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Part 1. Read the sentences and write the words.(5Eg: is the color of the grapes. What color is it?



2.Dress up, act out in a play and have fun. Which club do you want to join? 3.It’s the last month of the year. 4.It is a sign “Flush after use

”. Where can you see this sign?

5.It means fifteen minutes. What time is it?

6. It is a beautiful sight. We can look at it from the Peak in Hong Kong.

Part2. Read the dialogue and choose the right words to fill in the blanks.

A: We ________ pick flowers in the country park. B: _______ mustn

’t we pick flowers here?

A: Because it spoils the country park.

A: Dear, I’m going out today. B: _______ will you go? A: I will go to the restaurant. B: ________ will you meet ? A: I ______ meet my old friends.

Part3. Choose the correct answers to fill in the blanks.(10’)


)1. Join _____. _____ can help you to keep fit. A. we/ Us

B. us/Our

C. us/We

D. our /We

( ) 2. My grandpa ___________in Guangzhou next Monday. A. will arrive B. arrived C. arriving D. arrives ( ) 3. Look at the sign. It means: _____fishing. A. No

B. /(不填)

C. Not

D. Don’t


) 4. Guangzhou is _______ beautiful city. A. an

B. a

C. the

D. /(不填)


( (

) 5. Where will you____ on weekends? A. do

B. went

C. go

D. going

) 6. –Does your sister always go to school by bus? - No, she _____. She A. don’t /go

_____ to school on foot.

C. doesn’t / go

D. won’t ,too

B. doesn’t /goes

( ) 7. -___________they go back to the hotel tomorrow?

- No, they won’t. A. Are

B. Won B. the; /

C. Does

C. / ; the

D. a ; the


D. she ; her

D. Will piano.

( ) plays A. the; the

football and Mary plays

( (

) is birthday. I think the little car is for

B. my; her B. as

C. in

C. his; him

D. on

It’s the same


A. you; me A. at

) have a watch.

in the blanks with the right verb form.(1)They (2) John enjoys (3) We (4) Mary (5) Emily

(6) Would you like (7) My parents (8) Let’s go (9) -



(visit) Hong Kong .next year.

(paint) flowers.

(must) turn off our mobile phone. (play) football this Sunday.

(will) go to Hong Kong tomorrow because she is busy.

( play ) games with me? ( be )free yesterday. (fish ) together. . fast food? -No, I won

’t. We’ll eat seafood.


(paint) makes him happy.

(10)(10)Charlie stopped ( sing).And she kept on

Part5. Choose the sentences to complete the following dialogues. Write the capital letters on the lines given.

A.What about you?


Ben: Yes, madam. What would you like to drink, Tony? Tony: I’d like some tea.

B.Would you like black tea? C.Do you have any eggs,madam? D.Would you like something to eat? E.Black tea or iced tea? F.Can I help you? G.Thank you very much.


Tony: Iced tea, please. Ben: I’d like some lemonade. Tony: Yes, I’d like a pizza, please. Woman: What would you like on it, sir ?

Tony: Mushrooms, green peppers and onions, please. Ben: All right. Woman: Yes.

Ben: We want a cup of iced tea, a glass of milk, a glass of lemonade, a pizza

and two eggs, please. Woman: Ok.

Part in the blanks with the words given.(10there was loved

sandwiches where

big pieces


hand and

Everyone likes sandwiches. We can eat them everywhere. We can take them with us. They can be sandwich?

A long time ago

a man from England .He

to play cards .He could play

or small. But

did they come from? Who made the first

cards all day and all night. He couldn’t stop. He didn’t even stop to eat!

of bread.

One day he asked his cook to bring him some meat between two He took the bread other

the meat in one hand and played cards with the

.That was when the first sandwich was made. The name of the man

伯爵) of


was John Montague. He was also known as the Earl(

Part 7. Read the passage and choose the right answers.(5’)

Once there was a poor wood cutter. Every day he went out into the forest to cut wood. He sold the wood he had cut to the villagers, but he got very little money from it.

One day as he was cutting wood , his axe fell into the river. He could not get it

out. He called out: Help, helpBut no one heard him and no one a boy with wings ” 

appeared before him. It was Mercury. God had sent him to help the poor woodcutter. When he heard what had happened to the axe, he jumped into the river and came out with a silver axe in his hand.

”Is this your axe?”he asked.No, ””said the woodcutter.

Then Mercury jumped into the river again. This time he took out a golden axe.

”Is this your axe?

he asked. ””No,said the woodcutter.”

My axe is not made of gold ”

or silver. It is made of iron. So Mercury jumper into the river a third time. This time ”

he took out an iron axe. The woodcutter was very glad. It was his axe!Then Mercury said: ”I see you are an honest man. Here is your iron axe .And I will give you the other two axes, too.



) is ____________. A . a fairy tale C. a story of history



B. a true story D. a funny story

) woodcutter is a person who ___________________.

A . sells wood C. is poor

B. lives in the forest D. cuts wood to sell

B. It turned into a silver one. fell into the forest.

( ) happened to his axe? A . It turned into a gold one. C. It fell into a river.

( ) woodcutter got _______ in the end. A . his own axe C. the silver axe

B. the gold axe D. all the above B. a woodcutter

( ) is ____________. A . a child

Part 8. Read and write. (9’)

Your friend Emily is coming to Hong Kong. She will arrive this Now you can write an e-mail to tell Emily about your plan.

will you go with her?

Dear Emily, I can

’t wait to see you this Sunday! I have a good plan.

On Monday morning we will

Your friend, Jack

Part10. Write about a child from another country. Write the types of food he/she has in his/her country. Write about two types of food. Write at least four to five sentences.

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