1.在英语中,我们常用It is/was… who/that结构来突出强调句子的某一成分(一般是句子中主语,宾语或状语)。在这个句型中,it没有词汇意义,只是引出被强调的成分。如果被强调的成分是表示人的词,用who或that来连接都可以。如果是其它成分,则一律用that来连接。It is my mother who/that cooks every day.是我的妈妈每天做饭;It was yesterday that Tom passed in the maths exam.是昨天汤姆通过了数学考试。2.被强调成分是主语,who/that之后的谓语动词应该在人称和数上与原句中的主语保持一致。It is I who am right.It is he who is wrong. It is the students who are lovely.3.被强调部分既包括人又包括物,用that不用who。lt was the things and people that they remembered that they were talking about.

13.It was with great joy _______ he received the news ____ his lost son would soon return home.

A. because; that B. that; that C. because; which D. that; \\ 【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】根据句子结构可知his lost son would soon return home是news的同位语从句,故用that;主句是it is/was. . . that的强调句型,故也用that。故选B

14.—Wow. It is rather cold today.

—Yes. ____ yesterday.

A. So it is B. So it was C. So was it 【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】句意:——哇!今天天气相当冷。——是啊,昨天也如此。So+助动词+主语:也是如此,前后主语不一致。So+主语+助动词:的确如此,前后主语一致。根据句意,今天冷,昨天也冷,前后主语不一致,用so was it。故选C。 【点评】考查倒装句,注意So+助动词+主语和So+主语+助动词的用法。

15.It was the culture, rather than the language, ___________ made it hard for him to adapt to the new environment abroad.

A. where B. why C. what D. that 【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】考查强调句型。句意:是文化,而不是语言,使得他很难适应国外的新的环境。这是一个强调句,强调句的基本结构是it is / was + 被强调部分 + that + 句子的其他成分,所以用that,所以选D。


16.John's success has nothing to do with good luck. It is years of hard work has made him what he is today.

A. why B. when C. which D. that 【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】句意:他的成功与运气没有关系,是多年的努力造就了他的今天。此句是强调句型,基本结构为:It is+被强调部分+that+其余部分。故选D。 【点评】考查强调句式,掌握其结构“It is+被强调部分+that+其余部分。”

17.Do you have any idea computer plays so important a part in our daily life? A. how is it that B. what is it that C. how it is that D. what it is that 【答案】 C



18.It was only __________he reached school ___________he realized that it was Sunday. A. when; did B. when; that C. that; when D. that; which 【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:只有当他到达学校的时候,他才意识到那是星期天。强调句的结构:it was/is+被强调部分+that+其他。本题中强调的是时间状语从句,由when引导。故答案为B。


19.It was years later, with years of training behind her, ________ Yang Yang won the first gold medal in the 2002 winter Olympics.



