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北师大版七年级英语下册Unit 2 On the Weekend检测题(附答案)

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Unit 2 On the Weekend检测题

(时间:60分钟 ,满分:100分)


Ⅰ.听句子,选出恰当的答语,句子读一遍。(每小题1分,满分5分) 1.A.He lives in London. B.He is a Japanese. C.He’s from Canada. 2.A.She’s a doctor. B.She’s dancing. C.She wants to be a teacher. 3.A.She likes singing. B.She’s cooking. C.She’s tall. 4.A.Yes,it is. B.It’s across from the bank. C.Yes,there is.

5.A.It was pretty good. B.I visited my grandparents. C.I played soccer.

Ⅱ.听对话,根据对话内容和问题选择正确的答案,对话读两遍。(每小题1分,满分5分) 6.A.Very much. B.Yes,she does. C.No,she doesn’t. 7.A.Sunny. B.Snowy. C.Rainy.

8.A.Yes,she did. B.No,she can’t. C.We don’t know.

9.A.Inside the hallways. B.Outside the hallways. C.Neither(两者都不).

10.A.Either(任何一个) is OK. B.Small. C.Large.


Bill’s Information Full name Age Want to learn Want to join Phone number Email address 11 12 13 14 15 bill@yahoo.com.cn 二、单项填空(每小题1.5分,满分15分)

16. There _______ some interesting news in yesterday’s newspaper. A. is B. are C. was D. were 17. Sorry, Mr. Wu. I _______ my homework yesterday. A. forget doing B. forget to do C. forgot doing D. forgot to do 18. Last night his sister ________ lots of homework to do. A. has B. had C. have D. is having 19. I can see two _______ and three _______ in the picture. A. cows; sheeps B. cows; sheep C. cow; sheep D. cow; sheeps


20. Many ________ come to _________ the Great Wall every year. A. visits; visit B. visitors; visits C. visitors; visit D. visits; visits 21. The girl was ________ scared that she cried. A. very B. too C. so D. much 22. We don’t know ________ next. A. how to do B. what to do C. what to do it D. where to do 23. We watch the students ________ soccer every afternoon. A. to play B. play C. played D. plays 24. —_________? —Very boring. A. When did you go there B. What did you do yesterday C. How was your weekend D. Where did you go this morning 25. _______a hot morning, he went to the pool with his uncle. A. On B. In C. At D. Of


Last night, I met my friends Victor and Annie. We 26 about their last weekend. For Victor, the 27 wasn’t bad. On Saturday, he 28 history. On Sunday, he saw a(n) 29 talk show. “It was great!” he said. But Annie’s weekend wasn’t very good. She was really 30 because she had a busy weekend. She went 31 on Saturday morning and read a book 32 music on Saturday afternoon. She 33 her grandmother on Saturday evening. On Sunday, she 34 a new song for the school music festival. It was a little 35 , so she asked her mother to help her. 26. A. talked B. told C. said D. spoke 27. A. weekend B. weekday C. night D. morning 28. A. thought B. looked C. bought D. studied 29. A. boring B. interesting C. open D. dangerous 30. A. happy B. relaxed C. busy D. tired 31. A. store B. shopping C. school D. work 32. A. about B. to C. in D. for 33. A. had B. went C. visited D. watched 34. A. sang B. did C. played D. wrote


35. A. difficult C. cheap B. easy D. fantastic

四、阅读理解(每小题2分,满分20 分)


Henry’s family had a picnic over the weekend. They asked their friends,Nancy and her husband,to go with them. On Sunday morning,Henry’s wife,Kate,got up early to prepare (准备) sandwiches for the picnic. She asked Henry to get the picnic basket ready. She also told him that he should put paper plates in it. At 10 o’clock in the morning Nancy called and told Henry that she would like to bring something to the picnic. Kate called her back and asked her to bring a bottle of wine (酒). Nancy and her husband arrived at noon. The two families went to a nearby park. There were tables and chairs under the trees beside the river. The weather was cloudy but it didn’t rain. Everybody enjoyed the picnic and it was a very pleasant (令人愉快的) Sunday afternoon.

36. How many people are there in the story in all? A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six. 37. Who brought a bottle of wine to the picnic? A. Kate. B. Henry. C. Nancy. D. Nancy’s husband. 38. When did the two families have the picnic? A. On a Sunday afternoon. B. Every Sunday morning. C. At 10 o’clock in the morning. D. On a cloudy evening. 39. Which of the following do you think they didn’t take to the picnic? A. Wine and drinks. B. Sandwiches. C. Tables and chairs. D. Paper plates. 40. Where did they put all their food when they went to the picnic? A. In the fridge. B. In the paper plates. C. On the table beside the river. D. In the picnic basket.


