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The following is an outline of the text you have read. Complete the outline by filling in the blanks with the information from the text.

Part I (para.1 to para.5) Introduction: Solar power, wind turbines and other sources of clean power are now prepared to take the place of fossil fuels and become the main means to power our modern societies.


A. The need to create clean energy has become a pressing concern for policy makers.

B. Crucial advances in new technology have made those

inexhaustible sources cheaper to use.

C. Companies across the globe are scrambling to become the next Intel or Microsoft of the new energy revolution.

Part II (para.6 to para.11) The future of the sun's capability to power the planet is unexpectedly bright if the costs can be reduced further.


A. A new generation of wafer-thin photovoltaic solar panels will slash costs.

B. Solar power could provide thousands of times more energy

than the world currently uses.

C. Solar cells now power satellites, mobile phones, television sets, highway signals and water pumps.

Part III (para.12 to para.16) Though water power is another clean, renewable energy source,

people have difficulties in harnessing the power of moving water.

Evidence A. Hydropower is well-established .

B. Harnessing wave power is difficult .

C. The construction of mighty dams often has huge environmental impacts.

Part IV (para.17 to para.20) Lots of areas in our globe can provide ideal conditions to harness wind power, but it has certain visible and invisible impacts on our environment.


A. People in most coastal and mountainous regions have utilized the wind power.

B. In China, it is estimated that the electricity produced by wind resource will be sufficient to meet the need of the whole nation.

C. In Britain, wind power can serve its electricity generation three times over.

D. Some local residents have complained about the noise from the turbine gearing systems and blades.

E. Wind farms spoil the beauty of the landscape.

Part V (para.21 to para.23)

Several advantages make fuel cells the answer to future energy needs.

Evidence A.Fuel cells release nothing more damaging into the

atmosphere than water vapour.

B. Fuel cells do not produce carbon dioxide and are twice as efficient as conventional engines in converting chemical fuels into power.

C. Fuel cells require little maintenance and no recharging.

D. Stationary fuel cells could soon become commercial necessities.

Rewrite the following sentences in your own words.

1 The push for clean energy is motivated by the increasing awareness that natural sources (the elements here refer to water, sun, wind etc.) are already available to provide energy for the modern world/societies.

2 When the solar cell, the wind farm and the electric car begin to occupy a large part of the market, our living environment will change into something we can only begin to imagine today

3 Inside the photovoltaic systems, semi-conductors release electrons immediately when the sunlight is received, causing the movement of electricity. 4 The investigation into the world's most noticeable users shows that solar energy is at last beginning to make advance as another source of energy.

5 However, controlling the strength of rough seas has been a big problem for engineers. For example, two wave-power stations in Scotland and Norway have already been destroyed by the waves of the sea.

6 One solution to this problem has been to put turbines into a seabed which is shaped like a chimney and this device can be adjusted to face the direction of strong waves.

7 In addition, large areas of the world are perfectly suited to use wind power, and there is enough wind in seaside and mountain areas for local cost-effective use.

8 Fuel cell technology has raised high expectations and predictions that it can change energy use patterns around the world by serving as a substitute for gasoline in providing energy for cars, trucks, trains, buses and other vehicles.

Fill in each blank by selecting a proper word or phrase from the box given below. Change the forms where necessary.

blaze a trail fuel credential

stand swathe

incongruous emit slash



1. There are growing fears for the safety of the kidnapped victims — ears that have been fuelled by rumours of new terrorist threats.

2. He was dressed in a three-piece suit with an incongruous tie shaped like a fish.

3. The company has blazed a trail with its innovative use of robots in manufacturing.

4. As irrational as it sounds, many companies hire new workers and then turn around and slash their payrolls.

5. An average car emits five lungfuls of poisonous carbon monoxide gas per mile.

6. The balance of payments surplus stands at $5 million a year when barriers across the world have been lowered.

7. The government was hamstrung by lack of funds and thus lost control over its markets.

8. Great swathes of the world don't even have electricity or roads, let alone an information superhighway.

9. Laing built the original center 10 years ago and is odds-on to carry out the work if the scheme gets the nod.

10. In short, they're advertisements not just for your financial status, but for your impeccable intellectual and social credentials.


Translate the following paragraph into English.



Suggested Translation The sun's capability to power the planet is phenomenal. When exposed to the sun for about 40 minutes, the earth can receive an unimaginably huge amount of energy enough to supply our entire needs for one year's energy consumption. Besides, solar power is said to be an inexhaustible source. Solar power is absolutely clean and without pollution. Thus it is regarded as an ideal power to the people.


Part I (para.1 to para.3) The following is an outline of the text you have read. Complete the outline by filling in the blanks with the information from the text.

Sport is like a war: many examples show how sport is used by authorities or people to fight for or against nationalism or racism.

Part II (para.4 to para.6) In UK, the nationalism and racism associated with sport is controversial:

1. Sport can lead to division, or bring people together.

2. Sport can be used as a way of instilling the colonials of the

ruling ideas.

3. It can be used in the same way of ruling the nations.

Part III (para.7)

The history of development of modern sport is that of industrial capitalism: many sport games before industrial

capitalism were unrecognizable from today's sport, and the Olympics



