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( 总分: 100.00 ,做题时间: 120 分钟 )

一、 {{B}}Part I Listening Comprehensionm{{/B}}(

(分数: 5.00 ) A. At a bank. B. At a restaurant.



C. At a friend' s house. D. At a hotel.

解析:【解析】根据文中“ order soup ”,“vegetablesoup ”等关键词可知,两个人是在餐馆里,故选 B。 A. Get some changes fromJane. B. Go to look for a payphone. C. Use the woman' sphone, V D. Pay for the phone call.

解析:【解析】根据女士的回答“ why not use my mobile phone? ”可知,女士建议男士用她的手机打电话,故选 A. Five. V B. Four. C. Six. D. Seven.

解析:【解析】根据文中“ ten copies ”,“Five would be enough ”等关键词句可知,多了五份,故选 A。 A. 10: 30, V B. 10: 00. C. 10: 50. D. 10: 40.

解析:【解析】根据文中“ 10:50”,“10:40”和“ stilltwenty minutes left 故选 A。

A. Because Henry has no time.




B. Because someone else decorated the house. C. Because there was no instruments in thehouse. D. Because Henry decorated the house himself.

解析:【解析】根据女士的回答“ because he has no time ”可知, Henry 是由于没时间才请人装修的,故选 A。 二、 {{B}}Section B{{/B}}( 总题数: 2,分数: 5.00) A. Classical group. B. Pop group. V C. Jazz group. D. Rock group.

解析:【解析】根据女士的回答“ They are a pop group ”可知,愚人花园是个流行乐队组合,故选 B。 A. The man will goalone. B. The woman will go alone. C. They will go together. D. They won' t go together.

解析:【解析】根据男士的建议“ Let'S go together then .”和女士的肯定回答“ AHright ”可知,两个人决定一起去, 故选 C。

A. She has caught acold.


B. She has a headache.

C. She feels tired and sleepy all the time. D. She is ill.

解析:【解析】根据文中开头“ I'm losing my sleep 感疲惫困顿,故选 c。

A. She wants to stop learningthe text. B. She wants to go abroad. C. She wants to see a doctor. D. She wants to rent a small flat.


.I feel tked and sleepy all the time .”可知,女士因失眠而


”可知,她想搬出宿舍去 租

解析:【解析】根据女士的回答“ l want to move out ofthedornl and rent a small flat 个公寓住,故选 D。

A. Because she is afraid ofliving by herself and she is short of money. B. Because she is afraid of seeing a doctor. C. Because she needs to rent a flat. D. Because she doesn' t know the reason.


解析:【解析】根据文中“ To find one person for you? ”这一关键句及女士的肯定回答可推知,女士想找个伴和她一 起分担房租,故选 A。

三、 {{B}}Section C{{/B}}( 总题数: 1,分数: 5.00)

(1) ______________________________________ .Where do fish live? Theylive 1.00)

填空项 1: _________________ (正确答案: almost any place ) 解析:【解析】根据文中“ They live almost any place where thereis water 何有水的地方。

(2) ________________________________________________________________ .Howmany kinds of fish are there in the world? _______________________________________________________________ (分数: 1.00) 填空项 1: _________________ (正确答案: 21,000)

解析:【解析】根据文中“ 21,000 kinds offish ”可知,鱼的种类数目为 21,000 种。

(3) _____________________________________________________________ .How long does the biggest fishgrow up to? (分数: 1.00 )

填空项 1: _________________ (正确答案: 60 feet )

解析:【解析】根据文中“ The biggest fish grows up to 60feet .”可知,最大的鱼的长度为“ 60 feet ” 。

(4) ___________________________________________________________________ .Whatis the characteristic of a sea horse? It doesn' t __________________________________________________________ 。(分数: 1. 00 ) 填空项 1: _________________ (正确答案: swim very well )

解析:【解析】根据文中“ It doesn't swim very well .”可知,海马的泳技不高。 (5) .Whatdoes a sea horse do when it wants to stay in one place? It takes hold of plantswith ____________________________ (分数: 1.00 ) 填空项 1: _________________ (正确答案: its little tail )