Last weekend grandpa called me.He asked me to spend the weekend with him. He lives in a village (村庄).It’s small but it’s very cool there in summer. It’s very hot in our city. So I often feel bored here.I was very happy and thanked him. I said,“I’m going to visit you when this weekend begins.”

Last Friday,my parents took me to the supermarket and we bought some delicious food.They told me to take it to grandpa.The next morning daddy took me to the train station (火车站).It was the first time for me to have a trip by myself. But I felt relaxed. I’m fourteen and I learned a lot in geography class. The train left at six thirty.I looked out of the windows in the train.I found the scenery (风景)was beautiful. I wasn’t tired at all.

At four in the afternoon my train arrived at a station. I saw my grandpa standing outside. I got off the train and ran to him. He was happy when he saw me. I looked at him up and down. He was old but strong.

His village is about three kilometers from the station.We walked there.I looked around.The mountains are high and green.I thought I could have a good time here.


41. , so the boy’s grandpa asked him to go there. A.He hoped to live with his grandson B.It was cool in the village in summer C.He had a lot of delicious food at home D.He had nothing to do 42.The boy feels bored in the city during his summer because . A.he can play with nobody B.he has a lot of exercises to do C.it’s very hot there D.his parents are very strict with him 43.The boy spent on the trip by train. A.seven hours and thirty minutes B.nine hours and thirty minutes C.eight hours and thirty minutes D.ten hours and thirty minutes 44.The boy went to see his grandpa . A.with some delicious food B.with some books C.with a guitar D.with his parents 45.Which of the following is true?

A.The old man’s village is near the station.

B.The old man and his grandson went to the village in a car. C.The mountains are high and there is nothing on them. D.The old man was very happy when he saw his grandson.


46.You must c_________ your room every day.

47.She d___________ the books on the shelf when she is free. 48.The f___________ in the room is very old. 49.Can you f_________ the chickens for me? 50.E_________ has good days.



___________ __________!A train is coming. 52.她每天要花大约一个小时做头发。

It takes her about an hour __________ _________ ________ ________ every day. 53.我们坐下来,休息一会吧!

Let’s sit down and rest _________ ________ ________. 54.你能告诉我去银行的路吗?

Can you tell me _________ _________ ________ the bank. 55.他跳下床,跑出门去。

He _________ ________ ________ bed and ran ________ ________ the door.


56.She had much fun on vacation.(改为否定句) She much fun on vacation. 57.What are you doing?(完成回答)

________________________________________________________________________ 58.Are you running?(完成回答)


59.Who is he talking to?(完成回答)



60.Today the weather is cool.(对画线部分提问) the weather today?




_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________

Unit 2 On the Weekend检测题参考答案


Ⅰ.听句子,选出恰当的答语,句子读一遍。 1.Where is your pen pal from? 2.What’s the girl doing?

3.What does your new teacher look like? 4.Is there a park in the neighbourhood? 5.How was your school trip?

Ⅱ.听对话,根据对话内容和问题选择正确的答案,对话读两遍。 6.M:How do you like the TV play last night? W:It was boring.

Q:Does the woman like the TV play? 7.M:It rains heavily.

W:Yes,we had a good sun yesterday. Q:What was the weather like yesterday? 8.M:What did you do last Sunday?

W:We had fun playing volleyball all day long. Q:Did the girl have a good time last Sunday?

9.M:Excuse me. Can we listen to music in the hallways? W:No,you can’t,but you can do it outside. Q:Where can we listen to music?

10.M:Which one could I take,the large one or the small one? W:You can take either of them. Q:Which one could the boy take? Ⅲ.听短文,完成表格。

Hello! My name is Bill, and White is my last name. This year I’m twelve years old. I can draw a little. I want to learn painting. So I want to join the art club. My phone number is 4323068.I have an email. It’s bill@yahoo.com.cn.Thank you.


1~5 CBCCA 6~10 CAABA 11. Bill White 12.12/twelve 13.painting 14.the art club 15.4323068 16.C 昨天的新闻发生在过去,排除A、B两项;news是不可数名词,故选C项。

17.D 根据时间状语yesterday可知,句子的时态用一般过去时,排除A、B两项;“忘记

北师大版七年级英语下册Unit 2 On the Weekend检测题(附答案)


