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高中英语必考点解题指导:考点妙解8 名词 pdf

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高中英语必考点逐个击破快速提分:考点妙解8 名词


1.分清可数名词和不可数名词,可数名词有单复数形式,不可数名词没有复数形式。 2.熟记可数名词的复数形式及常用的不可数名词。

3.注意可数名词在句中的用法,要么在其前加a、an或the,要么用它的复数形式。 4.不能混淆修饰可数名词的词与修饰不可数名词的词。(只能修饰可数名词的有few,a few,many,unmber of; 只能修饰不可数名词的有little,a little,much,an amount of ,a great deal of;二者都可修饰的有plent of,a lot of,lots of,aquantity of,quantities of,masses of等).


6.并列结构中单、复数应一致。 Ⅰ 高考最新热门题

1.Sometimes we talk to each other very well in class,but atter class we become stranger at once.

命题目的与解题技巧:此题考查名词的基本用法。要求分清名词的单复数。在做涉及名词的考题中,要注意名词的可数性与不可数性,名词的所有格+r生质名词和抽象名词的具体化,名词词义的辨析和习性搭配和名词在句子中所做的成分,特别是作定语的用法。 【答案】 stranger→strangers.该句主语为we,其表语要用复数形式。

2. You can find all kinds of information in just a few minute on the Intemet. 答案:minute→minutes.afew后接复数名词。

3. But when I saw your wife and children waiting for me with warm smile of welcome on their faces. I immediately knew that everything could be all right. 答案:smile→smiles.smile是可数名词,这里要用复数形式。 Ⅱ 题点经典类型题

1.(典型例题)For Americans, distance in a social convensation is about an arm's long to front feet.

【答案】 long→length. 根据前面的an arm's 可知,所有格之后必须用名词形式。 2. (典型例题考)I am afraid of making hew friend. 答案:friend→friends make friends固定用法,交朋友。


3.(典型例题)Thout may last only a few minutes on even second. 答案:seeoul→sewnds.afew修饰可数名词复数。 Ⅲ 新高考命题探究 1.名词

(1)Papers catches fire easily.

答案:papers改为paper-paper表示“纸”时为不可数名词,无复数形式。 (2) Her new novel is great success.

答案:is后加a或is后加of.asuccess指一个成功的人或一件成的事;of success=successful.

(3) The news is of great important.

答案:important改为importance.of importance=important. (4) What fine day we have today!

答案:What后加afday是可数名词;可以说What fine weather. What+adj.+可数名词单数;What+adj.+不可数名词/可数名词复数。 (5) I forgot all of the room's numbers. 答案:room's改为room.名词作定语。

(6) These children had great funs in the park. 答案:funs改为fun.fun是不可数名词,无复数形式。 (7) In the past,the poors often went hungry.

答案:poors改为poor.poor为形容词,the+形容词,指一类人;the poor指穷人们。 (8) Look! Two Germen are coming this way. 答案:Germen改为Germans.名词复数错误。 (9) Put on more clothing,or you'll catch a cold.

答案:clothing改为clothes.clothing指衣服的总称;具体的衣服用clothes. (10)This is the steel work where my father works. 答案:work改为works.works复数形式,表示工厂。 (11) Don't make any voice. Your father is sleeping. 答案:voice改为noise.voice指人的嗓音;noise指噪音。 (12) It's not my book. Maybe it's somebody else. 答案:else改为else's.根据句意,应用所有格。


(13)The man has been hunting for a work for a long time.

答案:work改为job.a job,一份工作;work表示工作时是不可数名词。 (14) In our school,there are eighty woman teachers in all.


(15) The Smith will make a trip to China during the coming spring. 答案:Smith改为Smiths.定冠词加姓氏的复数指一家人。

(16) The patient has stayed in the hospital for one and a half month. 答案:month改为months.one and a half后的名词用复数。

(17) The couple wanted to buy some furnitures for their new house. 答案:furnitures改为furniture.furniture是不可数名词。

(18) The young should make rooms for the old in the crowded bus. 答案:rooms改为r0典型例题m在表示空间、地方的时候是不可数名词。

(19) One of the first thing Bill did was to teach us how to play basketball. 答案:thing改为things.one of后的名词或代词一定是复数形式。

(20) I asked the salesman for some changes. But he bad only a large note. 答案:changes改为change.change表示“零钱”时是不可数名词。 2.名词性从句

(1) I wonder how these shoes cost. 答案:how改为how much.how much多少(钱)。 (2) We all agree with him on that he said.

答案:that改为what.what引导宾语从句,what作said的宾语。 (3) The problem is we are short of money.

答案:is后加that that引导表语从句,that不可省略。 (4) Things are not that they seemed to be.

答案:that改为what.what引导表语从句,在从句中,what作表语。 (5) It worried her a bit for her hair was turning grey. 答案:for改为that.It 在句中作形式主语;that引导主语从句。 (6) She said she will stay here for another week.



(7) The fact he was seriously iii worried them. 答案:fact后加that.that引导同位语从句时,不可省略。 (8) Who leaves the room last ought to turn off the light. 答案:who改为Whoever. whoever不管是谁,引导主语从句。

(9) The reason why we were late was because we missed the bus.

答案:because改为that.reason作主语,其后表语从句用that引导,而不用because. (10) I'm not sure how I could have done with it.


高中英语必考点解题指导:考点妙解8 名词 pdf


