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三年级下册英语练习-Unit 12 Review|北师大版(三起)(含答案)

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UNIT 12同步练习


1.fruit________________ 2.young______________ 3.chicken________________ 4.animal______________ 5.短的___________________ 6.喜欢______________ 7.女孩___________________ 8.蔬菜________________ 二、写出下列单词的反义词。

1.sour ___________ 2.old___________ 3.thirsty ___________ 4.big ___________ 5.short___________ 6. cold___________ 三、正确抄写单词。

like comic fresh hungry French ______________________________________________________ 四、选择题。

1. I _______ from China. Where ________ you from?( ) A. am, is B. am, are

2. ________ is he from? He is from ___________.( ) A. What, Canada B. Where, Canada 3. Welcome __________ China. ( ) A. to B. for 4. Where is she? She is __________.( )

A. the USA B. in the office 5. Where __________ they from?

They __________ from Australia. ( ) A. are, are B. is, is

6. Are you from France? Yes, _________. ( ) A. I am B. I am not 7. _________ he from Japan? No, he isn’t. ( ) A. Is B. Are 8. __________ is that? It’s an orange.( ) A. Where B. What


1.The bag is _____________ the desk. 2.The pencil – box is _______________ the bag 3.The pen is _____________ the pencil – box. 4.The dog is ____________ the chair. 5.A: What’s this, pl ________ se? B: It’s a b _______ k..


一、1.水果 2.年轻的 3.鸡肉 4.动物

5.short 6.like 7.girl 8.vegetables 二、1.sweet 2.young 3.hungry 4.small 5.long 6.hot

四、1.B I为第一人称,后面接am,you与are搭配 2.B 来自哪里,故用where提问 3.A welcome to 固定搭配

4.B 问句为问她在哪里,而非来自哪里,且A选项缺少介词 5.A they与are搭配

6.A are you提问,回答应为I am 7 .A 由答句可知,问句由is引导 8.B 由答句可知,问句是问那是什么 五、1.on 2.in

3.in 4.on 5.ea;oo

三年级下册英语练习-Unit 12 Review|北师大版(三起)(含答案)


