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人教新课标高二英语必修5第二单元(Book 5) Unit 2 The United Kingdom 学案含答案

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Khan (忽必烈汗)who gave him a job. Marco spent 17 years 7._____________(work) for him. He









9.______________(return) home, he let things like coal and paper money 10.______________(know) by the people. He wrote his trip in a famous book. Keys:

【Pre-class homework】

A. 1. settled 2.injured 3. tied, taken 语法总结: (1) 动宾,过去分词

(2) find ,have,see, want , get


1. They hurried back home only to find their house breaking into. broken

2. When he came to himself, he found himself sat on a chair, with his hands tie back sitting tied 3. I’m going to have my letters be typed tomorrow if I’ve got them ready by then. 4. The girl wrote a composition without∧ asked.


5. The position of the classroom with its view made me felt like I was dreaming. feel C.

1. heard 2. blocked 3. washed 4. checked 5. reminded Step3 Consolidation

A. Correct the mistakes in the passage

When the old lady returned ∧ her flat , she saw at once the door broke into during her

to broken

absence, and everything in the flat was upside down. The thieves were no longer there, only to leaving a cigarette still burnt on an ornamental (装饰) table. Probably they had burning

heard the lift came up and had run down the fire escape. And the old lady found her coming


whisky drank too but there was a little left . Worse still, she noticed her jewellery stole, drunk stolen which had been given by her husband, who had died some years before. Since his death, she has never worn it. Felt upset, she decided to ask the police for help. Feeling B.

1.called 2. opened 3. made 4. listening 5. visited 6 overcome 7. working 8. amazing 9. returning 10. known

Period 4 Writing ( Book 5 )

Class: Name: __________ Group: No:______ Learning Objectives:

Learn to write a tourist guide. Learning Key Points:

Use the vocabulary and structures in this unit to write a tourist guide. Learning Difficult Points:

Develop the writing ability to write a tourist guide.

Learning Procedures: Ⅰ.【Pre-class homework】

Assessment: A. 阅读下面的导游词,关注其基本结构和内容,并完成后面的练习。 Ladies and gentlemen,

I’m David, and I am glad to be your guide. Now let me introduce the UK to you. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland consists of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland in the northwest of Europe, facing the Atlantic Ocean. Therefore, it enjoys warm winters and cool summers with a lot of rainfall throughout the year. It has a total area of 244, 100 square kilometers, with a population of about 64. 44 million. It is one of the highly industrialized countries in the world, making great contributions to human industrialization.

Its capital is London, well-known as the City of Fog. Thanks to its long history, it has many places of interest. Buckingham Palace, the British Queen’s residence, is partly open


to visitors now. The British Museum has a rich collection, where visitors can experience different cultures. Moreover, the Thames, considered as the mother river of the UK, is popular among the local residents for entertainment.

I hope you can enjoy yourselves here. Thank you!



结构: 正文:详细向游客介绍_______________________________________。 结束:祝愿__________________________ 玩得尽兴。 B. 常用词汇

1. 位于…… _______________________________________________________________ 2. 由……组成 ___________________________________________________________ 3. 冬暖夏凉 _______________________________________________________________ 4. 整年雨量充足 ___________________________________________________________ 5. 占有……面积 ___________________________________________________________ 6. 有……人口 _____________________________________________________________ 7. 对….做出了重大贡献 ____________________________________________________ 8. 作为……而闻名 _________________________________________________________ 9. 历史悠久 _______________________________________________________________ 10. 名胜古迹 _______________________________________________________________ C. 常用句式

1. 根据汉语提示完成句子。


①大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国是由英格兰, 威尔士, 苏格兰及北爱尔兰组成。 The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ______________ England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. ②它位于欧洲西北部, 面向大西洋。

It ________________________________ Europe and faces the Atlantic Ocean. ③它的气候冬暖夏凉, 整年雨量充足。

It enjoys ____________________________ and has lots of rainfall throughout the year. ④它拥有的总面积为244, 100平方千米。

It has _______________________________ 244, 100 square kilometers. ⑤它的人口大约为6444多万。

It ________________________________________ about 64. 44 million. ⑥它是世界工业化最早的国家之一, 对人类工业化作出了贡献。

It is one of the highly industrialized countries in the world and has _________________________human industrialization. ⑦它的首都是伦敦, 它是著名的雾都, 有很多的名胜古迹。

Its capital is London, which _______________________________ the City of Fog and it has many ________________________________________. 2. 句式升级。


The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland consists of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland _______________________________________________. ⑨用with短语改写③

It enjoys warm winters and cool summers ____________________________________. ⑩用with短语合并④⑤ It











___________________________________. ?将⑦改为含有非谓语作状语的句子

Its capital is London, ___________________________________________________ and _______________________________________. Ⅱ.【While-class】 Step1. Lead-in

Step2. Group discussion Step3. Consolidation

假如你是李华,暑假期间做兼职导游。你将带领一个来自美国的旅游团进行北京一日游。请用英文写一个口头导游词,主要内容包括: 1、自我介绍并欢迎来到北京。 2、旅游活动的安排和一些景点的介绍。 3、祝愿大家在北京玩得开心。


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