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七年级 (下) 期末综合测试题 (五) 第一卷选择题(50分) I.词汇测试。(5分)

从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(共5小题,每小题1分) ()1. — What did you discuss just now? I saw that you were excited. — We plan to have a picnic this weekend. A. worry about B. look for C. talk about

()2. — Thank you for your valuable advice. I have solved my problem. —You’re welcome. A. useful B. harmful C. convenient

()3. — The washing machine is still working. You should turn it off. —Oh, I forgot it.

A. turn; on B. take; away C. switch; off ()4. — Did you the door when you left home? —Of course I did and I checked it. A. open B. lock C. see

()5. — This kind of paper can harmful gas. —It’s good to use it in the new house. A. take in B. put down C. look at II.完形填空。(15分)


“Well,, we’re in our new house. Let’s get a new pet,” Mrs Brown said to her husband. “That sounds like a pretty 6 idea,”he answered. “Do you want to see the ads in the newspaper?” “Let’s go to the animal center. Many pets there need 7. Tomorrow is Saturday, so we can both 8 there,” she said.

The next morning the Browns 9 Mr Snow at the animal center. “We want to make sure that the pets here go to good homes,”Mr Snow said.“So I need to ask you some 10.”

After they talked for a while, the Browns decided to get a 11 dog. She wouldn’t need a big house or a big garden. A small dog would 12 if someone tried to break into their house. After Mr Snow gave the Browns a (n) 13 on pet care, they chose one and wanted to take it home 14. But the animal doctor didn’t check it yet. So Mr Snow told them to return on Sunday.

On Sunday afternoon, the Browns went to the animal center. The animal doctor said,“It is 15.” The Browns thanked the doctor and took it home. ()6. A. good B. bad C. elder ()7. A. food B. money C. homes ()8. A. live B. go C. jump ()9. A. met B. pushed C. wanted

()10. A. problems B. questions C. difficulties ()11. A. small B. big C. polite

()12. A. laugh B. bark C. lie ()13. A. interview B. joke C. book ()14. A. sadly B. slowly C. quickly ()15. A. soft B. healthy C. sick III.阅读理解。(30分)

阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、 D四个选项中选出最佳选项。(共20小题,每小题1.5分) A

Bill works at an American company. He goes to a cooking class at a hotel to learn how to cook Chinese food every month.

“The cooking class is really relaxing,” Bill said.“It’s interesting for me to spend my weekend learning to cook. I enjoy going shopping for vegetables, cooking delicious food and asking my friends to eat.”

Mr Wang said that more and more people were calling the hotel every day to learn about cooking. “Food is a culture. People shouldn’t lose it. That’s why we start the cooking class,” he said. There are five to ten people in one class. Everyone wears a white uniform like a real cook (厨师). People in the class just follow the cook’s orders and a delicious dish will be ready soon. After class, the “students” and the cook will eat the food and talk about interesting things in their life. The students can take the rest of the food home.

Bill told his sister that he would cook for her when he came back to London. “My mom and my sister will be very happy to see me cook for them,”Bill said ()16. When does Bill go to the cooking class? A. On Monday and Tuesday. B. On Wednesday and Thursday. C. On Tuesday and Thursday. D. On Saturday and Sunday.

()17. Where does Bill come from? A. America. B. China. C. England. D. Japan.

()18. Why does Bill have the cooking class? A. To make money.

B. To relax and enjoy cooking. C. To cook for his friends. D. To meet more good cooks.

()19. What can we infer from the passage? A. Bill lives with his friend. B. Mr Wang works in the hotel. C. Mr Wang isn’t good at cooking.

D. The students can’t take the food home. ()20. What’s the passage mainly about? A. Cooking is fun! B. A good cook.

C. Learn to be a good student. D. An interesting hotel.

B Dear Anita, I love my job because I can travel to different countries. But I often feel bad because of jet lag (时差). It usually takes me two or three days to get used to the time. During those days, I have to go to some meetings, but it’s difficult for me to think and make good decisions because I’m always tired. However, after I’m used to the time, I find myself getting on the plane with a return ticket. What should I do? Stewart Dear Anita, I’m going to a summer camp in Canada in three days to improve my English. And I can also visit my pen friend. But Tm afraid of taking the plane. As soon as the plane takes off, I will get very worried. My heart will beat (跳)faster, and I won’t be able to breathe. What can I do? Thomas Dear Anita, I’m not afraid of flying, but I don’t like to fly. I find it very difficult to fall asleep on long flights. The seats are too small and other people are sometimes noisy. Also, flying is very boring, especially when the flight comes late or when there is a long stopover (中途停留) somewhere. Any advice? Susan ()21. What is Stewart’s problem? A. He is afraid of traveling around by plane. B. He doesn’t like his job because of jet lag. C. He can’t work well because of jet lag. D. He always feels afraid when he works.

()22. Thomas is going to Canada to___________. A. improve his English

B. take part in a winter camp C. visit his pen friend. D. see a doctor

()23. Which should be the advice for Susan if she takes the plane? A. Trying to travel alone.

B. Trying to make others stop crying.

C. Trying to change another interesting job. D. Trying to read something fun.

()24. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Stewart often goes to different countries because of his work.

B. As soon as Anita gets on the plane to return home, she gets over jet lag. C. Thomas won’t feel comfortable if he goes to Canada by plane. D. Susan doesn’t like taking the plane with noisy people. ()25. Why did the three people write the letters? A. To ask Anita for some advice. B. To show different kinds of lives.

C. To make Anita interested in traveling. D. To encourage Anita to travel by plane.



