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人教新课标高二英语必修5第二单元(Book 5) Unit 2 The United Kingdom 学案含答案

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Ⅰ.【Pre-class homework】

A. 介绍; 下文;参观的景点或进行的旅游活动;游客 B.

1. 位于…… be in / lie in / be located in 2. 由……组成 consist of / be made up of 3. 冬暖夏凉 warm winters and cool summers 4. 整年雨量充足 lots of rainfall throughout the year 5. 占有……面积 have / cover an area of

6. 有……人口 have a population of / with a population of

7. 对….做出了重大贡献 make a great contribution to / make great contributions to 8. 作为……而闻名 be well-known / famous as

9. 历史悠久 have a long history of / with a long history of 10. 名胜古迹 places of interest C.

① consists of

② is in the northwest of

③ warm winters and cool summers


④ a total area of ⑤ has a population of

⑥ made a great contribution to

⑦ is well-known as ; places of interest

⑧ in the northwest of Europe, facing the Atlantic Ocean ⑨ with a lot of rainfall throughout the year ⑩ with a population of about 64.44 million

? well-known as the City of Fog; having many places of interest Step3. Consolidation Ladies and gentlemen,

I am Li Hua. Welcome to Beijing. With a long history, Beijing is rich in tourist attractions, and besides, it has taken on a new look because of the 2019 Olympic games. I’m more than glad to be your tourist guide, and now I’d like to tell you something about our trip.

At 7:00 on the morning of October 1, we will meet at the gate of Hongxing Hotel and then we will take a bus to go to Tian’anmen Square, and then the Forbidden City. The former is the largest square in the world and the latter is the largest and most complete imperial palace in China, following which we will visit the Great Wall at 2:00 in the afternoon, which is known as the longest man-made structure in the world.

Finally, I sincerely hope every one of you will enjoy yourself here.


人教新课标高二英语必修5第二单元(Book 5) Unit 2 The United Kingdom 学案含答案


