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学校 班级 学号 姓名 2012年牛津六年级英语小升初模拟试卷试卷




( ) 1. A. wallet B. water C. world

( ) 2. A. twelfth B. twentieth C. tomorrow ( ) 3. A. contest B. concert C. continue ( ) 4. A. right B. night C. kite ( ) 5. A. parent B. present C. policeman ( ) 6. A. 11:45 B. 11:15 C. 12:15 ( ) 7. A. go camping B. go skiing C. go jogging ( ) 8. A. a shopping center B. a primary school C. a post office ( ) 9. A. Open it for me. B. Open them for me. C. Open the box for me. ( ) 10. A. His telephone number is 68951765.

B. Her telephone number is 68851765.

C. His aunt’s telephone number is 68851765. 二、听录音,给下列图片排序(听两遍)(5分)

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、听录音,选择正确的应答,将序号填在题前的括号里。(5分) ( )1.A .It’s the eighth of March. B.It’s Sunday.

C. It’s on the eighth of March .

( )2. A. I’m going to play volleyball. B.I’m watering flowers.

C.I watched a volleyball game.

( )3.A. I’m five . B. I’m fine . C. I’m stronger than you. ( )4.A.My favourite food is fish. B. Children’s Day.

C. My favourite subject is Chinese.

( )5.A Yes,I do. B. Yes, I,was. C.Yes ,I did.

四、听音选择 听对话,根据对话内容,为所听问题选择最佳答句,并将其序号填入题前括号内,听两遍。(共5小题,每小题1分)

( )1. A.He likes winter best. B. He likes spring best.

C. He likes summer best.

( )2. A. They’re going to have a picnic.

B. They’re going to see a play. C. They’re going to travel.

( )3. A. Jane. B. Bill. C. Bill and Jane. ( )4. A. By train. B. By taxi. C. By metro. ( )5. A. rainy. B. snowy. C. Sunny. 五、听短文,填入所缺的单词。(听三遍)(5分)

Lantern Festival or Yuanxiao Festival is a traditional(传统的) Chinese .It is in February or March , fourteen after Spring Festival . People usually go to watch lanterns in the streets or in the shops . On this day they yuanxiao (元宵). It’s delicious .


My friends and I with lanterns last Lantern Festival .All of us were very .We had a really good time that day .



( )1.sw ter A.ea B. ee C. ae ( )2.comp ter A.a B.u C.i ( )3.newsp per A.m B.e C.a ( )4.W dn sday A. e e B. a e C.e a ( )5.c t A. a B.e C.o 二、从Ⅱ栏中找出Ⅰ栏的最佳答语。(10分)


( )1.Hello!May I speak to Nancy ? A.Yes, she does. ( )2.Where do you watch TV ? B.Children’s Day.


( )3.What holiday comes after May Day ? C.It’s the 3of November. ( )4.Did you watch cartoons yesterday ? D.It’s in October. ( )5.What day was yesterday ? E.No, I didn’t.

( )6.When is Halloween ? F.I’d like a CD Walkman. ( )7.What did David do last Spring Festival? G.It was Tuesday.

( )8.Does Helen go to school early ? H.I’m sorry,she’s not in. ( )9.What would you like as a birthday present ? I.At home.

( )10.What date is it today ? J.He went to parties. 三、英汉互译(10分)

1.去购物________________ 2. my e -mail address ___________ 3.要求得到________________ 4.Sounds great !_______________ 5.上课 ______________ 6.most of the time ______________ 7.去散步__________________ 8. run out of the shop_____________ 9.用英语表达____________ 10.singing contest______________ 四、单项选择。(共15题,每小题1分,计15分)

( )1. —_____ are you going there? — On foot.

A. Where B. Why C. How ( ) 2.______ season do you like _____, spring or autumn?

A. Which; best B. Which; better C. What; better ( ) 3.We ______ be quiet in the library.

A. should B. shouldn’t C. can’t

( ) 4.She is asking Ben some questions _____ the weather _____ New York. A. for; in B. about; in C. about; for ( ) 5.Would you like _____?

A. cook food B. to cook food C. cooking food ( ) 6. Can you come and help me my Maths?

A. with B. for C. to ( ) 7. My uncle a film last week.

A .watches B. watch C. watched

( ) 8. The running race is very_____. All the students are ________. A. exciting; excited B. excited; exciting C. exciting; exciting ( ) 9.Jim ____ well in Maths, but Jack is _____at English than him. A. do; good B. does; better C. does; good ( ) 10.My sister runs as _____as me.

A. fast B. fastly C. faster ( ) 11. _____ he _____ volleyball last Sunday?


A. Does; play B. Is; playing C. Did; play ( ) 12. I walk to the park Sunday morning.

A. on B. in C. at

( ) 13. Go this street and turn left at the second crossing. A. long B. along C. longer ( ) 14.How can I _____ the cinema?