解析:【解析】根据提示信息可知,该题所缺内容应是“使用…”来抓住水草。听时抓住关键句“ itslitfle tail .”可知,海马用它的小尾巴抓住水草,以此来固定身体。 四、 {{B}}Part n Structure{{/B}}( 总题数:10,分数:10.00) 1. _________ ,Gloria started looking for work.



where there is water. (分数:

(分数: 1.00 )

A. All the money being spent

B. All the money having been spent V

C. All the money spend D. Spending all the money

解析:【解析】这是非谓语动词中分词的独立主格结构。分词动作发生在主句谓语动词之前,因此要用完成时,故选 B。

2.It will take you one hour and fifty minutes ________ the top of Mount Tai. (分数: 1.00 ) A. reaching

B. to reach


C. being reached D. having been reached

解析:【解析】不定式 (短语)或不定式复合结构 for sb .to do 做主语时,往往将其移至谓语动词之后,将 it 作形式主语。take sb , +时间(金钱、精力)+to d0表示“花费…时间(金钱、精力)做某事”,故选B。 3. ________ the news, Ida changed her plans. (分数: 1.00) A. In hearing B. To hear C. Of heating D. On hearing V

解析:【解析】“on(upon)doin9 \表示“~ -就…”。根据题意,故选D。 4. Tonyis talking about the friends and the food _______ interest him. (分数: 1.00) A. which B. who C. that V D. as

解析:【解析】当定语从句的先行词中既有表示人的名词又有表示物的名词时,只能用 that 来引导,故选 C。 5.Ididn' t understand at first why he couldn' t pass the test, no matter _________ hard he had tried.

(分数: 1.00) A. when B. where C. what D. how V

解析:【解析】】how修饰副词hard, no matter how引导让步状语从句,故选 6.Inthe _________ half of the 17th century those cities became even more prosperous. (分数: 1.00) A. latter V

B. latest C. later D. late


解析:【解析 ]latter 意为“后半的”,如: the latterhalf ofthe month 意为“后半月”,故选 A。 7 . ________ co m i ng here, I haven' t seen a single person. (分数: 1.00) A. Since V B. From C. By

D. At 解析:【解析】因为“ I haven't seen a single person ”是现在完成时,所以需要和表示时间段的连词短语连用。而 coming here 是一个时间点,四个词中,只有 since 适合,故选 A。

8.Between 1975 and 1996, the number of overseas visitors expanded _________ 27%on average each year.

(分数: 1.00 ) A. in

V B.by


D.to 解析:【解析】 expand by ...%表示“以某种百分比增长” ,故选 B。 9.Solittle _________ about chemistry that the lecture was completely beyond me. (分数: 1.00 ) A. did I know B. I know C. do I know D. I knew

解析:【解析】 little 相当于一个否定词,与副词 s0 放在句首时,句子需要部分倒装,另外助动词 d0 的时态要与 that 从句的时态保持一致,故选 A。

10.HadI known the result, I _________ you to tell me. (分数: 1.00 ) A. would not ask B. would not have asked C. had not asked D. have not asked

解析:【解析】这是虚拟语气在条件状语从句中的应用。从句是省略 示对过去的假设,主句要选择“ would have done ”结构,故选 B。 五、 {{B}}Section B{{/B}}( 总题数: 10,分数: 10.00) 11.If you look to the left, you will see a river of great (wide) 1 (分数: 1.00 )

填空项 1: _________________ (正确答案: width )

解析:【解析】原旬空格中应填写一个名词作介词宾语,但所给的 wide是形容词,应填写其派生的名词 width。 12.A(report) 1is a person who writes news articles or who broadcasts newsreports. (分数: 1.00 )

填空项 1: _________________ (正确答案: reporter )

解析:【解析】前面有冠词,又是表示人,做主语,所以要用 report 的派生名词 reporter 。 13.It was the first time Rebecca (invite) 1us to dine out.

if的条件状语从句,用过去完成时“ hadknowr”表




