【期刊名称】《中国卫生经济》 【年(卷),期】2014(000)005
【摘要】目的:分析某县级市新型农村合作医疗患者住院费用结构变化情况,为控制费用提供依据。方法:收集该县级市2010-2013年5月份新型农村合作医疗住院患者费用明细,采用结构变动度分析法分析该县级市住院费用的结构变化情况。结果:专科医院的住院费用结构变动最大,一级医院次之。不同的费用项目在不同级别的医院结构变化方向也并不一致。西药费和检查费是引起住院费用结构变动的主要因素,但是在不同级别的医院,引起不同费用项目的结构变动贡献率并不完全相同。结论:该县级市新版新型农村合作医疗制度实施以来费用控制效果显著,虽然中医药的作用得以凸显,但是仍存在不足,此外检查费的控制是未来新型农村合作医疗控费不可忽视的环节。%Objective: To analyze the structure changes of New Rural Cooperative Medical System(NCMS) patients ’ hospitalization costs in a county-level city, and provide references for controlling hospitalization cost. Methods: Collect the cost details of NCMS patients in May from 2012 to 2013, and analyze the structure changes of hospitalization costs though the analysis method of structure variation degree. Results: Specialized hospital has the largest structure change of hospitalization cost, followed by first-level hospitals. Different cost items at hospital of different levels have a different direction of structure changes. Drug and