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人教版高中英语必修五 Unit 4 Making the News教学设计

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Unit 4 Making the News

, says new journalist Unforgettable”Reading: My First Work Assignment “

目标确定的依据一. 课程标准相关要求:《普通高中英语课程标准》对高二年级应达到


(1) 能从一般性文章中获取和处理主要信息; (2) 能理解文章主旨,作者意图;

(3) 能通过上下文克服生词困难,理解语篇意义;

二. 全国考试大纲


(1)理解主旨大意(2)理解文中具体信息(3)根据上下文推断单词和短语的含义 (4)做出判断和推理(5)理解文章的基本结构(6)理解作者的意图、观点和态度

三. 教材分析

本单元的中心话题是“新闻”,选自于人教版高中必修五Unit 4 Making the News。内容涉及新闻工作者应该具备的素质和新闻采访的基本程序等。并通过一个新手Zhou Yang和他的上司Hu Xin 之间的谈话引导学生了解这一内容。通过本单元的学习,学生能了解新闻采访、新闻出版的基本程序,并能学习写一篇新闻报道。这是一个非常贴近生活,具有社会意义、可挖掘性强同时有助于提升学生核心素养的教学主题。

热身(Warming up)部分引导学生谈论生活的unforgettable moments。这部分的目的是为呈现下一环节的猜标题做好铺垫,激活学生头脑中的难忘瞬间,激发他们对此话题的兴趣,为整篇文章的学习做好铺垫作用。

读前(Pre-reading)通过课文标题和图片进行猜测,并谈论What would make the first day at work “unforgettable”?



. 学情分析四(1)所教班级学生英语水平整体较好,但也存在个别学生的能力差异,因



五 .教学目标

1. Knowledge Objectives:


能够正确掌握职业素质的词汇和短语:curious,active personality,enthusiasm for

等并运用有关职业素质的词汇和短语发表自己的看法。, honestthe job,professional2. Ability Objectives:


(1)梳理文本结构,理解作者写作意图,做出判断和推理,并根据不同阅读材料使用不同的阅读策略以达到阅读目的。比如对skimming,scanning ,predicting,catching the structure 等阅读技巧和能力的训练和提升。


(3) 能应用逻辑性和发散性思维获取文本信息,并借助文本词汇和内容表达自己对future job所需素质的看法。

3. Emotion Objectives:


了解新闻工作者应该具备的素养和新闻采访的基本程序和采访注意要点,并通过谈论自身的unforgettable moments和对未来理想工作所需素质的思考和小组讨论和作者产生共鸣,起到情感升华和培养学生合作学习的能力。





Procedures Stage1. Lead-in Time 2' Teacher's Activities 1.Show the learning objectives 2. Introduce myself 3. Guide the Ss to talk about the unforgettable moments Stage 2 pre-reading 2' 1. Ask students to look at Predict what would make the first the title and pictures of the passage Stage 3. While -reading 2' 4' 1. Lead students to read the whole text and answer two questions. 2. Ask students to read passage quickly and find the questions and underline them 2' 3. Lead students to focus on the structure and of the passage get the main idea of each part 5 Skim the passage and answer two questions. 1) question about idea To help students check their the main prediction ,catch fast ability: skimming. Lead students to focus on the passage. To develop the students' the ability of grasping idea structure and the main of each part. To develop their skill of day at work “unforgettable”? prediction. Students' Activities Read the learning objectives by themselves. Listen to teacher carefully and know the teacher better. Share the unforgettable moments in life Purposes Get students know the learning goals To build a good relationship with students To arouse their interest in the title and the passage 3' prediction 2)question about main idea and practice their reading Read the whole passage and find and underline them structure of the Focus on the passage and read to get the main idea of each part the question asked by Zhou Yang function of questions in the Stage 4. Post-reading 4. Ask students to read to Read the passage again to get more To develop students' ability of get more detailed information detailed information. grasping the details. 2' 1. Lead students to use adjectives to some describe a good journalist 7' talk 2.lead students to their about future jobs a as them and train journalist groups Discuss in and use some good adjectives to describe a journalist Work in groups and pretend to be interview journalist a and some questions about future jobs. familiar Get students to be good a with the qualities of journalist. To use what we have learned necessary the and learn qualities in their future jobs.

人教版高中英语必修五 Unit 4 Making the News教学设计


