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2020 中考

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On May 22, 1859, Arthur Conan Doyle was born in Edinburgh, Scotland. His family life later became a bright 1 for his work.

As a child, his family was quite rich, 2 his father, Charles, was a life-long alcoholic(酒鬼) and spent so much money. Doyle's mother, Mary, was a well-educated woman who loved 3 . She tried to protect him from the pain by telling him 4 . In a book about himself, Arthur says, “In my early childhood, as far as I can remember anything at all, the interesting stories she told me stand out so 5 that they hide the real facts of my life.” At the age of 9, Arthur was sent to a boarding(寄宿制) school in England for seven years. He 6 all the way there and hated it until the day he graduated. However, it was in the school 7 he realised he too enjoyed storytelling. He used to 8 stories to make the younger students happy. After that, he decided to study for a medical 9 at university.

When Arthur was a third-year medical student, his life changed 10 . He was offered a job asa 11 on a boat called Hope. The boat travelled to 12 Arctic Circle(北极圈). This experience woke up Doyle's 13 of adventure. It also encouraged him to start writing stories. In 1890, his novel, A Study in Scarlet, introduced the famous character of Detective Sherlock Holmes. Later, Doyle 14 to write 60 stories about Sherlock Holmes. Till now, there 15 more than 200 films about him, and more than 70 actors have played the part of the detective. ( )1.A.point B.idea C.way



( )2.A.and C.or


( )3.A.shopping B.cooking C.reading D.travelling

( )4.A.stories B.experiences C.skills


( )5.A.closely B.clearly

2020 中考

C.directly D.highly ( )6.A.smiled C.lost D.cried ( )7.A.that B.where C.how



( )8.A.find out B.work out C.make up D.look through ( )9.A.degree C.position D.paper

( )10.A.hardly B.gently C.lightly D.greatly ( )11.A.doctor B.worker C.soldier D.policeman ( )12.A.a C.the


B.hope B.an


( )13.A.dream C.sense D.feeling

( )14.A.went on B.came up C.slowed down

D.turned back

( )15.A.are B.will be C.have been D.were Ⅱ.阅读理解

I jumped out from my hiding place and ran over to the group of riders. They were police officers who knew that there was a pirate ship in the bay. I told them my story.

Later I went back to the inn with one of the officers. Everything was broken, and the captain's money and some silver from the inn was missing.

“They took the money,” said the officer. “But what did they really want?”

“I think they wanted these papers in my pocket,” I answered. “I want to take them to Dr Liversey.”

“Good idea,” he answered. “Dr Liversey is a gentleman and a magistrate(地方官). I will take you to him now, because I need to tell him what happened.”

2020 中考

So I got up on the horse behind one of the officers and we rode to Dr Liversey's house. Dr Liversey was not at home. He was dining with Squire Trelawney, so we rode on to the Hall, where the squire lived. The two men were sitting in a great library next to a bright fire.

The officer told the story. The two men listened with surprise and interest. The officer then left. I gave the papers to the doctor and they asked me to stay and eat something after my adventures.

“Have you heard of Flint?” Dr Liversey asked the squire.

“Yes, I have!” the squire replied. “He was one of the most dangerous pirates that ever sailed the seas. He only cared about money and everyone was afraid of him. No one knows where he buried his treasure.”

“Maybe these papers give a clue,” said the doctor. And we opened the captain's papers. Inside there was a detailed map. It showed an island, about nine miles long and five across. It had two good natural harbours and a hill in the centre, marked Spy-glass Hill. There were three crosses in red, two in the northern part and one in the south-west. Beside the last cross were the words: Most of treasure here.

1.How did the narrator(叙述者) make the police believe in him? ( ) A.By hiding somewhere else.

B.By calling the squire's name directly. C.By showing the police around. D.By showing the papers in his pockets.

2.How did they go to Dr Liversey's house? ( ) A.On foot. B.By ship. C.By horse. D.By boat.

3.The pirates wanted the papers because ? ( ) A.they were helpful at sea B.they told good stories C.nobody else wanted them D.they were about treasure

4.What is the passage going to tell us? ( ) A.A dream. B.A treasure. C.A war.

D.A pirate.


2020 中考

下面短文中有四处(第 1-4)需要添加小标题。阅读短文,然后从方框中所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出符 合各段意思的小标题,并完成第 5题。

Paper cutting is one of the traditional folk arts in China. It is a kind of popular folk arts and has been popular for about 1,500 years. Let's learn about paper cutting.


Paper cutting has some wonderful meanings. In our mind, paper cutting can always bring us happiness and good luck. At the Spring Festival, people put up “Fu” on doors or windows. At a wedding people also put up “Xi”.


The largest paper cutting was made by Gao Xiaodong. It has an area of about 456 square metres. It is as large as a basketball court.


In old times, people respected the sun. Red is the color of the sun. We always regard red as the symbol of hope and good luck. Now, we can still see red everywhere in China. The walls of old palaces are red. Lanterns are red. Weddings are always full of red things, too.


It's true that most paper cuttings are red. But paper cuttings in Shanzhou, Henan Province are black. Black is the best colour there. Shanzhou is a dry place. The local people make black paper cuttings to wish for rain. A.Black Paper Cutting in Shanzhou B.The Largest Paper Cutting in the World C.Wonderful Meanings

D.Why Are Most Paper Cutting Red 5.Give a title for the passage:

(回答不多于 5个单词).



2020 中考

Eddie and Cynthia both went to the same high school. They had liked each other since the 1. (nine) grade. Eddie and Cynthia met in a maths class. Cynthia was really good at maths. She always scored the 2. (high) out of everyone. Eddie was having trouble 3. maths. He kept getting Fs. If he didn't bring his grade up to a C, he would have to 4. (repeat) the class. The teacher asked Cynthia to help Eddie out for extra credit, and she said yes. Every day after school for two hours, Cynthia would help him. Eddie 5. (fall) in love with her. He ended up with a B in the class. Eddie took Cynthia out to dinner to thank her.

At dinner, they both fell for each other. They started dating. Everything 6. (be) good. They never had fights and even talked about getting 7. (marry)one day. When senior year came around, though, they had to apply to college. They didn't want to stop each other from going places, but they both wanted to stay together. Cynthia got into Harvard and wanted to major in maths. Eddie did not get into Harvard. He 8. (accept) to a school near Harvard but thought it would be 9. (good) for him to stay closer to home. Cynthia ended up going to Harvard and Eddie ended up going to Florida State University. They tried to have a long distance relationship, but 10. was hard. They broke up after their first year of college. After they graduated, however, they both worked in Florida. They got back together.



