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Unit 3 Welcome to Sunshine Town Task



1. 能熟练运用本单元所学词汇,短语,句型组织语言。 2. 能合理构架文章,描述自己的家乡。

【学习重难点】 1写一篇文章。

1.四会词汇:own ; hometown ,raise ,grow; friendly , smell ,drive 2.四会短语:each other 3.三会词汇:wheat 【自主学习】 Ⅰ『基础知识』 ---词汇

1 /?un/______ ______2./'h?umtaun/____ ______

3/’frendli/______ ______4. /reiz/ ______ ______ 5 /gr?u/______ ______6. /wi:t/ ______ ______ 7 /smel/______ ______ 8. /draiv/______ ______ -----阅读第40 和41页上的内容,标出并翻译下列词组: 1.养牛 ________________2.种小麦__________________ 3.相互认识 ______________ 4.闻到花香 ____________________ 5.听到鸟叫 ______________ 6.在湖面上划船 _________________ 7.去镇中心购物_________8.带领你参观我的家乡_________________ 9. 这里的大多数人住在这样的房子里________________________ 10.我家周围有许多树和花 _________________________________ 11.每天有车去镇中心______________________________________ 12.开车去那里购物_______________________________________ 13.我希望你很快来参观____________________________________ 14.我认为它是个很棒的居住地______________________________

Ⅱ『合作探究』---语言点知识运用与拓展(参考课文注释、参考资料,自我探索总结,C层初步思考,AB层认真思考,全部完成,为课堂交流做好准备) 1. raise

raise 意为:________________ .。 Eg


My parents _______ lots of chicken and ducks. 2) 请提高你的声音,因为我听不清楚.

Please ________ your voice ,because I can’t hear you well. 拓展:读例句,并总结


The farmers in my town want to raise money for the primary school here. 他们想举行一场晚会为希望工程筹钱。



They want to hold a party to raise money for the Project Hope. 根据上面的句子,我会总结;

为....筹钱:_________________________ 2. Grow

grow 意为:_________________. Eg :

Tony 长的更高更壮了。

Tony _________ taller and stronger. 有些家庭种小麦。

Some families _________ wheat。 黄阿姨在她家的小花园里种花和蔬菜。

Aunt Huang _________ vegetables and flowers in her small garden. Step 3

知识点拓展: 读例句,并总结:

1. 你长大后将要干什么?

What are you going to be when you grow up . 我会总结:

长大:________________ Eg


When he ______ ______ he wants to work in her father’s company. 2. 十年后,这棵小树将长成一棵大树。

The small tree will grow into a big tree in ten years. 根据上面的句子,我会总结; 长成:_____________

Eg ; 一只婴儿熊猫将在八个月后长成一只大熊猫。

A baby panda will ________ _______ a giant panda in eight months. 3..I am going to show you around my home town.我将带你参观我家乡。 带领某人参观某地:________________ 让我们带领他们参观我们学校。

Let’s__________ __________ __________ our school.

4..I can smell the flowers and hear the birds sing.我能闻到花香听到鸟叫。 Smell,意为:______________ Eg

闻起来很不错______________ 闻起来很糟_______________ 5.My mother usually drives us to do the shopping. 我的妈妈通常开车带我们去购物。

开车带某人去干某事/某地:__________________ Eg


Thank you for __________ __________ __________. 2.开车的时候要小心。

Be careful when you _________.




My father often ______ _______ ______ the park at weekends.(同义句改写) We often ______ _____ the park with my father ______ ______ at weekends. My mother often goes to work by car.(同义句)

My mother often________ ________ ________ to work.

【课堂达标检测】 一、词汇

1.There are _________ (bus) to the town every day.. 2.My uncle ________ (raise) many cows on his farm ..

3.She is ill. I think the doctor can make her feel _________ (well). 4.Mr. Black has a grandson. Today is his ______________(nine) birthday. 5.I want to know more about__________(west) culture(文化).

6.My cousin is one of the best_____________(cook) in the restaurant. 7.One of the _____________ (绘画) belongs to my uncle.

8.The flowers in the garden ________(smell) __________ (well). 9.The ____________(钥匙) to the doors are on the desk now. 10.Are you good at______________(种)wheat? 二、完成下列句子:

1. 我们打算去镇中心购物。

We are going to ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _____. 2.你们认识吗?

Do you _______ _______ _______. 3. 我们正在为贫穷的孩子筹钱。

Now we ________ _______ ______ _____ the poor children. 4. 你开车带我去学校好吗?

Would you like to _______ _______ ______ school? 5. 我长大后想做一名英语老师。

I want to be an English teacher when I _______ ______. 6.这里的大部分人都住在这样的房子里。

_______ ______ here ______ ______ houses ______ this . 三、写作

根据内容提示,写一篇不少于60字的短文。 My hometown

places House two floors, big and … There are many flowers … Take photos ,row a boat People shops Some people raise pigs(chickens) Others grow rice(vegetables) Know each other , Friendly Do some shopping Go to town by bus ______________________________________________________________________________3word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持.

Different things to do 文档从网络中收集,已重新整理排版.word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持.