A. get off B. get C. get to ( ) 15. Can you pick up for me?

A. they B. them C. their 五、从方框中选择适当的词或短语完成句子。(共8题,每空1分,计10分) the only child more How far at the concert turn most of the time warmer stronger away from on 1. It’s over there, _____ your left. 2. In spring, the weather gets _____and the trees _______green.

3. Jack doesn’t have any brothers or sisters, so he ’s _________________in his family.

4. The sign means we shouldn’t stay ____________ the building.

5. —__________ is the History Museum from here? —It’s about a kilometer away.

6.Nancy is going to play the piano ____________. 7. Do ________exercise, and you’ll get_______. 8. It’s warm _______in spring in New York。 六、选择适合的词完成句子(5分)

1. Nancy is going to ( plays, play ) the piano at the concert. 2. Sorry I am late because the bus was ( later, late ) than yesterday. 3. The (twins ,twins`) parents are doctors.

4. Listen! Nancy ( sings, is singing ) an English song now. 5. Which season do you like ( better, best ), summer or winter? 七、按要求改写句子。(10分)

1. It’s time to have lunch.(改为同义句) It’s time ___ _ ____ __. 2.He has eight lamps. (对画线部分提问)

_______ ________ lamps does he have?

3.There is some coffee in the cup .(改为否定句) There ____ _ ______ coffee in the cup .

4.We are going to see a play tomorrow .( 对画线部分提问) _______ are you going to _______ tomorrow ?

5.after, they, cows, school, often, milk (.) (连词成句)

_______________________________________ 八、根据所给中文及提示完成句子。(10分)

1.---你有些爱好吗? ---是的,我喜欢集邮。

---Do you have any ? ---Yes, I like stamps . 2. —今天几月几号? —三月三日。 —What is it today ? —It’s the of March. 3. 上周日我在农场拔萝卜了。

I up carrots on the farm _____ Sunday. 4. 你想要什么生日礼物?

What you like a birthday present?


5. 我父亲正在他的书房里写信。

My father is ________ a _________ in his study . 九、阅读理解 (10分)


Bob and Jim worked in the same factory. One day Jim borrowed(借) ten dollars from Bob, but then Jim left his work and went to work in another town, so he didn’t give back the money. Bob didn’t see Jim for a year. Later, he knew from a friend where Jim was. So one day he went there to see him late in the evening. When he got to Jim’s room, he saw his shoes near the door. “Well, he must be in.” He thought. He knocked at the door. There was no answer. He knocked again and said, “I know you are in, Jim. Your shoes are out here.” ? 判断下列句子是否与短文意思相符, 相符的写“T”, 不相符的写“F” 5分 ( ) 1. Bob and Jim worked in the same school. ( ) 2. Bob got some money from Jim.

( ) 3. Jim didn’t give back the money when he went to another town. ( ) 4. Jim didn’t meet Bob for two years.

( ) 5. When Bob knocked at the door, Jim opened.


The Road family often does housework together at the weekends. Pam often cleans bedrooms. Her father buys groceries (食品杂货) for the next week. Her mum washes the clothes. John, Pam’s brother, helps to cut grass in their garden.

The Roads often ride a bike to the park nearby. In the park, they can play basketball and football. They always have a good time there. It is happy when a family works and plays together. ? 根据短文内容选择正确答案5分

( ) 1. How many people are there in the Road family? __________ A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five. ( ) 2. The Road family likes to __________________. A. go on a picnic B. go shopping

C. have a rest D. go to the park

( ) 3. When the family work together, they feel________.

A. tired B. happy C. angry D. sad ( ) 4. ____________ cuts the grass in the garden.

A. Father B. Mother C. Pam D. John ( ) 5. A good title (标题) for the passage is ___________.

A. A family works and plays together B. Cleaning the rooms C. A big family D. Pam and her parents 十、以“on the farm”为题写一篇短文。要求:条理清晰,意思连贯,语句通顺,不少于5句话。(参考词汇:Sunday pull up pick collect milk )



三、听音选择 听对话,根据对话内容,为所听问题选择最佳答句,并将其序号填入题前括号内,听两遍。

1. A: Which season do you like best, Jim? B:I like summer best. A: Why?

B: Because it’s hot. I can go swimming. Q: Which season does Jim like best? 2. A: Hello. Is that Liu Tao? B: Yes, speaking.

A: This is Mike. I’m going to see a play this afternoon. Would you like to come?

B: Sure. I’ll go with you.

Q: What are Liu Tao and Mike going to do? 3. A: Look, they’re running!

B: Yes, Jane runs faster than Bob. A: But Bill runs faster than Jane. Q: Who runs faster than Bob?

4. A: How far is the shopping centre from our school? B: About two kilometres.

A: That’s a long walk. Shall we get there by taxi? B: No, the traffic is heavy now. Let’s go by metro. Q: How can we get to the shopping centre faster? 5. A:Shall we go to Suzhou this spring?

B: Wow, that’s great! Does it often rain spring there? A: Yes, it always rains.

Q: What’s the weather like in spring in Suzhou?




