葛建业;严江伟;Bruce Budowle;Ranajit Chakraborty;Arthur Eisenberg
【期刊名称】《中国法医学杂志》 【年(卷),期】2011(026)003
【摘要】本文论述常染色体STR基因座的选取和数量对数据库直接匹配、亲缘关系检索、失踪人员检索等数据库检索应用可能带来的影响,指出大容量DNA数据库在应用中可能出现的问题,并讨论应用数据库时需要考虑的群体和群体内差异,以及Y染色体和线粒体DNA对数据库检索的辅助作用.旨在为今后建设和完善具有中国特色的大容量DNA数据库提供参考和帮助.%This study investigates the effects of selection and number of selected autosomal STR loci for the forensic DNA database applications, such as database matching, familial searching, missing person identification, the effects of population substructure, and the Y chromosome and mitochondrial DNA as the supplemental tools to improve the searching results, and provides suggestions for further improving the China forensic DNA database.
【作者】葛建业;严江伟;Bruce Budowle;Ranajit Chakraborty;Arthur Eisenberg
【作者单位】Institute of Investigative Genetics,University of North Texas