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( )1、I think _____necessary for us the birds. A.it; perfect B.its ;to perfect C.it’s ;protecting D.it; to protect ( )2、We must try our best to stop the pollution______a happy life. A. to live B.from living C.living D.live ( )3、He____the importance of their visit ____the small town.

A.don’t understand;to B. doesn’t understand;at C.doesn’t understand ; to D.doesn’t understand ; to ( )4、Some students are playing ____on the playground while the rest _____doing their homework in the classroom.

A.happy ; are B. happy ;is C.happily ;are D. happily;is

( )5、Tomorrow we’ll use dictionaries ,so please ______yours here. A.take B.get C.bring D.carry. ( )6、if you don’t study hard , you will _____behind others . A. fall B. drop C. come D. go ( )7、What a hot day ! Yes,but it will be ____later on . A.hotter B.cooler C.driver D.sunnier. ( )8、I heard your daughter ______in the next room at ten last night. A. sang B.sing C.snging D.sings

( )9、Red –crowned cranes need more people’s help.—Yes,people working in the reserves are doing everything they can_ these birds . A. save B. saving C. to save D. to saving

( )10、Do you think it will be cool tomorrow ?_____It is already too hot for a week. A. so ; it is B. I’m afraid so C. I hope so D. of course not

( )11、In the past ,few people know that the earth ____around the sun. A.moved B had Cmoves Dwas moving ( )12、we found our chinese teacher very interesting . its structure is ______

A. S+v+p B.S+V+Do+Oc C.S+V+IO+Do D.S+V +Do

( )13、we found _______to sleep . A difficult to get B. It difficult getting C. It difficult to get D.that difficult to get ( )14、The students are passing the ball from one to _____ A. the other B. others C other D. another

( )15、Bill and his brother are too busy to help us. Let’s do it ____A.themselves B.himself C.ourselves Dyourself ( )16、The hill is as ____as a real one. A.high B.highly C.tall D.taller

( )17、Please plan a day out _____me and make a plan _____the dog. Afor;for B.with; for C.for ; to D. to ;for

( )18、This is a film about _____persons and things. Areal B really C.ture D.truly.

( )19、You’d better ___careful,____you’ll make amistake. A.are ;and B、are;or C、be;and D、be;or ( )20、In class ,Miss Gao asks him a question .But he gives an ____answer. A.correct B.wrong C incorrect D.right ( )21、Advice to clever children is such ____useful book that I want to read it ___second time.

A. a;the B.a ;a C.an ; the D.an,a

( )22、How can I make more friends ,father ? Try to smile to others,boy .That will make ___ ___easler.

A. them;much B.them; more C.it ; more Dit; much

( )23、---Be quiet ,the head teacher Mr.Gu is coming.--Don’t worry. It_____be him.Mr.Gu is much fatter.

A.mustn’t B.may not C.needn’t D.can’t

( )24、We students think PE is ___English. We don’t take enough exercise.

A. not as important as B. as important as C. less important D more important than ( )25、I have to pay ____usual for the car because the price is vising. A. as much twice B.much twice C.twice as much D.times two ( )26、Stop smoking,___you will get better soon . A.and B.or. C.but D.after ( )27、How can I learn English well? You should speak it _____you can. A.as good as B. as many as C.as much as D.as great as

( )28、Which country do you want to ___? The USA, I thank A. travel B go C. visit to D. go to ( )29、What did you do on the farm yesterday ? we ____carrots. It was fun. A.picked up B.pulled up C.looked up D.got up

( )30、This maths problem is___easier but_____interesting than that one. A. much;more B.pulled up C.looked up D.got up

( )31、What a(n)____girl!She often leaves things somewhere. I think it’s ____for her to make a change right now. A.careless;unpossible B.uncareful;impossible C.careless ;impossible D.uncareful ;possible ( )32、Andrew was afraid to fill the room with water again ,so he ___the pipe carefully.

A.Put on B.put out C.put in D.put off

( )33、The boy often goes to school ____breakfast,so he isn’t ______

A.has;energetic B.without;energy C.without ; energetic D.without ;hungry ( )34、the hill is as___as a real one . A high B.highly C.tall D.taller.

( )35、Please plan a day out _____me and make a plan ____the day. A.for;for B.with;for Cfor;to D.to for ( )36、This is a film about ______persons and things. A.real B.really C.true D.truly

( )37、The students are passing the ball from one to _____ A. the other B.others C.other D.another

( )38、Bill and his brother are too busy to help us .Let’s do it ____A.themselves B.himself C.ourselves D.yourself ( )39、Jane has ____poor eyesight.She can’t see things five metres. A.a B./ C.an D.the

( )40、When I look at this photo.I can’t help ____my grandparents. A.think of B.think about C.thinking of D.to think about ( )41、Though Jack is so funny that he often____my books and pens when he walks past my desk. A.knock at B.knock on C.knock over D.knock in

( )42、Max is so funny that he often ____my books and pens when he walks past my desk.

A.knock at B.knock on C.knock over D.knock in ( )43、The number of the trees in our school is getting _____

A. more and more B. more and more large C.larger and larger D.higher and higher ( )44、Get three books ___me___. A.for; at a time B.to ;at a time C. for ; at times D with; at time ( )45、_____did xi wang weight at four months old? About eight kilograms. A. How heavy B.How long C. How much D.How many.

( )46、Birth can find food _____now than before. A.easy B.easier C easily D.more easily ( )47、I think this song is popular ____young people.A.to B.for C.from Dwith

( )48、Here is a map of china.Please ___me where Shanghai is. A.show B.point C.say D.speak ( )49、_____most students, he never comes to school late. A.like B.As C.For D.To ( )50、My cousin’s eye sight is very poor______playing computer games too much.



